Your Quest For Online Earnings

How successful are you with your online earnings s - 
To discuss on online earnings and the methods that users are on currently. And whether it is successful for them or not.
@zed_k4 (17589)
May 12, 2008 11:20am CST
Dearest All Here is a question. There are lots of methods for online money-making and I, for one, have been pretty successful with some of them. I make money from my blog, by writing reviews, uploading articles for writing sites that pays for clicking of ads and definitely with mylot. And the combined earnings do make me smile every month, I must say. Let's hear you out. How successful have you been so far and which methods do you choose for your online money-making. Let's try our best to discuss this and stick to the rules yeah everyone. No referral urls here. Only PMs allowed if you so much need to ask or promote your contents. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it so much. Hugs, zEd;)
27 people like this
61 responses
• United States
12 May 08
I make money here and you can see my profile page for the other places I make money. I have been working from home for well over a year now and I love it. My favorite way to earn money from home is by writing but I do have a few survey sites that I have been on for well over a year and am doing well with. I enjoy the freedom from working from home and setting my own hours as well as being available for my family. With summer coming I will probably concentrate more on our gardens and then come back and write about that. It is helping us to get out of debt and that is a wonderful feeling. Thanks for starting such a great discussion and I like your special note about not using referral links. Nothing worse than someone disobeying the rules and us having to pay for it!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 May 08
Hello my friend. I am very happy that you have found a niche in making an income online and great that you are loving it. That is what the experience is all about and that's more happy news that your hard work truly pays off and you could contribute some earnings for your family. Yes, I totally agree that it is best to leave referral links. I say work harder, my friend and may success be with you. Your profile's very cool, I have checked it.
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@Emiese (994)
• Sweden
12 May 08
I ask here also (asked at your response to my discussion) what is PM?
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 May 08
PM means Private Messaging, my friend.
2 people like this
• Philippines
12 May 08
do you still go to work? or your earnings from online stuffs enough for your monthly expenses? I wish I could do the same as you. you see i worked 8 hours a day or sometimes more than that but i earned too little to pay for all my expenses and debts. whats rude above all is having such a lame boss as mine. i've searched for many sites that offers online money making stuff but i was afraid to try one, because i thought they might be just scams or faked. but if you said so then maybe they are for real! wish i could find my luck too!
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 May 08
Hello angel_kaycee, I feel bad about your work situation. But no, my friend, I am not a full-time online money earner. Not yet though, LOL. In fact, I am working as an Engineer and have been for a few years already. And I started to find the niche in online income as I was in my shift hours, bored and not knowing what to do besides the paperwork and looking through the site, then back to the office. LOL. You get the idea, right..? It really is bored and could be depressing. So, I look for ways to entertain myself and I found mylot and some other nice sites. And the rest is history. Earnings wise? A nice surprise for me, most definitely. There are legit sites, but you have to do your homework and research for it. There are as many legit sites as the scam ones. Be careful, the difference is pretty thin. As for your work situation, don't give up yeah. I'm sure you will find a better job, or you might find ways to get along with your 'lame boss'. I know how it feels, trust me, for I still have a boss for now, and he's a nag, ha!!
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@StereoDiva (2143)
• Canada
12 May 08
Hey zEd. Last month I managed to make over $500 by using a few sites. I'm VERY pleased with this and now can work full time online as it's a stable income that will come in each month. I use a GPT site, the Free Online Cash System and a couple other smaller sites. It sounds like you are doing very well for yourself as well. Congrats!!!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 May 08
Hello StereoDiva, I think that is so cool and congratulations on your success there. I've heard about Free Online Cash System too and how's it going so far for you..? I'm sure you enjoy it pretty much. Thanks a lot and hope that we will continue to have success here and in other sites.
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
12 May 08
i considered mylot is the best among all my website that i work everyday. although i earn also from the other site but lesser compared to my earnings here. this month would be the start of my paypal account to receive amount higher thaN $20. I am very thankful i earn from my extra time.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 May 08
Agree. I totally agree with you. I'm glad that you are able to reach payout and a higher one at that.
