My grandfather do not believe I'm working!

November 10, 2008 9:52am CST
I recently quit my job to look after my daughter to the surprise of all my relatives, including and espcially my parents and grandparents. Apart from doing the household chores and looking after my daughter, I try to make some money online. I was also recently given a freelance writing job. I'm happy with that oppportunity. I get to stay home and still earn some money. My grandfather just realised that my mother-in-law who stays with us started working and hinted that I should be the one out to work. But I told him that I AM working! I don't think he believes me, since I never stepped out of the house to do so. The older generations seem to have a different stereotype when it comes to a job. You have to go out to work! If you are staying at home, it means that you are lazy. I'm quite sad that he felt that way. I respect him a lot. It's kind of difficult to convince relatives that I'm trying to make it online and through other freelance assignments. My mum also has been pushing me to start working soon! I just keep quiet. I'm not ready. I may never be, especially if I could make a living without stepping out of the house. How do you think I should react to comments by relatives to get a real job? Thanks in advance for your suggestions and comments.
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23 responses
@carmela0210 (1591)
• Philippines
12 Nov 08
i think its just normal for them to think that way, especially that they are not used on this kind of work, but maybe youll let them see what you do online so they would realize that you really is working!!and you still earning even if youre at home!!its just a matter of talking to them and made them realize on what you doing!!happy lotttng,
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
Hi Carmela, I will let him know what I do the next time he asks. If he doesn't ask, I'm just going to leave it as it is. No point explaining until your mouth turns dry and they still don't get it. But I will give him a chance to understand what I do.
• Philippines
12 Nov 08
ohhh ok!!thats good, that would be a good idea, dont please them too much, as long as youre not doing any bad and you earn!!happy lotting...
@mansha (6298)
• India
11 Nov 08
Its interesting topic, and one most of us come across nowdays and funniest part is when you tell the elderly and try and explain and after listening to you they will just shake their heads not believin you entirely or may be the gesture of what is this world coming too. I really find that hilarious and best is I cna see myself somewhere in distant future doing the same thing to the kids of my kids. You see my kids already tell me mom you only love old songs and they are refering to just the songs from 90's and thats when I realise my era is robably already over.
@mansha (6298)
• India
20 Nov 08
You know Its amazing when you look around and see people of your age fiddeling around with latestmobiles or i-pods while a three year old may easily operate them. I have lot of friends around my age and older who are scared of using computers and no matter how much I guide them, they go out of practice and then again need help. I feel lucky to be able to keep up with technology as of today but who knows what lies in the future.
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
HI Mansha, I'm hoping that I won't be like that. I know that I have to keep up with technology and to understand the younger generation better, we need to be open-minded. But some of these older people do not understand and have very narrow perspective and do not make it a point to understand. Anyway, I listen to songs from the 90s and 80s too.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
10 Nov 08
The older generations have a hard time understanding the newer work enviornments. My dad could not wrap his mind around job hunting online. He thinks you need to be out there physically pounding the pavement to find a job. He does not understand that a lot of companies will not talk to you until after they see your resume' in their email box. I earn money at home online also. A lot of my family think I am goofing off on the computer. There is no way to convince them they are wrong. They won't understand until they do it for themselves. It is their loss, not mine or yours.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Hi royal, The older generations don't understand how things work nowadays. I do hope that even when I get older I still attempt to try to stay in the loop. I think the internet will help me to understand what's happening. Anyway, some of them are quite set in their own thinking and believe that they are right. Many don't believe that you can get a job without leaving the home. My mom was very sceptical about it when I told her that I will try to make money online. I told her to give me time for this to happen. I said that it's like setting up a business and you don't get profits right away. Initially she seems to understand, but now she's bugging me again, asking me when I'm going to start work.
• Singapore
10 Nov 08
That is the way with the older generation. They are way too fixed in their thinking and their opinions, that it seems like there is no other ways to be doing things except for their way! That's the one thing that is absolutely frustrating about talking to them about anything as their minds are too closed to be accepting anything that is new or foreign to them! But of course, there is always some exceptions once in a while. Thanks for sharing your story with us too! Take care!
