Do you use same password on every sites you joined?

United States
January 26, 2008 4:01pm CST
Some of us here, or maybe most of us here, have joined into many sites. All those sites required password to log-in, especially those sites that paid. We all know password is a means of protecting our data so it cannot be easily open by other people. But sometimes it is hard to remember password especially that they are sensitive. Why question is do you use the same password for all the sites you joined? Me, I have a few which have the same passwords, while others those I consider very personal I put different password on it. Do password are not shown, it can be cracked by others. At least, if password is cracked in this site, they can still not open the other site because you use different password. How about you guys?
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13 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
26 Jan 08
I use a different password for each site so I can be a little safer online and the site owners won't have my password for other sites I am joined with. they could login and change my details and take my cash if they knew my other passwords,
• United States
27 Jan 08
I see, so you did you list all your password, I don't think I can manage to memorize it all especially when you have join more than 10 sites. I bet you have it listed.
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• United States
27 Jan 08
So you have different password on different sites. How do you manage it, do you memorize all your password or have it listed? It is not easy memorize password especially if you have joined more than 10 sites.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Yes. I save all of my sites in my favorites and I save all my passwords there also so I know what they are and don't forget each of them. I also have all of my sites wrote down on paper and I write down my login details and my passwords for each of them too. I have most of them memorized now. I am joined with alot of sites. I have printed out my information also for each site.
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• United States
28 Jan 08
Yes except for my e-mail accounts and one game that I play a lot on. I don't have much to lose and its just a lot easier to remember. I use Roboform to encrypt all my passwords and have it to one master password, but even then I still use the same passwords.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
27 Jan 08
First I don't unnecessarily log on to many sites.If I do it is always with a different password to different sites.
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@leeesa (884)
• United States
27 Jan 08
For my important sites, such as online banking, I always use unique passwords that don't even really make sense. In other words, no real words or number combinations like birthdays. For example, w5hI8bQ*2. That's not real, by the way. For other sites that aren't going to compromise my confidential information, I will will use different variations of the same password, but they are not identical.
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
27 Jan 08
i would like to have the same password for every site, but because of so many different security requirements it gets hard... like one site might require 8 characters, 1 capital, 1 number, 1 letter...another might only care that its not the same as your user name... it makes it very confuzing to say the least!
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• United States
27 Jan 08
I'm glad you brought up the subject. Most of the time I was able to use the same password on all my sites. It's much more convenient. Even though I have the roboform program to fill in passwords, some sites have different parameters, so I've had to develop new passwords -- a certain number of characters, has to include numbers, etc. The bank requires me to change my password periodically.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
27 Jan 08
As passwords go... I have a 'non-secure' password for places that there is no threat if someone steals the password. There is a 'secure' password that is at least 8 digits consisting of letters and numbers There is a 'very secure' password that is at least 8 digits consisting of upper and lower-case numbers and then... There is the 'ultra secure' password that is at least 8 digits and has upper-case lower-case numbers symbols and non ASCII characters in it. Such passwords would go like non-secure: mylotpass secure: MyL0tPass (zero in there) ultra-secure: MyL0t¼P@ss (no these are not my passwords) I have multiple passwords but they are all laid out the same so I don't have hundreds of passwords to remember (or worse, write down).
• India
27 Jan 08
no it is not. I used different-different password for my account but on some of my accounts i use same password it depends on account type. for my mail id i use almost same password but on other kind of accounts i use different passwords...
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@musicman6 (2407)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I try to use the same password on every site, so I won't have trouble remembering them, but some sites have different requirements and I have to use a different password! But that's alright because I have all my passwords written in a 'special place', and I have the list hidden in a 'hidden place', in case I forget any of the different ones!
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@reanne (83)
27 Jan 08
same here!!! i have other sites which got the same password and others which are totally different.. the only thing i did this, is because i 4get things very easily so i have to stick with 1 or 2 password to keep those sites updated... heheheh
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@Thomakis (45)
27 Jan 08
I have a pretty unreliable memory, so I need to use the same password for each site. I risk mixing them up and not remembering the correct one otherwise, and then I have to go through the whole "Did you forget your password?" Thing which I find quite tedious!
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• Jordan
27 Jan 08
I do use the same password for a couple of sites because i keep on forgeting my passwords, but for the important stuff i use a very different one
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@lala766 (239)
• United States
26 Jan 08
I use different passwords and I keep them handy in a notebook as well as on an excel spread sheet. I learned a while ago to keep variety of passwords.
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