overlocker?? help

March 22, 2008 11:13pm CST
what type of overlocker is best? I need an overlocker and dont know what are reliable brands or not. If you have one that your just loving Id be happy hear about it, my last one was a singer and believe me I had no love affair with it, Id like one that is up to heavy sewing but will also sew very fine fabrics.
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2 responses
• United States
29 Mar 08
my mom had a "babylock". it was a pain in the butt to thread,but once you got that over with,it was a reliable machine that did good edging.seemed pretty sturdy,she did double layer canvas with it.
31 Mar 08
its seems to be janome that is: mylock, baby lock, ezy lock ect have quiet a good reputation as far as overlockers. I've made up my mind thats what Im geting.
• United States
27 Nov 11
i am an advid sewer but i do not even know what an over locker is to me it sounds like a sewing maching...so is it just another word for a sewing machine? or is it like a little cabnet that you can store sewing stuff in? maybe one that you can hang over head somewhere because it also sounds like that to me but anyways to find out which is best i think that is your personal opinion not everyone likes the same thing but i am sure that you would be able to look up some reviews on it on the computer or go into a craft store and ask a professionals opinion