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
12 May 08
The only place i make money is right here. I'm not really here for that purpose (its just a benifit) i just enjoy visiting.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 May 08
That's great, bro. I was on my way for another discussion about the benefits of mylot and how it can be seen as a fountain of wealth of earnings and knowledge. Thanks for your input.
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@MissGia (955)
• United States
12 May 08
glad ya have good success with making money from home. I can never find anything that works for me or isnt a scam.. i have a real life job, i just figure if i can make money while im online (which is alot) it would be a lil bit extra for me every month. if ya have any good suggestions for me, feel free to message me thanks
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 May 08
I have PM you some details. You may get back to me once you are free, thanks. I agree with you that it is a nice bonus package to be getting earnings online. That would be truly awesome and nice.
@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
12 May 08
not as successful as I'd like to be unfortunatley. i am on some paid writing sites,but they take time to deal with.I like posting on my lot because it is easy to do and fun.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 May 08
I totally agree with you, snowy. There is extremely no doubt about the credibility and legit issue in mylot. It is purely a cool and honest site that pays members for their participation.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I have been getting in to recently. I have been doing it for a few weeks, and at first things were slow but I have figured out how to get points there much faster. I have been writing for Epinions since 1999, and make anywhere from $40.00 to $140.00 a month depending on how hard I work. I also write for, Viewpoints, and Associated Content. I do well on those sites when I do more work, these are all sites that pay more the more you put into them.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 Jun 08
I've heard of ..but it's currently open to US members only, am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong yeah. epinions awesome too, though it's best for US members as well, :(..but I love reading the reviews there, truly honest, long ones and definitely awesome.. You sure have gotten some great deals there in terms for your quest for online earnings. Congrats to you, sweetie..
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
13 May 08
Mylot and Boomertowne are the only two sites that I use for money making opportunities.. I have been on Boomertowne just a bit longer than on Mylot but have made so much more on BT than on Mylot.. I spend more time on Mylot than BT but so far, I am getting close to 700 posts on Mylot and have made less than $22.00.. Just a couple of days ago, I turned in my points on BT for a 75.00 gift card and a 50.00 gift card.. I am shooting for 100.00 on Mylot but it is getting too time consuming.. I also will not be a referral for someone else again.. My sister referred me to Mylot and has made about half of what I have made without having to do any work at all.. Good luck to all..
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 May 08
That's awesome; you are disciplined and focused. I like that. I think the key would be to stick to programs that work for you and punch in the efforts. So what is Boomertowne about? You talk about gift cards and all; I'm guessing it is something like cash crate. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 May 08
I have a specific reason for the 100.00 and that is why I have set that amount as my goal.. Boomertowne is easier to win points and although I haven't received my gift cards yet, I just turned them in a few days ago, I do know that BT pays off as I was a referral for my sister and she and her daughter work on BT every day and have received quite a few gift cards.. She is handicapped and can't work in the public, so she has time to check out a few of the sites.. If you have the stamina to keep at it, you can win a big screen tv in a bit less than a years time.. You get points each day for reading articles, reading and rating jokes, recipes, and quips and quotes.. There is a music challenge that you can win points for, and a trivia game once a day which you can win points for.. You can win up to 1500 points a day and I do try and get mine every day. I would not ask to be a referrel for anyone unless I knew that it was a good site and I am sure that BT is a good site.. They also have a photo contest where you can send in your photos and enter a contest in which you can win big points.. I think that it is something that you can enjoy while making money.. Ot Visa cards, which is the same.. Check it out, I think you might enjoy it..
1 person likes this
• United States
13 May 08
I thought I would add that Boomertowne does pay their users. I have been paid once now, and am now waiting for my second gift card. The only thing about Boomertowne is that it is focused on the over 50 set, so there are only a few articles and videos that pertain to everyone. I'm still having trouble getting all 2,500 points per day, but they have great prizes, so it's definitely something to look forward to.
