Is there a way to edit a discussion after it is posted?

@kalav56 (11464)
November 6, 2007 9:15am CST
Today I posted a discussion about the Blogging Marvel Granny of Spain and I made a spelling mistake. I hate to see such a mistake in my discussion. Is there a way to correct our typing errors?
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11 responses
• Singapore
6 Nov 07
Yea, unfortunately the technology at myLot is still staying at a rather backward level. :P You can only try to PREVENT the mistake from occurring. But hey, don't let a typo error spoil your day. Most of us make plenty of mistakes (lol) and we are not that terribly bothered about it. As long as your message is still understandable, that should suffice. =)
1 person likes this
• China
6 Nov 07
well,i haven't find out that there is any way to make it.
@milott (2646)
• India
6 Nov 07
No way, there is absolutely no way you can correct your discussion once and after you have posted. But you can use the option of previewing your message every time and proof read it and then post it, this way you can rectify all your errors like spelling mistakes, grammer can be corrected.
• India
7 Nov 07
no , not possible. so better whenever u have started any discussion u read at least at once .
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
6 Nov 07
I also think there is no way of editing the discussions after it is posted. One way to avoid typing errors is proof reading it. I also used to make lots of typing errors initially when posted discussions. Then I tried to read the content I typed to avoid the typing mistakes. There is also no spelling checkers like in Word to show the typing errors or mispelling. Well, after few discussions you will stop making typing errors.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Nov 07
Thank you very much for your kind response. As you say, practice makes perfect. With the passsage of time and more participation and practice, typing errors should reduce. I make it a point to revise what I have written , but sometimes there tends to be an oversight.
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@Lifeless (2635)
• India
10 Nov 07
No, there's no way u can edit a discussion after u have posted it.. Its not included in the mylot rules.. However u can start out a new discussion with the corrections.. But here, the members generally respond only if they completely get the meaning of the post.. So, if there are slight errors, then the respondents can guess what the meaning it was and reply to them...
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
no, i dont think you can edit a discussion that have you been posted, better read your discussion to be posted before submitting it, have a nice day to you.
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
no, i dont think you can edit a discussion that have you been posted, better read your discussion to be posted before submitting it, have a nice day to you.
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
7 Nov 07
I have had this thinking before. But unfortunately, myLot doesn't have such feature. I hope that they'll consider it. At least, members should be able to edit a discussion after it is posted but no more than 5 minutes after that.
@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
I also made several typo errors, mispelled words and wrong grammar in my discussions or responses. We can not do anything about those errors once the discussion has already been submitted. It is either we post another comment stating that we made a typo error and should type the correct words or just let it be. Or as the other responders here suggested... to 'preview' the post so that you can correct whatever mistake you had typed. But I don't usually use the 'preview' coz its time consuming.
@fanji008 (775)
• China
7 Nov 07
Hi,there! You know what? I'd also like to know that. Thank you for posting this out. I sometims make mistakes when I write things here in mylot and once I post the discussion I feel that I need to edit again. But however it seems I can't do that. There's only the preview button. So I think I have to watch while I'm typing in order to keep everything right.