What time is right time to post discussions so that they're well commented on?

@Jenaisle (14079)
September 8, 2008 12:51am CST
I see good discussions which receive a very minimal amount of responses. I wonder why few responded when discussing it would be a source of knowledge and debate. I am thinking, that perhaps the time was not the "right time" when it was posted? What , do you think, is the right time to post questions? Making the US time zone as the reference time? Thanks for your answers?
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6 responses
@Anne18 (11029)
8 Sep 08
There is no right time to post, as we are open here 24/7 365 days a year. Lots of good discussions do slip through the net sometimes so it is always wise to go and have a look through the no responses section, I always find good things to answer in that section
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• India
10 Sep 08
There's nothing like a specific time for posting discussions.If you think many would be online during night,then its day on the other part of world. People would respond to your discussions any time if they find it interesting. Just post quality content and the responses keep flowing in anytime.
@MissGia (955)
• United States
8 Sep 08
i don't think it has to do with time of day. I think it has to do with the title name (which will draw peoples interest) so make sure you be specific with your titles. Also, make friends and reply to their discussions, they may return the same courtesy to you.
• Canada
8 Sep 08
I don't believe there is any time of the day that would be better then any other just because there are so many people on here from all over the world so there would always be someone on to see the discussions that are put up . I think it would depend more on who you have on your friend list and how many actually respond to the discussions you start . The topic that is started would help as well , if those on your friend list are intersted in the same topics that you discuss . Maybe I am wrong but haven't found any time better to start a topic . I have tried at all different hours and haven't noticed a difference but maybe that is just me :)
@Holv03 (534)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I really don't think there is a right time to post a discussion so that people comment them well. I think the thing is that the discussions that have receive minimal amount of responses are the ones that people usually post to discuss about so people usually post on one of them instead of posting in all of the discussion that have to due with the same thing. I think the right time to post questions is anytime because everyone here could look at discussions from days ago and still reply to them it all depends on what kind of subject you discuss about and how interesting is your post. If people have already posted about the subject you are going to discuss then there is no point in posting the samething because people are not going to bother answering the same question so the best thing to do is to contribute to the post that has the same subject and give your 2 cents on it.
• China
8 Sep 08
Maybe is night ^ at that time has many peple on line^