Saving cooking gas

November 4, 2008 4:15am CST
Is there any simple tips to save cooking gas.In my house one cylinder is not enough for one month.It last only for 17 or 18 days.If mylot members have any idea to save cooking gas,please share it with me.
5 responses
@smacksman (6053)
4 Nov 08
We use gas on a boat for cooking and can be a thousand miles from a shop! haha As tips above with maybe these additions. Do not turn gas burner full on. A lot of heat is wasted up the side of the pan. Adjust flame so it stops short of the perimeter of the bottom. It will take a little longer to cook but will save a lot of gas. Make sure your burners are clean and adjust the air control to get the right colour flame. Not too yellow and not too blue. Try to get blue outside with a yellow centre. Use nesting saucepans. You can cook four different things on one ring if the pans will stack inside each other.
• India
4 Nov 08
Thanks a lot for your valuable tips.
• India
4 Nov 08
yes there are ways to save cooking gas.When there is nothing on the stove switch off the gas.Cover your cooking vessel with a proper lid.Dont overheat.Depending on the quantity of food select the vessel.For small amount of food if a large vessel is used ,it takes time and a vast amount of energy is lost as heat.Use a standard size burner.Dont use high flame for a smaller vessels.Try avoiding repeated heating of same food.Good luck friend.Hope my small tip will be helpful.
• India
4 Nov 08
Thanks for your reply and valuable tips.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
hi there! hmmm...well you did not elaborate on how you use your cooking gas. but let me try to guess and give you tips on where you can cut down on your gas usage. 1. check for leaks. with this, much of your expenses goes to gas that goes up in the air. 2. if you use hot water for beverages, make sure to boil water only once a day, not everytime anyone wants a hot cup. then store the hot water in a thermos bottle. 3. when using cooking ware, wash them and then wipe them off. do not allow the excess water to dry up using gas. that will save you a precious minute or 2 everytime you have to cook something. so far, that is it...i will repost this if i have something else in mind that i can share. i do have a lot of ideas, but i can't remember them all now. but i hope these helps. take care and God bless you and your family! :-D
1 person likes this
• India
4 Nov 08
Thanks a lot for the valuable tips.Is there any device that can cut the gas consumption.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I would have to say that a microwave works really good. It is electric. You could also try to cook out on the grill too. you may want to switch over to electric of possible also.
• United States
4 Nov 08
Microwaving, grilling and using a toaster oven are a few that come to mind. You can make everything in one meal on the grill. Veggies can be grilled right on top or diced up with herbs and olive oil or butter and wrapped in foil. You can bake potatoes on the grill. They also make pots and cooking baskets for the grill. Kebabs are fun too on the grill. I would be lost without my toaster oven. It's just my daughter and myself so we only need a small one, but larger models are available. Plus they don't heat up your house so much. Microwaves are kind of obvious. If you can grill a meal or two a week, heat everything that you can in the microwave, and use your toaster over for side dishes like mac and cheese, that may save some gas. Just plan your meals accordingly. Oh, I thought of another. What about a slow cooker or crock pot? That would be one more meal a week that would require no gas.