What is the meaning of your mylot USERNAME ?

June 14, 2008 10:04am CST
My username 'curious888' meaning I am curious to know everything. What about yours ? What is the meaning of your usernsme ?
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15 responses
@as2006 (5040)
• Israel
14 Jun 08
Mine username is "as2006" the meaning is our name, mine and my wife.My name is Alex = "a". My wife's name is Shoshana (Rose)= "s".
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
14 Jun 08
My user name is not very cleverly chosen. It is simply my country UK plus my middle name. I use it on many of my writing projects and it makes it easier to find in search engines.
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
14 Jun 08
it a combination of my name and my first loves name...i am over him...but i just got use to it, that it became like a name i always use...
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
16 Jun 08
your welcome!
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
• India
16 Jun 08
My username is "Sincere4frdship" As you can understand ... I am sincere for friendship ... Thanks !!!
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
• United States
15 Jun 08
Beautyqueen! I think it's self explanatory. I should say Beauty queen reformed. I'm not a prima donna anymore. But I was a real princess for years before becoming a mommy. Since then I've given up my lipstick, but I refuse to go without my gloss!
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
Hello curious888, When I just started here, I was thinking hard what kind of user name I need to use here. I want it not too long and easy to remember. That time, I was busy looking for easy money making online *smiles* . I had many user names that I used online that I need a small book to jot down all the user names. (Aha, I am a bit clever (?) as I used only one password for all the user names!) At the end, I decided to use greatlife as my user name but to make it look nicer to my eyes, I changed the spelling to be gr8life. It is just to show how great my life is and how happy I am with my life.
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
• Indonesia
15 Jun 08
In Indonesian language, it has explained it well. LOL. I love to “bongkar pasang” things (unplug and plug, disassemble and reassemble). I am not really that technical but that’s how I learned how things work. LOL. And that’s how I learned programming back then, by reading people’s source codes, and then reworking on their codes to find out how the syntaxes worked.
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
@dfollin (25081)
• United States
14 Jun 08
When I was signing up for myLot,I put my name by accident.I did not realize it was the username.I wish I could change it.
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
thanks for sharing. As far as I know, we can't change our username.Unless we cancel the a/c and open a new one.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I have used this user name or screen name every since I got the internet. I just use the same name so it is easier to remember when I log into or join new sites. My user name menas steph as in stephannie and the last three letter are the rest of my names' intitals. It is middle, maiden and married last name initials.
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
• Philippines
14 Jun 08
La Dolce Vita... Well, my username is dolce_vita78. Dolce Vita is Italian translation of the phrase Sweet Life. I added 78 because I was born in 1978. I wouldn't have to but when I tried just Dolce Vita, I was told that the username was already taken. Since I really wanted to use Dolce Vita, I just added 78.
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing. Actually I wanted to use curious88, but somebody used it , so I took curious 888.
@sdas86 (6076)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 08
Hi, I don't think there is special meaning about my username in myLot. I strike the keyboard accidentally and randomly and I got sdas then I add the 86 behind because 1986 is the year I was born. So, my username become sdas86.
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
@sophialin (2677)
• China
14 Jun 08
sophia is my english name which means Wisdom,freedom and fair. ln is my family name in chinese.so i combined them together.
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
• India
14 Jun 08
hI CURIOUS888, HOW ARE YOU. my user name is my Email id against which i have registered on mylot. and it also contains short form of my name. Means cmk is for choudhary mahesh kumar.
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Smooth, sweet, delicate, soft and relaxing..
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
thanks. I love your avatar.
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
14 Jun 08
My name comes from a joke between an old internet friend and me. I usually go by Valen online, and his usual username is Infernas. We crossed our usernames, making Valenas, or Infernalen. As Valenas sounds closer to my usernames, I tend to use that if Val and Valen are already taken on a website. ;)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.
@maclanis (2406)
• Belgium
14 Jun 08
It doesn't really have a meaning, I just liked the way it sounded. :D I actually have no idea why I chose it, as it doesn't mean anything.
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
thanks for sharing.