Is this an eating disorder or exercise addiction?

October 20, 2008 3:08am CST
During a period of time, many of my friends found out that I'm a bit a sense...i stricttly follow my diet menu every day for each meal and i said farewell to all kinds of red meats, i ate only vegi and fruits, yogurt and milk, sometimes a bit seafoods and eggs and that's all! and after each of my petit meal (i have 3-4 petit meals every day), i will do exercise for at least one hour. i become so restless every day just so eager to burn every calorie that i consume! my weight had dropped to 44 kg and i still feel that i'm not slim enough. i feel excited when my friends call me 'skinny'.....Can you please kindly tell me is this an eating disorder or exercise addiction? Anyone who had this kind of experience before?
1 response
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
Erm I haven't seen you so I can't really say.. But it seems like you don't have an eating disorder at all. Your eating habits seem fine to me. it's very healthy in fact and I would like to do the same! :) You need to take care of your health though as long as you don't feel tired then it's fine. 44kg is indeed skinny. I hope it really makes you happy.
1 person likes this
• China
20 Oct 08
Really good to hear that someone call me 'healthy'! I love exercise so much and i feel uneasy and upset if i haven't fulfill my daily exercise plan. someone might feel that i'm too fussy about being 'slim' and 'healthy' and many of my peers would love to 'live for fun' and eat whatever they wanted but i'd rather prefer a healthy diet rather than to satisfy my tongue and mouth. I even tried to prevent my friends from going to fast foods like McD, KFC and so on. sometimes i like to cook vegi meal for my frens and good to see that they enjoy it. but some had challenged my pov and saying that: what's the fun of life without the feast?