A heavy subject for anyone who has lost a child, either by death or other...

My son Keith - This is my first born, Keith, who died March 27, 2004. We miss him very much.
@nanajanet (4436)
United States
October 16, 2008 11:50am CST
This is a heavy subject but I figured it would be healing for me and maybe others. On March 28, 2004, we were woken, suddenly, in the middle of the night, to find out that our son, who would have been 24 in 24 days, was killed, a few hours earlier, in a car crash involving a drunk driver. Never in my life did I think that I could survive such a loss. It changes your life forever, for good and for bad. The good is that it taught me to not take anything for granted, to love my family, to take care of myself, to live life well, to help others more. The bad is that everyday I never feel confident that my daughter, granddaughter or any of my other loved ones will be safe. Every time that they are out of my site, I fear the worst. The bad is that all memories of my son are never just happy ones. They start out happy but end up sad because each memory has the thought attached to it that he only had so long to live since that moment happened. When he was ten and in little league my thoughts are, "In 14 years he'd be dead". When he turned 16 and I see those photos, I think to myself, "In less than ten years he was dead."My son always wanted to work for the Post Office. He was smart and took the test. He never heard from them and wanted it so bad. Two weeks after he died, we received two letters from the Post Office with two different job offers. Oh, how that tore our hearts out. His dream would never come true. When my daughter spoke at his memorial service one thing that she said that affected me the most was, "....and when I have kids, there will be no Uncle Keith to play with them."My son loved kids, always wanted kids and I would have loved to seen him be a Dad. I will never dance at his wedding with him, I will never give him another gift, I will never see my granddaughter play with her uncle. When people ask me "how many kids do you have," I hesitate, because I fear they may ask more questions and I do not want to say, "My son died" and get into details or make them feel sorry for me. If I see something on TV about mothers and sons, it can set me off. When I go to buy cards for Mother's Day, Birthdays, Easter, etc. I hate passing the To My Son and From Your Son greeting cards. When I see things that I would have given him as a gift, it breaks my heart. At Christmas time I have a little tree. We call it "Keith's Tree". It has all of the ornaments that we bought for him and the tree topper is a miniature Rangers hockey helmet, his favorite hockey team. We put up his stocking and everyone puts a note in his stocking with a message for him, the only gift we can give him. I never read them, but one day I will. They stay there, year after year. We made a garden in the front of the house. It's "Keith's Garden". My brother had a cross made and a friend of mine gave me a Japanese Maple tree, his favorite, to put in the center. I have attached a photo of my son on his 21st birthday. I thought that he was handsome. He was a nut, could be a real pain in the butt, but he also had a big heart and we all miss him very much. If you have lost a child, even if they are not dead (missing, does not talk to you, etc.), it's all the same. It hurts. Post here, if you like, and maybe it will help you heal, too.
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6 responses
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I'm so sorry for your loss. I am sure he is watching over you. Although I have lost a child, one we were planning to adopt, it's not something that I can really talk about without getting myself upset. I hope you understand. Huggs to you. [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Thank you and I totally understand. It does not matter how they came into your heart and how they were lost, the loss is still a huge hole in your heart. Hugs
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I just try not to think about it and get through each day. I tried typing out the situation but just couldn't do it. [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
@balasri (26537)
• India
2 Nov 08
I am so sorry friend.I am completely at a loss for words and don't know what to write .But I feel very sad and just want to say that I understand how I feel.Blessings from my heart.Handsome boy.He will be alive forever and watching over you.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
3 Nov 08
I love you and your son.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Thank you very much for your very kind words. He will remain forever young in our hearts. It is all that we have but we are blessed with many who love us and love him. One day we will all be together.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Thank you. I will send you lots of hugs for that.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
6 Nov 08
How did I miss this message? I am so glad I found it today. I hope you have received some healing from this post. I must say that you have the healthiest sounding family in the way you are going about healing while also celebrating Keith. I imagine that people in your lives are blessed by you and your families strength. I know I have been personally blessed by your outlook on life on many occasions here at myLot. He was indeed a very handsome young man. And I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about him as a person through this post. Bless you and your family, my dear. You are a very special person, nanajanet.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Thanks so much for your lovely words. I am surrounded by lots of love and I think, because my parents were such positive people, that it rubbed off on me and makes me always look at the glass half full. That helps a lot because I know that life holds no guarantees. One thing I learned is that we truly have little control over the things that happen around us, for the most part, but we do have control over how we react to them. I will always look for the silver lining, it makes life more enjoyable, yes? Lots of hugs to you.
@12345fun (37)
• West Fargo, North Dakota
16 Oct 08
I lost a child also and it was two years on October 11th. He would be one and half right now. I was 10 weeks along with him when I lost him. We have been buying ornaments every christmas for him and we have a wreath with an angel in the middle of it for him. I have never had something so dramatic happen to me. I have lost grandparents and classmates but I would never want to lose my own child ever again. That is something I would never wish on my worst enemy. I still have troubles today with losing my child and I don't ever want my children to have to go through that ever.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I am very sorry for your loss. It does not matter what age, born, unborn, child, teen, adult, they are still a part of our heart and soul. I love the way you honor the memory of your son. I am sure he loves it, too. Hugs.
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• United States
28 Oct 08
Some of you on this page have experienced the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to a parent and it is a fear that all parents carry with them deep inside. My heart, along with my prayers, go out to all of you. I am going through something now but nothing has happened yet and I pray it never will. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, one of the least curable cancers, when my daughter was just 1 year old. It came back again when she was 4. I worry so much that I will leave her when she is too young and when she needs me the most. Will I see her graduate from high school, college, get married? I try not to think about it but have made necessary legal arrangements for her to go to a very special family if need be. I know this is in no way the same as losing a child, but if the worst happens I will lose her as well. She's only 8 years old. Her father has chosen not to be a part of her life. My mother, whom she's never been without, just moved 1000 miles away. There has been so much she's had to deal with in her short life. Anyway, thanks for listening. I will add all of you to my prayers. God Bless You all!! Lean on your loved ones and on the Lord when you need to. All of us here are there for you, too!
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• United States
8 Nov 08
Big Hugs Miss Janet! He was such a good friend and I always felt accepted even when he would tease me for being a short s***, LOL. BTW, glad to see you on here :)
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Thanks. You were always such a good friend, too, and still are. Hugs back... we all miss him.