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
11 Nov 08
As long as you can pay your bills with the income you have and the work you do is legal, then it's nobody's business, but your own. Having said that, try: I just took the test and it is very interesting and proves what I have been trying to tell my husband. It costs me more to work outside the home than if I stayed home and sold my car. Point out that great authors, maybe even one he watches on television or the movies often work from home. Show him the legal and real, not scam jobs, if that is what you want to do. Personally, if and when I can pay my bills from an online job, I will not be bothered with anyone who thinks I can't. It's their loss if they want to drive 45 minutes and pay the big oil companies to rip us off and make massive profits. Take care.
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
Thanks for your support, writersedge. You have brought a very interesting point about working from home. It's something I must bear in mind. The cost of working outside may be more than what I would get from a fixed income. I will try out the test and tell you the result. But the best part is I get to be with my daughter, which is more important to me now.
@rkrish (3003)
• India
12 Nov 08
Hey thats great you know the problem and root cause of the problem too. here your thing is very easy to handle and you can do it simply. Just bring all the non believers to sit with you and show them for 3 days how you are earning and show the credit and make them happy, if they also could teach them to earn at home.
• Singapore
20 Nov 08
Well, I don't have much to show yet in terms of the money. BUt once I'm comfortable revealing that, I think I will tell them so. And yes, I will even teach them how to do it too. I hope to be able to teach other stay at home mothers how to earn money from the internet or from home, once I succeed in doing it myself.
@iamfine (740)
• China
11 Nov 08
I think it depends on whether you really want a real job or need a real job. They may worry that your income is not enough to afford the family, so they urge you to get are full time job. But if you can earn enough money staying at home, I think there's no need for you to go outside to get a job, if you don't want to. Why not explain to them what you are doing on-line, and show them how much you earn every day? But if I were you, i prefer going out to get a full time job, to keep connection with other people, striving for my life, earn enough money and finally I want to be a boss. Wish you good luck.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Hello fine! I believe my priority is towards my daughter at this moment. I don't want to get a real job now. But I know that if I fail making money online, I will eventually have to turn to a real job, but that has to be five years down the road when my daughter is going to primary school. Then I will start a half-day job, so that I can be with her when she comes home from school. When she's a lot older, I would consider a full-time one, if my online earnings again do not meet my expectations. I'm also considering other options, such as flexible working hours as a financial adviser. So it's not that I'm not thinking about my family's finances. My hubby's working. There are many single-income household surviving out there. So I believe that I can make it. I just need time to prove to them that it's possible.
@iamfine (740)
• China
11 Nov 08
Obviously that you are a great mother. I can see that you are a mother who would sacrifice a lot for your beloved child. If I were you, I still prefer to go to work, and earn more so that I can give my child the best things. have you ever watch a TV shows named "desparate housewives"? mothers would prefer to stay at home keeping an eye on their children instead of going our for work.
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
You must convince them that you are able to work from home and earn online. You might show them some examples of your writing thta has earned you money. I do not say That I am a writer or earns money to anyone other than my husband or to my mother. Even my husband did not think that earning money was possible until 2 years back when I first earned money. So if your grandfather isn't believeing you, do not worry. I feel you must tell your grandfather that you are a writer and earning money online is much more difficult and requires more determination. To others, you can tell them that you are working from home and earning enough.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Hi nishdan, at this moment, I have to admit that my earnings is insufficient to live on, but I'm trying to make it work. I have some savings and I working on cutting expenses to make ends meet. My freelance writing will help me too. I dream of writing a book to earn residual income, but I guess that will take awhile and keepign that in mind. I work very hard to earn money here and people are sinister about it. I think we are a new breed - soon enough there will be more wanting to be like us. How are you earning online?
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Nov 08
it is entirely up to you... if you think that you can earn money from home and you are happy with it, go ahead and do it... you don't have to care so much about what other people is talking about you... it is your life... and if you think that you can earn enough from home, then you don't have to go out... you can take care of your daughter while earning as well... that means, you are killing two birds with one stone... take care and have a nice day...