@jashley1 (746)
• United States
22 May 08
Hi Zed, Good to know you are making money online! I recently transitioned to staying home to raise my kids and also started a website. I have found it's a little difficult to generate good traffic to the site as it is new and so many people have blogs & sites out there. What have you found helps in generating traffic to your blog? What writing sites do you use? Thanks so much! I also have the ways I'm making money on my profile & my website.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 Jun 08
Hello jashley, sorry for the later than late reply to you. I'm making money from my blogspot currently and it ain't that bad actually. Basically I have a free multiply blogging site which I promote my contents to friends under my network. I don't really do it like promoting it hardcore, but I just leave my url of my blog, and that's where the traffic comes from, because some would be curious to read my blogs and others' blogs. Maybe you can join social sites like facebook and promote your blog-sites. It might help, trust me. Otherwise, I stick to writing reviews to earn and also here in mylot. But I've been MIA from mylot for quite sometime due to the server down for the most part and we all use the PCs mainly on an off-line mode.
• Philippines
12 May 08
Trying to do online work... Doesn't seem to be easy at all. Can you tell me how you do it?
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 May 08
Hello, my friend. It sure ain't that easy, but if you put your dedication, hard work and mind to it, you will see fruits of your labor. No referral links here. However, you may PM me if you have further questions. Thanks my friend and don't give up. There will always be good, honest ways to get round to what you want.
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@zz1111 (215)
• China
13 May 08
lol...yes,you smile loudly like your are so happy everyday for your online earning.but me,in fact,i am never get any success. i am only doing something like mylot or survey for some sites!so bad that i don`t know how to change !well,well...i like mylot very much ,because i could make many friends and talk freely at least!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 May 08
Hello there, cute lady. I like your avatar and it's very lovely. . Don't despair, there are always hope everywhere. mylot ain't that bad, if you are a die-hard fan like I am, you can look for active referrals. Ask your friends to join under your down-line and once they post actively, you get the earnings too. It's a win-win situation actually, because they might not have known mylot have it not be from your recommendation. I love mylot too, and I could even neglect my site work for a few moments just to get answers loaded. LOL. Have a nice day mylotting and good day to you. ;)
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 May 08
LMAO!!! I apologize for that.........I just check your profile and my mistake there, ha!!
@zz1111 (215)
• China
14 May 08
hei,guy!thank you so much for your words.but please look carefully,i am a young mam only not a lady.that is ,i use a cute girl`s avatar! how fun you are,nice day!
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• India
12 May 08
Hi Friend.. I am new to this site.. and like to get more tips from you...Please assist.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 May 08
No problem, my friend. Just PM me for details and I'll get back to you on that.
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
21 May 08
Hi everyone ! First I must confess that I don't have earned anything worth mentioning. Sometimes I get very disheartened about my prospects of online income. However, good news of online earning like yours keep me running and I always get inspiration from people like yours for further trying to earn online income. As far as good programs is concerned, I'm still trying to find one.
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
23 Aug 08
Not so good yet. I've earned about $15 only in last few months and haven't reached payout yet at Mylot. Thanks for the comment.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
23 Aug 08
I'm so sorry to be replying so late, my friend. So how's your online income quest coming by .. ? And how's your participation in mylot so far.. ?
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
23 Aug 08
That's quite good actually my friend, perhaps you can set your minimum target to $10..? That's what I did. If you are interested to write reviews to earn more, you can PM me yeah. Take care and have a nice day. ;)-
@hanyixin (67)
• China
13 May 08
actually i have no ideal about it.i come to mylot jurst for improving English. thank you very much for your discussions and i have learned a lot of methods for online money-making.i will do my best to learn English well and try to earn more money online.thanks again!
