Have your funds in your Paypal or Alertpay been stolen before?

October 19, 2008 7:04am CST
I have heard of a case where the victim's funds were stolen from his Alertpay. Have you heard of or encountered it yourself? Do you think Paypal or Alertpay would cover your losses?
9 responses
@darksorrow (4666)
• Bangladesh
19 Oct 08
Yes paypal & alertpay has policy if someone took money from your account. If you complain them about it then they will take action against it. But paypal stole my money.lol And when i asked them they said economic trend of my country.lol It was not much. Only $7.lol But they did not gave it to me.lol
• Bangladesh
19 Oct 08
It's not a joke. It's true. They stole my last months payment which i was supposed to recieve from ciao.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
What do they mean by economic trend? What did that have to do with your money?
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
LOL...Are you kidding? Did paypal really steal your money? Tell me it's a joke.
@jaffna (778)
• India
19 Oct 08
me too have been afraid of those kinda funds to be stolen by someone but i have not experience such things so far.anyway am afraid of my security of ma alertpay account
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
I'm worried too. That's why I have a unique password for my payment processors. And I don't keep too much cash in them. I transfer them to my girlfriend every now and then, leaving only a few bucks. Happy mylotting!
@satyakam (1112)
• India
19 Oct 08
No curious i have not heard this thing or thank god i have not faced this situation also,i think paypal or alert pay help u if you can give enough proof.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
I hope Alertpay or Paypal will help us if we ever encounter this problem. I don't think I would have any good proof. Anyway, let's pray this doesn't happen to anyone.
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
I haven't encountered such but I'm afraid if that's really happening...
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
Thanks for your response, princejayevents. I hope not too. Happy mylotting and keep our fingers crossed.
@abhi_bangal (3736)
• Ahmednagar, India
19 Oct 08
I think, both are genuin sites. Both work honestly. Still it hasn't happened to me. I don't mean to say, it will happen to me. But, you know, afterall everything is driven by humans, and it may just be an error gone unnoticed. But if that has happened deliberately, then its really sad. And hope no one is going with such a bad luck. As far as the losses are concerned, they may have there own ruling system, to say if they cover losses or not.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
Thanks abhi_bangal for your response. It was not a mistake. He happened to have a printscreen of his balance before the incident. Good for him. He managed to recovered it somehow. Happy mylotting!
• Indonesia
19 Oct 08
I am premier member account of paypal since 2006. never had this kind of problem. but if you are a seller, theres a limit how to withdrawn your money.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
Thanks for your response dwisasono. I had a premier account too not long ago but after getting charged by Paypal, I requested a downgrade. Now I'm happy with my personal account. Happy mylotting!
@abccba (1914)
• Denmark
19 Oct 08
i have heard the same stories about paypal, but i never had any problemes myself and i have been using paypal with the same account in about 5 years.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I only use PayPal. This is the first time I have had money deposited into my paypal account. I haven't had any problems so far.
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
Hey there! I haven't heard that nor it happened to me. that is something sad. how could that happen? maybe there's an error on the part of paypal or alertpay. yeah, definitely. paypal or alertpay should cover for the losses. As long as there's evidence that there had been no transaction what so ever that made his funds to decrease or stolen.