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
Hi Lingli, I don't think that I can earn more than what I earned previously. I'm working towards it slowly and steadily. I believe it is possible. But yes, I'm happy being home for my daughter. I won't let others bring me down, just because they have a different perspective of life.
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
I know what you feel as I'm too had been in that same situation as you are right now. People especially old one's have the notion that worked should be done outside the house and not inside the house. They are accustomed to works in office or in a more working environment. It's been my big problem before as I worked as a freelance to a company. I didn't told them that but one day they inquire why I'm always locked in my room and when I say I'm working they didn't believe me. The company I was working for is in my country only miles away and my mom is kind of skeptical when I told her that I'm working as a freelance and I only need a computer and a decent internet connection to worked. They only believed me when I received my first payout. I hope everything works out just fine with you and that your family just let you do what you want to do.
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
HI kat2, Just curious... What freelance job are you doing right now? Anyway, being a freelance writer has its problems. There will be times when you have an assignment, and they will be other times when you don't. I have to constantly look out for opportunities to write. I do hope that the company I'm working for will continue to engage me for other projects after this one. It's my first freelance work and I'm doing my best foot forward to impress them. Hope everything works out well.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
It is funny but all you have to do is go on working. Later on he will surely notice that you are indeed working. No need to prove anything, just do what you think is good and will earn you money.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Hi iza, I have to continue to pursue my dreams of working from home. I think it is important for me to be with my daughter when she's still very young. I shall ignore these people who tell me what to do. I know what I have to do, and if worse comes to worst, I will look for a real job, but not now. I'm not ready to go out to work. I just need time to prove that I can really do this - make money online.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I wouldn't pay any mind to what your family thinks. Families have a great way of trying to tell you what you should do when the only person who really knows what you should do is you. I stopped working when me and my husband moved up north and my son was about 2 years old. We really can't afford for me to work right now because I would just be working to pay someone else to watch my kid. All of the money I earned would be paying for day care. What's the point, right? My family wishes I was working, but I have explained numerous times that it's just not practical for me to be working right now. Honestly, it's a great thing to be able to stay home and raise your kids. Your kid gets the benefit of getting to be with a parent instead of being raised by day care workers (and how many of those can you really trust?). Do yourself a favor and don't listen to what your family has to say. It's easy to feel obligated to listen to them and give in to the guilt they're dishing out, but you owe it to yourself to do what's best for you and your immediate family (husband, child). I can't blame you at all for wanting to work at home. More and more people are opting to do just that, especially when gas is expensive and commuting to work takes time and money. If it keeps coming up and you feel like you need to say something, tell them how much money you earned last month or last week (whatever sounds better). I don't think you owe them more explanation than that.
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
Hi phoenix, Since I don't like to listen to what others tell me to do, I normally remain quiet about all this and let them talk as much as they want. They are not getting through to me. Anyway, I love to be home. If the need arises and I have to go back to work, I will do it. It's not like I'm so irresponsible or something. But at this moment, I just want to enjoy watching my daughter grow and learn. They grow up so fast. Thank you for your suggestions.
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
11 Nov 08
It is good that you get an online job. You could stay home, tak care of your daughter and the house, you have your own time and you enjoy what you do. Older generation cant understand the power of the internet. If this happens to me I will let them come to my house one day and let them watch me while I work online. And let them see my earnings (if you're comfortable with it) so they'll believe me.. Anyway, there should really be no need for anyone to explain that actually. but for them to stop urging you to find a job then that would be the best thing to do i guess!
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
Hi Katrhina, Thank you for your suggestion. I don't think it is necessary for me to do that though. Although I did show my mum what I do, but she still bugs me at times. My grandfather does not understand anything about the computer and the internet. We live in different eras from them. I will just keep quiet and do what I need to do. If I do need to go out to work, I will do it eventually. Although I believe that it may be sooner than expected, but I'm going to enjoy the time I have now, doing things I love, at times I want to work. I just love the flexibility.
