WOW Philippines!

@ciades (1623)
April 5, 2008 12:44am CST
hey fellow mylotters! have you been in the philippines before or never in your life? Well, just take a look this link below and you will know how WOW philippines is!.. Take a look for get some information and to see the different beautiful spot.. keep and happy mylotting!
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6 responses
• Philippines
12 Apr 08
i'm living in the philippines.. thanks for pormoting our country. is that your blog? we can share links, i have mine at PM me if you like. but you can always say 'no' of course... hehhe..
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@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
No, its not my just sharing of what i search in internet and its a way also to promote our country..Well, thanks for sharing you blog site dimark..and i appreciated you by dropping by.
• United States
16 Apr 08
well philippines has lots of good places specially areas that are not urbanized lots of beaches
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
6 Apr 08
I would really love to go to the Philippines one day, I think it is a beautiful place.
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
Nice to see people appreciating our country. Hope to see you all here in the Philippines.
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@Armortec (154)
• Philippines
5 Apr 08
I know how the Philippines is great because i`m a Filipino all the places are clean. The Philippines is beautiful part of Asia and the whole world. I love Philippines.
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@jarred (177)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
i love the philippines specially boracay, chocolate hills and manila street. i mean the exclusive ones :) makati alabang dasamarines :) love to party there. embassy superclub.
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