Is anyone on Drop12, does the ptc work for you?

@Emiese (994)
August 10, 2008 9:52am CST
I joined Drop12 a while back. It was looking good and had several ads. Now it has completely changed its layout, and it looks like they want to offer a larger variety of services. One of the menus is still ptc:s, but I just cannot get anything to come up. When I click it just goes to an empty, white page. Are you a user of Drop12, do you get the ptc section to work at the new layout? What do you think of the site?
1 response
@GardenGerty (159036)
• United States
24 Aug 08
I started to do drop12.I had done two offers, and had been credited for them. The next day they had given me $1 to sign up, but then they took the money away for the offers that I had completed. So I am not going back there.