What was it?

United States
July 26, 2008 1:30pm CST
About 18 months ago, I got a call from the best female friend I've ever had (my husband's my male BFF), and she said she wouldn't be flying upstate with me after all. Nobody's ever spoken to me so coldly. I asked her what was wrong, and she said I knew, and that she was speaking for our other dear, close friend, too. I was shocked, because I truly don't know what I might have done. I waited a couple of days to allow some cooling-off time. I called, but got the answering machines at both women's homes. I left messages telling them I missed them, and, since I had no idea what the problem was, would they at least let me know that. I've never heard from either of them again. Before this, we were so close for about 15-20 years that many people thought we were sisters. What do you do when you've lost friends you really cared about, and you don't know why? I sort of thought one or both would call, eventually, but it hasn't happened. One friend called to find out if I was OK, because she'd run into those friends and when she asked how I was doing, they said they didn't know who she was talking about. I'm so hurt!!! Any suggestions?
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12 responses
• United States
26 Jul 08
Ouch cobra honey, I'm so sorry your going through this pain. The worst part is not knowing why. Ending a friendship with closure is one thing but no closure just hurts. I lost my best friend in high school that way, we were as close as sisters for years and suddenly one day she wouldn't talk to me. Then actively cruel to me almost to the point of picking a fight. She started hanging around with a girl who I knew for a fact didn't like me. They would whisper to each other glancing over at me then laugh. I had no clue what could possibly have happened to cause such cruelty. About 6 years later I ran into her at the mall and we started talking. I was still very hurt after all those years but I thought it would be immature to hold a grudge for that long. She actually brought the subject up of what had happened back in high school. She apologized and cried explaining that the girl she had been hanging around with, while being so cruel to me, had started a horrible rumor about my friend and then blamed me for it! My friend only found out about it after graduation when the truth finally came out. She felt so terrible for not trusting in me that she couldn't muster the courage to face me. So it was 6 yrs and a accidental meeting before I got my closure. By that time it was much too late for any reconciliation. Too much hurt for too long. I honestly hope that you get an answer very soon. My only suggestion would be to call them one last time, even if you only get the answering machine and tell them something like, "I would be happy to apologize for anything I did wrong but I have to know first what you think I did. Please don't ruin a good friendship because of a rumor, a misunderstanding or an out and out lie someone told you. At least have the courtesy to allow me to defend myself." If something like that doesn't at least get you an answer of some sort then I'm afraid you may not get your closure... or like my situation, not for a very long time. If they were ever good friends then they should at least hear you out. I wish you the best of luck with this situation hon, I'll be sending good thoughts your way.
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• United States
27 Jul 08
I don't think age or education makes that much difference really. Think about it, how hurt are you right now? Would you be hurt any more or any less if you were all 30 yrs younger? 40 years younger? We women are very emotional creatures. That doesn't go away with age or a PhD, obviously, or this wouldn't be happening to you. Nobody can hurt you worse than the people you love. And frankly women get downright viciously cruel when they perceive a wrong done to them. Women are more likely to kill a cheating spouse then the other way around. They use their own children to get back at an ex. Ask any prison guard in a woman's prison, most of the women in prison for murder are their because they killed someone they loved who "did them wrong". Ask any middle aged male divorcee how cruel a woman can be! . My Mother, who is 69 yrs old and extremely intelligent, came over to my house a few months ago. She, for some reason, is compulsively nosey in other people's houses, especially mine. I caught her going through my mail and I yelled at her to put it down. She could have apologized and put it down and that would have been the end of it. But, I hurt her feelings. She started screaming at me like a child, stamping her feet and slamming her hands on the counter, threatening to never enter my house again for the rest of her life ... she was throwing a full blown, red-faced, livid temper tantrum that would have impressed any 5 yr old spoiled brat! We may think a little more clearly with age and education but we feel just as deeply as we did when we were young.