@langba (65)
• China
11 Nov 08
oh ,that is interesting .my friends can't believe me to .they say i having a dream now .Ii's a interesting thing .is someday i get money from here i will buy something eat to them .
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Yup! I guess many people do not believe that there are legitimate sites that actually pay people real money. I guess you just need to show them what you got and that will get their attention! Thank you for your response!
@Mikyoo12 (187)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Well Just keep telling them. Try to explain exactly what it is that you do, how you are making money from it. Im pretty sure its getting you by. They should see that and be convinced off of that. Its not like your begging them for money to cover any of your bills. Just try to explain tat you do work for a compnay but that this compnay offers the advantage of working from home. And your doing a great deed by staying at home so you can be with your daughter and raise her. that is excellent. I look up to you for that. I would probably be frustrated after a while if they still didn't believe me. But just keep being persistent as your grandfather is. You will prevail.
• Singapore
12 Nov 08
Hi Mikyoo, I did not get a chance the other day to explain everything to him. I had to leave my daughter in the care of an aunt and rush off to a meeting. But I know that if I were to explain everythign more clearly he would understand. He just need to open up his mind.
@patgalca (18199)
• Orangeville, Ontario
10 Nov 08
That is interesting. I was forced to stay home after my second daughter was born because I developed fibromyalgia (chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic everything). We have been struggling financially for 12 years because of it. My mother has been my number one supporter of me staying home with my kids. She has said many times that they need me here and this is where I belong. I feel that developing the illness blessed me with the opportunity to stay home and raise my children. Even though they are both in school all day long now, they still benefit from having Mom there when they get home from school. I feel guilty for not being able to contribute financially (though a recent advance inheritance has given us a bit of relief, we are still struggling). Developing the illness also made me see that in staying home I could follow my dream of becoming a published author. So if I can just do that, I will be able to contribute to the running of this family and household. I don't wish getting fibromyalgia on anyone. Learning how to cope is essential. Once I did that I found myself working on that dream of mine. But it's taking too long. I have to stop procrastinating and get back to it (though my health is suffering right now because of the fluctuations in the weather and possibly my hormones; I'm 46). Honestly, I am surprised at the attitude of the older generation in your family. When they were young the women never worked after they had children. (Well, having children IS work!) Of course they sacrificed a lot, which is hard to do in today's society where everyone has to have the best of everything. My kids think their friends who have everything are spoiled (as much as they would love those things themselves ). I do not believe staying at home and raising your children is just a matter of preference. I strongly believe it is a major contributor as to the kind of people those children grow up to be. Good luck with your freelance work.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
11 Nov 08
i have the same problem i don,t know why they think when you tell them you are working they don,t take it seriously it makes me mad iam working as hard as i can to make extra money on line i asked them to respect this is my job and i go to work every day on line to make a dollar sometime they still bother me but they are not on my back so bad as they use too than goodness it,s all going to work out let them know you have a job online and you are making your money on line things have changed if you have a computer you can make some money on line.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Hi Annjilena, You and I work very hard on the net. I'm like doing two jobs - housework and freelance work/online money making. Sometimes I get a little mad too when people tell me to go out and work. It's very frustrating. Anyway, I'm still going to keep at it, no matter what others tell me.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Nov 08
Hi SydneyHazelton. First of all looking after your daughter is a very important job in itself. Our culture doesn't always give a parent that privilege. I guess many people have not yet accepted the fact that people can make money online and that's the reason for the reaction. If you enjoy what you are now doing and can manage financially, just keep quiet and let others accept it. Blessings.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
I'm trying to survive on a single income, my hubby's. At this moment, it's still okay. So, I'm keeping quiet about all this. I do get sinister looks from relatives, asking me how much I earn online. I admit, it may not be much, but I'm building everything on my own and it's much harder than working outside. BUt I have faith and will continue to strive much harder to make it all work out. If it doesn't I will get a real job five years down the road. I'm jsut not about to leave my daughter until she grows a little older. Thank you for your response Pose!
