What A Night We Have Had

@icyorchid (2564)
United States
April 21, 2008 1:02am CST
Our late night started by finding we didn't have any water, found our neighbors turned off the water because of a leak. They did fix it, so water is back on. That was around 11:30 pm Central time. About a half hour later (midnight) after getting that fixed someone came BANGING on our door. Made me JUMP off the sofa and hubby jump off the chair. We thought someone was trying to break down our door. Hubby opened the door to see what was going on and it was a woman beaten up and was afraid for her life. She tried to get in our door, but hubby said no and told her we would call 911 and I did. When we went to tell her the police were on the way, she was GONE! She said it was the people in the back trailer. While waiting for the police to arrive, I was talking (not knowingly) to the person who witnessed or may have had part in it. 2 people left their trailer and told her that "he wants you inside." Now these are NEW PEOPLE just moved in 2 days ago. They now know our names and where we live. Now the police have found the woman she is badly beaten, and may have broken ribs. I told the police that the people were still back in the trailer, no one left, but they aren't answering their door. The police told us the the woman has scapes and bruises on her and she had been drug around for a bit. I am so nervous that we got involved, the people in the back KNOW we called the police. I am not sorry we called for help, I would do it again, but I don't want trouble now. First thing in the morning I want to tell my landlady what happened and let her know she needs to screen people before letting them just move into this trailer park. I am scared for my life now. Hubby doesn't want me to tell the landlady, I just don't know what to do now. He is afraid of more problems if I say something. The police officer I spoke with gave me the person's name that lives there if we see him out to call and report that he is outside. He also told me that if we have any problems to call them and he said we could tell the landlady what happened tonight if we wanted to. Now he also told me he wasn't going to lie, when they catch the guy, he will be dealt with accordingly. Now I don't think that means arrested and in jail. I want to move so badly right now. I want a pad lock on my door when I leave now. I need to get one tomorrow. Now if you were us, what would have done? Would you be afraid? Would you want to move ASAP? Help us figure out what to do........please? ~Scared Icy~
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4 responses
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Icy, you have reason to be scared.. Most likely, this cowardly person will only beat on his wife/girlfriend but you really never know and it is better to be safe than sorry.. I would make sure my doors were securely locked at all times, even in daylight when I was at home.. I hope that you soon find a solution to your problems.. You did do the right thing by calling the police, many a woman has been killed and no one offered to help.. Good Luck, Donna
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
21 Apr 08
Oh poor, poor Icy. What a horrible situation to get yourselves into. I really do feel for you and understand why you can't wait to leave. Being from UK I have never lived in a trailer park and so don't know what it is like but I have seen films etc., and my BF lived in a trailer when he was in the US. I would have helped that woman too and I think I would have been just as scared as you in case the guys come back and tell you that you shouldn't have done that. But heh if you didn't and something happened to her, could you live with yourself. I couldn't! I hope the police do get them for domestic violence but that all depends if the woman stands up to the guy etc., etc., And yes, your landlady should have vetted them first. Hopefully she can get rid of them if they do misbehave like this and say to them that they are not the sort of people she wants there - the police would back up here I'm sure! I am praying that you can move really, really soon. Can you put a padlock on your door? If so, I'd do it straight away. Good luck honey and let us know how it goes.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
21 Apr 08
I would have done the same thing and no I wouldn’t be afraid. We my ex was stationed at Ft Bragg, we had a neighbor whose husband beat the crap out of her and he was in a unit that worked closely with my husband and his friends. We called the cops on him and had him thrown in jail. I didn’t feel bad for doing it, I wasn’t scared, and I felt good to save that girls life (she was maybe 17 w/ a 2 yr old). I did call our rental company and make them aware of the situation.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
21 Apr 08
Icy..I can't imagine what you both went through, but i think you did a great thing by helping that woman..I don't think the person that hurt her will come after you two..the landlady will be told and if there is anymore trouble she will be watching and they will get kicked out. Bur still try to look for another place and make sure you ask each place if they screen for any violence to be safe from now on. Doesn't hurt to ask!
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
21 Apr 08
Morning Rose, I will be asking a realto those questions. lol I have had it with renting. Landlady knows and wants to tell them to move. We told her no because they will know we said something. She is 76 years old and doesn't want to have trouble around here. We hardly slept, so we are both tired. Hubby is home from work, so we will know what is going on here together. ~Icy~
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