I''m just pissed

@Akeela (2078)
Trinidad And Tobago
September 15, 2008 11:22am CST
There is a new manager who doesnt know anything but what hurts, he get pay to do nothing while i work my butt off for peanuts
2 people like this
2 responses
@lrglara (1334)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
oh! sweetie... im sorry to hear that. unfortunately, that's life! its not what you know, its who you know. try to think about it this way, they will eventually see what a big klutz he is! don't worry, what goes around, comes around! keep smiling! :)
@Akeela (2078)
• Trinidad And Tobago
17 Sep 08
thanks alot dear, i know but it have so many other people he ( boss) could of choose.
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Sep 08
This is life in the business world. This how things work. And the manager will be found out if he is not doing the work he needs to do. We all have our place in life. Managers from your stanpoint may not do much but they do have paper work and other responsibilities. And, if he is not doing these things the big guys will find out and he will be gone.