@paid2write (5201)
10 Nov 08
I know you work hard and it must be frustrating to have older relatives telling you to get a job. Explain that you have a job, and inform them that people who work from home need to work harder, and must be more determined. if they are to succeed. It is much more difficult earning this way than it is to go and work for someone else, but it is far more rewarding too. Tell them it takes talent and skill to earn money from writing. that you have the necessary skill and want to make the most of your talent. Tell them that many thousands of people around the world are reading your articles, and you are performing a great service by writing informative articles. Don't keep quiet. Be proud of being a writer, and say you will prove you are right when you are earning more money, but it takes time to get established and you have to start by earning small amounts.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Hi paid2write, We all work very hard with our writing, whether online or offline. Trying to make a living out of this is not an easy task. Sometimes I want to tell them what I do but at other times I just want to keep my mouth shut about everything and let them think that I'm sitting at home doing nothing. As for my grandfather, I don't think he can ever understand. Well, one of my cousin who lives with him is studying about the potentials of the internet. I think he will start his own online business when he graduates or make money online. I wonder how my grandfather will react to that. One of his favourite grandchild will stay home to work. LOL! The older generations are really out of the loop. My grandfather does not even know how to use the computer.
@angelia286 (2029)
• Singapore
10 Nov 08
Give it some time for the older generation to understand that earning money and working does not necessarily means stepping out of the house. If even the generation are skeptical about the work online, what more could we speak of about the older generations? They were born into a generation whereby the mentality of hard work = money, the harder you work, the more money you will earn. They were born into an era where hardships exists, unlike you and me. That is something that we must understand of them. We want to seek their approval and understanding, similarly we must be big hearted enough to give them the understanding that they need too. I would just have to say leave it. Let them say whatever they want to. Afterall, their mouths is theirs and they are free to say whatever they want. As long as you yourself know that you are working and earning enough to support your family, that is enough. Why should we care about what others are saying about us. What is important is how you think of yourself and whether or not you know that you are doing right. If you are, ignore them. There will always be those who are afraid to step out of what they always known and try out new stuff. And there are also those who are always putting down people who are just different from them. And in working at home, you are considered to be different. So, it is of no surprise that there will be negative comments about your work. Why is freelancing not considered as real work? Don't you have to put in time and effort in order to get paid? So, why isn't it equivalent to work? Just because you are staying at home and working? If you really do feel uneasy about just ignoring them, or that by doing so will cause tensions to arise, then perhaps you might want to try explaining to them with facts and evidence to support your case. In anyway, I wish you all the best and strive for what you believe in. Never let anyone be a wet blanket in what you believe in and steal all of your dreams. Well, good luck and take care!! Happy Mylotting!!
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
HI Angelia, Thank you for bringing in the elderly's perspective. Sometimes I forget where they are coming from. They are of a different generation. They went through teh world war and suffered a lot of hardship. He was puzzled when I said that I'm working, but I never leave the house. One day I will tell him if he asks. But I'm just going to leave it as it is for the moment. I think the younger people can understand the concept of freelance work and making money online, even though many are still sceptical about the latter. Thank you for your encouragement and support! I will continue to live my dream!
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
10 Nov 08
If you are happy with your work situation right now, Sydney, then stick with it. Maybe just sit and talk with your grandfather and show him what you're doing. If he still keeps at it, then just let it be, you can't do anything about it. It's your life and as much as you get to hear what they have to say, you're the one who's going to bear with the consequences, not them. If you ended up doing what they want you to do and is miserable at such, then you might end up blaming them. Take care and I'm sure your daughter is happy to have you there with her most of the time. And it's called houseWORK because it is!
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Thank you SaintAnne for your response! I'm sure my daughter loves me to be home. I can't bear to part with her and she me. Anyway, I'm going to leave his comments alone. I go over to his place only once in awhile, so I'm just going to shut up. If he asks for further explanations, I will give it to him. If not, I will leave it be. I think the most important thing is that I'm happy and my daughter's happy too.