
@megumiart (3771)
United States
December 15, 2007 2:02am CST
Do you get nauseated when you go on a boat or a ride? I never did when I was little, but in recent years I start to feel queezy on things that rock, like boats. Is there a medicine I can take to prevent this?
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14 responses
@makatas (1098)
• Greece
15 Dec 07
I sometimes have motion sickness, but only at sea when weather is very windy.That med mentioned is everywhere i think.It comes in pills or chewing gums, and can work either during or earlier than the trip.Of course if it is taken earlier its much more drastic.Buses and cars dont give me motion sickness, unless i am on bus and have to take a road with too many turns :)
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@liera0 (280)
• Philippines
15 Dec 07
Used to have motion sickness when I was a kid. But during my high school years up to my college years where I have to commute daily I lost it. But lately it came back. Noticed it when I was having a bus trip for 4h and seems like the bus movement made me feel queezy. Out here we have a med for it which I usually take 1h before the trip. The medicine is named bonamine. I don't know if it's available in your country. But it works against motion sickness. It should be taken before the trip it doesn't work when your experiencing motion sickness already and you take it. Well thats based on my experience though. But if I can't take any... I usually try to sleep.
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• United States
17 Dec 07
No I don't have any troulbe with it i love to go boat riding
@cdv102 (132)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I did get sea sick once when I was on a little boat in Hawaii for several hours. It was by far the worst experience with nausea I've ever had. But one of the scuba instructors gave me some ginger candy, which helped. Dramamine should also help if you take it before you get on a boat.
@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
16 Dec 07
When I was young I always get queezy when riding vehicles. Sometimes I still do. To prevent this, I drink a medicine that is good to take when you travel.
• Pakistan
16 Dec 07
well sea-sickness thats common for many people who prefer to travel by sea,even i have travelled thru sea but neva got such felling,i think more smaller da boat more u would feel sea-sick
@ElicBxn (63253)
• United States
15 Dec 07
You have several options. There is medication, we have Dramamine here in the States that is the original medication, and the ingredient is still recommended by doctors. Then there are acupressure cuffs that might help - an artical about the subject.
@cdv102 (132)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I did get sea sick once when I was on a little boat in Hawaii for several hours. It was by far the worst experience with nausea I've ever had. But one of the scuba instructors gave me some ginger candy, which helped. Dramamine should also help if you take it before you get on a boat.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
15 Dec 07
Sadly speaking, I just realized I have bad sea sickness problem. I always thought I do not have such a problem. But my recent ferry ride from Macau to Hong Kong tells me that I have bad sea sickness problem. =( I felt like vomiting when I was on board the ferry. Even though, the ferry ride was only one hour, it seemed like eternity to me. I also suffer from slight motion sickness when I am on board public transport. It gets more serious if I board the bus after a very heavy meal. I guess the key to relieving motion sickness for me is not to eat before the journey. =D
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
Hi there :) Im afraid of wide open water,so you would not catch me in a boat to begin with,haha!I admire them from the sandy beach or a safe part of the land/shore,hehe. Peanutjar:)
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
15 Dec 07
I used to have motion sickness when I was younger. It would always be a pain each time we would go to my mother's birth place or my father's. I remember that I would easily get tires once I vomit stuff I eat. I was able to overcome it (without any medicine), around 3rd grade, when my aunt told me to wear this pretty dangling earrings an hour before I left. She told me that I loked pretty in that earrings, and that I should not vomit while traveling because I would not look good. I kept that in mind, and from then on, I could travel without the hassle of motion sickness. :)
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I haven't been on a boat for over 10 years but when I did I never had any motion or sea sickness. I would like to go on a boat again sometime.
• United States
15 Dec 07
I don't have a problem with motion or sea sickness. But I have a friend who does. Whenever she goes onto a plane or ship/boat/yacht she gets sea sick or motion sickness. What works for her is she tapes an aspirin to her belly button to covers it....then she is cured lol...It works for her so I don't know you can try it and see if it will work for you....
@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
15 Dec 07
Sometimes I do but just if I have to go somewhere and I feel sick already before. There was this time in the bus I felt like I would faint but fortunately nothing happened. I feel sorry for people who vomit in buses and then the whole bus stinks. I have a friend like that and she prefers sleeping while she is in a bus. My grandma is pathological case, when she goes for a longer drive, like 1 hour, when she enters the car she immediately starts talking about how sick she is going to feel in a while and that this and that makes her sick while she drives and how sick she got while she was riding in a bus 30 years ago so like just thinking about all that vomit makes you vomit and of course HELPS her to bring that feeling of sickness to herself so when I am in the car with her I just don't allow her to talk about it.