Did he really die on the cross or did he survive and escape?

July 23, 2008 4:57am CST
What do you believe? Do you believe, as the Gospels say, the Jesus died on the cross, rose in three days, and ascended to heaven? I have read so many conflicting views of the crucifixion and death of Christ. I recently read Osho's take on the matter. It is a popular theory, according to which, Jesus was crucified on the afternoon of Friday, just before to Jewish Sabbath, as per the conspiracy between a rich well wisher and Pontius Pilate. On Saturday, the Jews don't do any work, it being their Sabbath. Jesus was brought down from the cross in six hours. Six hours is not enough for a victim of crucifixion to die. He needs at least two to six days to die. Christ, being a young, strong male did not die; he just lost consciousness. He was laid to rest in a tomb and then his friends helped him to escape to Kashmir, India, where he lived to a ripe old age of 110. The Gnostics have a slightly different version. They say he escaped with his wife, Mary Magdalene to France and proceeded to preach and have children. Have you read any other version? What do you personally believe and why? Cheers and happy mylotting
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7 responses
@MaasK1 (133)
• France
23 Jul 08
I believe in facts and not what people say here and there, as I cannot proove any of that I keep quiet about my opinion.
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• Singapore
23 Jul 08
Smart =) Religion is a very sticky issue for some, and if we are not pro about it, it's better to just keep quiet about it. (Respect for others).
• India
23 Jul 08
Thanks a lot for the prompt response, MaasK1. :) But, you have not mentioned your opinion/idea/belief. I would have loved reading your version of it. :) Cheers and happy mylotting
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• India
26 Aug 08
Wow! Did not know about Kashmir, though I came across something similar (I don’t remember now where exactly…must be getting old). In it the author argues that a prolonged period of Jesus’s life is unexplained…roughly from his adolescent years to his youth and revelation as a leader of men. The author says in between (10 to 12 years) he roamed the Himalayas and learnt meditation and yoga from the saints there and also yogic exercises where the soul can leave and enter the body at will. (Yes this is possible…the exercise I mean, not about Jesus)…so when he returned to Jerusalem, he was very well trained in yogic practices and on the cross, he just went into a trance and let go of his soul. His soul re-entered the body later at an opportune moment and that is thought of as resurrection. (All very mind-boggling, we really don’t know how much power and mystery these ancient people had in them)
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• India
26 Aug 08
Thanks for the nice, sensible response. I was getting a bit sick of the stereotype responses here. This one is a nice change. :) I read this Kashmir theory in one of Osho's books. He claims that there are two graves in Kashmir that are typically Jewish. And he claims he has seen them. In fact, many people have commented on these two strange graves. :) Cheers and happy mylotting
@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Jul 08
I think he survived, came back in this day and is living in NYC under an asumed name
• India
24 Jul 08
Thanks for your response, and I hope the assumed name is not celticeagle? Cheers!
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@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I'm not there during that time we only follow what people said. It is our own belief to agree regarding that matter.Its your own decisions, But nothing to loss if you try to believe.
• India
24 Jul 08
Thanks for your response, reckon!
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@brunogar (32)
• United States
24 Jul 08
i am catholic because that is how my partents raised me but havent been to church in a while, actually only gone maybe 10times my whole life
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• India
24 Jul 08
LOL, that's interesting! I was born Catholic too, and once upon a time, I even used to attend daily mass! At that time, I never thought I would question Christianity so much. Cheers and thanks for the response
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@boerema (60)
24 Jul 08
I like to consider myself very open minded and am glad you posted this even if it might offend some people. Although some of these variations could be possible, how will we ever know. Jesus is a big target for a lot of people who want to disprove religion. Just as the moon landing, 9/11, the holocaust and many other big events in history are targets of conspiracists to ponder and argue over. Sometimes people get desperate in trying to disprove certain events that they stretch and manipulate the truth to make their claim appear stronger. Being raised as a Christian I believe in what the bible claims happens. However, I am not condemning the other ideas either because the bible is filled with symbols and stories that could be interpreted in thousands of ways.
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• India
24 Jul 08
Thanks a lot for your response. Yes, Jesus is being targeted, but not negatively. People who try to make a historical, scientific study of the scriptures are not really against religion or religious figures. They simply want to know the truth. Most of them are horrified at the crimes committed in the name of religion, and therefore they question it and study the validity of religion in today's life. :) Cheers and happy mylotting
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@angelia286 (2029)
• Singapore
23 Jul 08
Well, I would have to say you have to be really careful about such discussions, especially where religion is concerned. I had never heard of the two stories that were told by you. Lol. Personally, I am a free thinker and interesting as this type of conspiracy issues are (think da vinci code), I would rather tread carefully rather than offend anybody. Hmm, but if you were to ask me, I think the two conspiracies issues is quite viable, the more I think about it. Anyway, will update in a day or two, when I research more about it. (Sorry I am rambling on and going offtopic, but I like this type of conspiracy discussions )
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• India
23 Jul 08
Hi angelia, thanks so much for the response! Yes, I agree I can get into trouble for this. But these controversies aren't new. The Internet is full of them; loads of books are written on the subject. :) I don't mean any offense to any faith. But, I am really interested in God and religion, and this little discussion is simply an attempt on my part to know what various people think. Cheers!
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