My baby girl turns 3 tomorrow:-(

Happy Birthday Olivia!!! - Olivia Rose, Happy Birthday
United States
January 19, 2008 7:29am CST
Wow how time has flown! My baby girl, the youngest of 5 and the only girl will be turning 3 tomorrow. Normally I would be pregnant and about to pop before they turn 3. But, no more babies for me. It's kind of depressing. I don't want anymore but it sucks that I can't have any more. I'm blessed with 5 beautiful, healthy children and I'm very thankful for that! I truly am! She's so excited about her birthday coming. I hope it's a great day for her! Have you ever been depressed about your babies getting older? Or am I the only one? It never gets any easier when it comes to raising kids, does it? ~~~~ Happy 3rd Birthday Olivia Rose~~~~
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18 responses
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I know exactly how you feel! My youngest (of 6 boys)is going to be two in four days! He is my last baby and it is so sad to see that he isn't going to be a baby anymore.
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• United States
21 Jan 08
I know. And she's so independent already. I just want her to be a newborn again! lol WOW 6 boys? I had 4 and then finally got my girl. SHe's a handful though ~ worse than all 4 of those boys put together! Whew, she will wear you out!
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
21 Jan 08
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Oliva Rose, Happy Birthday to you!
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• United States
21 Jan 08
Awe thank you Howard! You are so sweet! xoxox
@MGjhaud (23246)
• Philippines
26 Jan 08
I feel you, looking at your babies growing up and thinking of them getting settled and away from you – but that’s way too far from a three years old anyway. Hey, why feel sad..? Think of thanking that you still have them and growing up. I don’t have kids yet but I have nephews and nieces that I used to nanny before when they’re so little and talk baby-talk and I would have lots of fun out of it and now they’re getting bigger. Anyway, make your kid’s birthday an amazing one then. Greetings to your daughter. :)
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@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
20 Jan 08
wow, that's nice's really surprising that the time has already flown and your child is turning into daugther was already turn 3 last Dec 11, and i'm happy that she's healthy and very active and smart kid..i dont being depressed when my baby get older, i will very happy that at last my child will already grown and will lead her way...but she's only 3, too long to be
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• Philippines
20 Jan 08
HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA ROSE...what a lovely name..mwahh
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@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
19 Jan 08
Happy birthday Olivia Rose. Three is a lovely age. I hope that she will have a fantastic birthday and have a lovely year playing with toys, getting on well with other children and having a happy time at home. Having a first baby is the most difficult if you have no experience of looking after a baby. Having a second baby is much easier. I have a son aged 12 and a baby son aged 8 months. I would really like to have a daughter. How old are your other children? I think babies are adorable but older children are great because they can talk.
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• United States
19 Jan 08
Mine are almost 3, 6, 9, 10, and 13. All boys except for my girl. I couldn't wait for her to start talking but now she never shuts up! lol
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
27 Jan 08
Wow 5 kids, good for you. I wish I could have had more babies. I have two kids and they are gronw adults now. It is hard sometimes to think about how fast they grew up. And let me tell you, they do grown up fast. My son is now 32 and my baby girl is now 24. I don't know where the years went. But at the same time, I am glad they are grown adults and we are very close to each other. We have endured a lot together and they have grown to be very responsible adults. Just enjoy your kids as much as you can while they are still young, because they will grow up fast.
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@palina77 (1177)
• United States
20 Jan 08
tell her happy birthday.............................
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
20 Jan 08
Awww. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA ROSE I only have one daughter and she will be 16 in February. she will be driving a car soon. They do grow up fast. I hope Olivia enjoys her Birthday. I am starting to feel like my little girl is about to be a grown woman soon and it is very scary for me to think of her away from home and out in the real world. I will still worry about her.
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
20 Jan 08
happy birthday to your beautiful little girl. they sure do grow up fast. i have 5 children as well. but i am opposite to you as i had 4 girls then a boy. it never bothered me that my kids were getting older, until last month. my eldest baby turned 21 on christmas day. it made me feel old and i got a bit depressed. but i feel better now, and look forward to watching my others growing. best wishes to you, and take care
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
20 Jan 08
Happy Birthday Olivia. 3, wow, I remember those days, lol. my youngest turns 19 today. I was never depressed about them getting older, however, it did go by so fast. Enjoy every minute you can. And, no, it never gets easier, and even now that they are older, they are still my little girls.
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• Philippines
23 Jan 08
Belated Happy Birthday to your daughter!! =) You're not the only one who feels like that because my mom keeps on saying that she wonders why we all grew up so fast and how hard-headed we are now! Lolz! hehe. It'll be quite a challenge now to handle teenagers but I think you should focus more on her childhood since it does really go away that fast. Hehe. Hope she had a blast on her birthday! =)
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@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Wow I'm late, sorry Steph and sorry Olivia. I hope you had a good birthday Olivia. Happy 3! As for the rest of your topic Steph, I really can't say anything about it. Have no kids to watch grow up...(yet?)
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21 Jan 08
Hi, Happy Birthday Olivia Rose, I hope you have a wonderful time. No, it doesn't get any easier when it comes to raising kids! My wonderful son James, my eldest at 21,recently moved from home to live with his beautiful girlfriend, Michele and her 3 lovely kids, Elise 5, and twin boys Sam and Jay 3, while I was so pleased for him that he was so happy, I was upset as well that my baby boy was leaving home! How silly is that! I sometimes look at my beautiful daughter Jenna, she's 18 now, and I wonder where the time has gone. I do sometimes miss those wonderful baby days! But as my mother would say, each age brings its own rewards,so enjoy your beautiful daughters birthday and treasure every moment.
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21 Jan 08
Hi, And happy birthday to your baby girl,I think all mums get a little depressed as their children get older,but remember you have five healthy children who all still love and need their mum just as much as they did when they were younger. All the best to you and your family.
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Happy Birthday Olivia Rose! I hope her terrible twos are are over and she moves on to the tremendous threes. I wish the both of you the best of luck in the coming year. My stepson was 5 when I married his dad. He will be 21 in May. He really never got over the terrible twos, in my opinion. They continue to this day.
• New Zealand
19 Jan 08
Happy birthday to Olivia ..i hope you have a good time celebrating your daughters birthday...she will be really excited that its her birthday and she is getting all the gifts love and attention..she will feel like princess ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Kids grow up so fast. My oldest will turn 12 this years and my youngest will be 5. She will start kindergarten in the fall I still can't beleive it! Sometimes I get in that I want a baby mode but my husband dosen't want anymore kids.
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• Philippines
19 Jan 08
Happy birthday to your baby girl! I have a son who also just turned 3 last year. Sometimes, I smile and think that time flies so fast. I wish he could be a cute baby forever. LOL But I cannot also wait to see him go to school and experience all the wonderful things in life. I wish Olivia grow to be a wonderful lady. God bless her. :)
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