1 person likes this
• China
14 May 08
longliang272 is my friend.i use her name to sign up mylot.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 May 08
You mean you have no idea about it. Sorry to correct you there. I will do my best to help you wherever I can, and I'm sure you have a good determination. I could see it there, my friend. Don't give up on your quest. Start with mylot. And never forget it. mylot is a real 'worth' if you are consistent and keep up at it. I think the main focal point of online earnings is to stick to the 'job' and be good at it. Polished, if that's the right word. I'm sure you'll get there in no time. And at the same time, don't forget to work hard and play hard too here. This site rocks, I'm warning you in advance, ha! Have a nice day and take care yeah. Welcome to mylot, and may this be a good start for you.
• China
14 May 08
thanks!for correcting and for being your friend! hope that we can become good friend !
1 person likes this
• India
13 May 08
Hello friend i am so happy to know that you are earning from different sites and making money online.Well actually i am very much new in this online field although i am always on the lookout of a very good sitebut i have not been ableto find one.My dear friend canyou plese help me out in finding few sites which pay handsomely and which is also legal as well.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
13 May 08
There are lots of legit sites like for instance, you are here in mylot and that is certainly a good choice that you have made. I see that you are based in India. Add me up and PM me. I'll tell you more yeah. However, if you love networking, making friends and answer discussions, you can also earn here in mylot. And the fun, no site can match it up, ha!! Have a nice day. Feel free to ask.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 May 08
That's so cool to know that you are having a very good time here in mylot. I wish you luck here and I'll be looking forward to your discussions here in mylot. Have a nice day to you too. ;)
• India
14 May 08
Hello friend ,thanx for your prompt response.well yes now after writing for nearly a month i have seen the it is the best place where you can learn and earn as well as make many friends.Yes i fully agree that my lot is a very good site. thanx once again and happy lotting. take care..........
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
27 Jul 08
What an interesting discussion! I've enjoyed reading the responses. I love coming to MyLot because it's fun, but for money I have my own online business. I earn enough to stay home, which is great because I'm also a mum. Part of my job is to teach and help those happy customers who want to make some money do the same as I do - I really enjoy it. However, it's only for people who really love my products. It doesn't cost anything, but you do need to be a customer. I know some people don't have any money to buy things, and for that reason, I also have a website full of ideas for making online money for free. I'm delighted if people want to PM me or check my profile for details, but I'm really in MyLot to enjoy interesting discussions rather than promote anything! I hope that people get some great ideas for earning online from your discussion! Thanks for starting it.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
23 Aug 08
What kind of products do you promote..? And what do your customer base consists of mainly, penny. Just curious to know and happy to know that you have found much fun in mylot, and a substantial earnings in other another portal online. I wish you continuing good luck in this arena and others too. Way to go, penny...~
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
23 Aug 08
WOW! That's a really good business plan. I'm certainly inspired to be successful like you, but in my chosen field. Thanks for wishing me well, and I wish continuing success to you.
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
23 Aug 08
I'm into natural, healthy products to make people feel good and have more energy. I'm a mum, and a lot of my customers are also mums ... we ALL need more energy ... lol. I also supply to health food stores and gyms. I do almost all my business on-line, which is great because I can stay home with my daughter who's not at school yet. I think with any business its about finding something you can really recommend, and then going for it! Good luck to everyone here, and especially to you, Zed :)
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@bacababe (15)
• United States
14 May 08
hi zed_k4: please give me some pointers as i am in need of supplemental $$$.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
15 May 08
No problem, my friend. Just PM me and I'll get back to you.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
16 May 08
Alright, add me up first and I'll PM you. I have added you, so you just need to accept my pending friend request.
• United States
16 May 08
Hi: Sorry, I don't know how to PM anybody!
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@boloroo (120)
• Mongolia
14 May 08
Hello. ZED_K4. How to make money on online. I want to earn 200$ a month. Can you teach me. I have enrolled and paid for
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 May 08
Sure, my friend. No problem. You can make that amount as long as you put your heart and mind to it. PM me for details yeah.
@boloroo (120)
• Mongolia
15 May 08
Hello ZED_K4. Tnank you for your responce. I don't know PM. What is the PM
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@boloroo (120)
• Mongolia
15 May 08
hi Oh! private message in short is PM. Thank you for your advise. Have a good day!
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