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• United States
26 Jul 08
This would almost be understandable in high school, but we're three rather old women (I'm 61 and the youngest), and we're all very well educated, all of us have Ph.D.s You just wouldn't expect such childish behavior from a psychologist and a woman who owns a company that owns a whole bunch of companies. Thanks for the good thoughts.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Cobra, I don't understand people who claim to be such good friends and yet for no known reason they do something like that. I know you miss them but they sound like cowards to me. Otherwise why wouldn't they at least tell you why? Do you live close by? If so, then go over and confront them. If they don't live close by then email or send a letter. Tell them nothing can be resolved unless they are willing to talk to you. Tell them that their actions are cowardly. It may make them angry enough to at least confront you and get it out in the open. Good luck sweetie. I hope everything works out. leenie
• United States
26 Jul 08
Thanks, Leenie. I did all that more than a year ago. No calls were returned, and e-mails werren't answered. I guess this will remain one of life's great mysteries. ={
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Sorry Cobra, I know how painful that can be. Your true friends would not have done that. leenie
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@jalucia (1431)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Well, what you do is move on. I heard some lyrics to a song recently that said something like "people come and go, that's life, but it's alright". There's nothing that you can do to make them be your friends, again. And, if you could why would you want to force them. They have obviously made up their minds. The thing that I don't get is that you gave them the perfect opportunity to air their grievances by calling them and they, like children, won't respond. I would at least talk you up on your invitation to talk about it, which I think is very big of you, even if I still decided not to befriend you. I know that you would like to just know what you did. Maybe you could ask a friend that you guys have in common, such as the one you ran into the other day. But, other than that you just have to go on with the other important things in your life. You'll think about them from time to time, but it will become less and less painful as the days go by. You'll find other interests to fill the void.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Thanks for the response, jalucia. I rarely think about any of this, but when something reminds me, losing such close friends and not knowing why eats little holes in my soul. Fortunately, my husband is great and we have a wonderul relationship. I have a lot of friends (just not ever that close) in the community and at work. My myLot friends are a joy, too! I hope I won't be reminded of all this drama again!
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Well, good for you. I lost a close relationship before, also. And, I know that the understanding of your hubby must really help.
26 Jul 08
Hello cobrateacher, All I can come with is someone been badmouthing about you to them and they believe them what ever it was supposed to be. I don't think it was fair to just ignore you like that without an explanation, they are not worth it so just get on with your life and stop worrying, they may just come round. Tamarafireheart.
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• United States
26 Jul 08
You're absolutely right. I can't imagine why this became an issue today, when I seldom think of it. Thanks for the response.
• United States
27 Jul 08
I had a really good friend for several years - about 20 years. For some dumb reason she quit talking to me. I asked our other friend what the deal was, and the response was, "You know the answer." And that was it. I was clueless. In this time of break up, I heard that she was getting married. That really hurt. Our other friend told me that she was going to be her maid of honor in her wedding. I was able to hold it together, but as soon as I got in my car to head home that evening, I had to pull over and cried my head off. What did I do that was so wrong?!?!?!? Up to this point it had been over a year sense we last spoke. I was really hurt. One day I received a phone call from our other friend. She told me that I need to call Jess. The one who quit talking to me. She wanted to talk to me. I'm thinking that she can't call me, she has to send someone else to do the job? Well, I puffed up and I called her. She wanted to know if I would like to come to her wedding. I had mixed emotions. Like in manic mode. I told her I'd love to. I went to her batchelorette party, she came to my daughters 2nd birthday party that same day. I got the invite to her wedding and I went to her wedding. It still really hurt watching her wedding from the back of the church. I still to this day don't know the problem was. Then about 4 years after this. I had gotten married, etc. She quit talking to me again. Once again I was clueless. During this time, I had a baby, and I had wished that she was there to meet her, etc. I wanted to share the joys with her. Finally after about a year, she called me. She told me she was sorry. I asked her what the deal was, and I wasn't going to accept her friendship back until she told me. She told me that she didn't like my husband. She was scared what I'd do if she told me that. I told her all the time how much I didn't like her husband. I reminded her of this. Ok fine, Well here we are about 2 years later, and we aren't speaking again. I don't know why. I don't really care. I can't trust her, and I never will. If we do become friends again, it'll be a very shallow friendship. I'm sorry I got windy on you. What I would suggest, is too let her come to you and have her explain the situation. But, if you can, try really hard to move on, and things will work out. It may take several years for the wounds to heal, but humans do heal. I'm sorry about your loss of your friend. I've been down that very road. If your friend does it once, she'll do it again. Thank you.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Thanks for the response. Surely, If we ever do get together again, it won't be anything moe than a shallow acquaintance. People are quite different, of course, so maybe something that means nothing at all to me meant a whole lot to Kathy and Rita. I don't know, and I probably never will!
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• United States
27 Jul 08
I feel your pain and hurt. I really do. I don't understand some people, because my friends mean the world to me. But I like to tell people to let the small stuff go. Not too bother with it. Life runs way too fast to stop for small stuff. You have to think big, and be big. I'm still sorry for your pain!!! Also, if they are too immature or spineless to reach out to you and let you in on the problem and work things out, then... I hope you have a good week.
@boxieblue (336)
• India
26 Jul 08
don;t you hate it when women do that? my GF broke up with me a dozen times, and every time i asked why, she said" you already know"....and the truth is, i never knew. after 15 years of friendship, it is really immature to just break the friendship this way. the least they could have done was have a nice little chat with you. the best u can do now is leave messages on their answering machines, send them a few e-mails and SMS....then you will just have to wait.......i am sure things will get sorted out
• United States
26 Jul 08
Survival requires us to move on when we're kicked in the teeth! It's been a year and a-half! I just wish I knew what happened. Thanks for the response.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jul 08
hi cobra teacher wow this is really a toughie. Sounds like they have really broken up your friendship; and Ithink its really rather cowardly of both of them not to tell you what the h it is all about.I am thinking that they aren't very good friends to treat you like this.Evidenly someone has told them something thats soured the relationship and they chose to belive that. I can just imagine how hurt you must feel and I think they are fine weather friends to do this to you. this is a kids thing, the cold shoulder, most adults dont do this to each other.I think you are going to have to move on, and hopefully find some new best friends who will stick to you in any kind of weather. best of luck to you. cobra
• United States
27 Jul 08
Thank you so much! You're right, of course. It's way past time to move on!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I would give them one more call and if I got the anwering machine I would just say that it's OK if they don't want to talk to you, but if they could please just write you a letter to tell you what you did wrong so you can at least have a chance to defend yourself or tell them if they call you they can leave a message on the machine and you promise that you will not pick it up. If they choose to igore you and do not respond then I am afraid that it is time to move on. They don't sound like very good friends anyways, who needs friends that would treat someone like that?
• United States
27 Jul 08
Thanks for the response. I've tried that, to no avail. Maybe you're right about one more time, though ...
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Bless your heart. My best friend in high school got mad at me for some unknown reason just before our graduation. The summer before - 1969 - we spent days camped out on her floor watching the moon landing. We triple dated - with her step-sister and my boyfriend's two best friends. We went to youth group together on Sunday nights. Then suddenly she was mad about something and never would say why. I found her over 25 years later and asked her what made her so angry in our senior year...and she couldn't remember. We realized that we had wasted all those years and couldn't get them back. If I were you, I'd probably send your friends their favorite flowers with a card, asking forgiveness for whatever they think you've done. Hopefully, they'll come around and let you know what you've done...or supposedly have done.
• United States
27 Jul 08
You're probably right, but I just can't continue this way. If I've tried this hard to figure out what went wrong, for this long, I need to just move on. A year ago, I would have taken your advice, but now it's just been too long. Mutual friends have asked them, and they always say they don't know of anything wrong.
27 Jul 08
My thinking on that is that its maybe a little beter to have people you know rather than have close friends,im not saying that you shouldnt have good friends,but there is always a possibility that in getting too close that there will be hurt at some point.Life is life,and sadly people are only humans,and we just cant all get on well all of the time.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Thanks for the comment, ella. I haven't been really close with anyone since all this happened, except for my husband, and I think it's for the best. I have a lot of lovely friends on myLot as well as in my neighborhood and at work. Enough!
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Hi , I am sorry you went through that , and if she was once your friend, and a true one she should of talked to you . I have lost a few friends over the years , and even one who claimed to be one . She always used to come in and out of my life , and the last time she just stopped coming , ya know , and no reason .
• United States
27 Jul 08
I suppose it's beyond the time when it should have stopped worrying me, but it continues. Since my friends are gone, and I still have others and new ones come along,well, I need to make myself move on! Thanks for the response.
@lixiaos77 (1030)
• Shijiazhuang, China
27 Jul 08
Intimate friend may take it certain that you should care more about him. But there will be something happen around that distract you attention. When he find that you are not as considerate as he expect, gap will be widden. Perhaps she cherish your friendship too much and she should have believed you and omited tiny understandings.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Lixiaos, I appreciate the response. I think I'm stuck in teenage aingst, and it's been many, many years since I was a teenager. I need to force myself to move on, entirely!