How will you best describe your eating habit?

Tasty food - To eat or not to eat
@Roseo8 (2947)
January 5, 2009 1:21am CST
Do you eat to live or live to eat?....Do you believe in having your regular three meals and eat your fill or are you a person who dont mind skipping meals and who eat only to thaw your hunger panks,and keep worrying about your figure all the time....?...How will you react if you are invited for dinner and your host keeps on filling your plate with with tasty food even if you say you have had enough?..Would you humour your host and eat more or would you put your foot down and say NO?
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25 responses
• India
5 Jan 09
Normally i eat more than a required because of the taste which is made by my mother. i tried lots of time to control but useless. and in outside my house all the food is not neared to the taste of my mom preparation, so i won't over eat outside, sometime i stop in a half stomach.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hello Arun you appear to be a sensible person who prefers mama's home cooked food to outside food......Take my word for it,homecooked food is the best and safest for your general health and well being in the long run.Most people get carried away by the taste and colour of fast foods ,but this will ultimaltey take a toll on thier health.....Good luck ....
@youless (112243)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Jan 09
I enjoy eating:) I like trying various kinds of food and I will try to make them if it tastes nice. Here in Guangzhou, people enjoy eating. We spend more time on eating rather than other things, I think. I have regular three meals everyday. And sometimes I will eat some snacks. I eat whatever I like and I don't want to really pay attention to which food/cooking is healthy. Life will be boring if you can only eat "healthy" food. I love China
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
ha..ha...that's an honest and interesting answer youless........Life will indeed be boring if we stick to healthy food all the time......And cooking will be even more boring........thanks for your fine answer.......
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@youless (112243)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Apr 09
What a nice surprise, thank you
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
7 May 09
The pleasure is entirely mine dear..........
@mayka123 (16598)
• India
5 Jan 09
Delicious cakes - Cakes are just irrestable
I am not too fond of eating and would be happy if we did not have to eat to live. I only enjoy eating chocolates and icecream but unfortunately I cannot each too much of both. Otherwise I just eat just enough to keep myself going. And I should not forget the cakes which I just cannot resist. I have a habit of serving myself just once and no one can force me to take a second serving.
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@mayka123 (16598)
• India
7 Jan 09
I think it is because we have been habituated of eating three meals a day from childhood that we need it. Why dont you practice eating just one meal a day and see if it makes any difference? If you can manage with just one meal a day for a month then I too will try it out.
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hi Mayka you know, being a practical person I often wonder why it is that people should eat 3 times a day.If it is reduced to one square meal a day,it will save all of us plenty of time,money and the bother of cooking and eating all the time.....Ah yes I love ice creams and cholcolates too and the chocolate cake you have sent is really very tempting........thanks.....
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• United States
5 Jan 09
I usually skip some meals. Some days I may have two meals and some days I may have have one. There are some times that I will just have a snack in the day and that is it.I am very very weight conscius. I am 5' 4" and about 115. And if I get over 120 I lose my mind. I am so self conscious about it. If I went somewhere and someone tried to make me eat more I would politely tell them No Thank You. Anytime we go out to eat I always have to have a take out box. If you eat past the time you are full you slowing stretch your stomach and therefore need more food each time you eat to fill you up and therefore you gain weight. I think I eat enough to get by.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
Hello Susan...I guess you eat sensibly with one eye on your weight all the time.........happy slimming and happy mylotting to you..........
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
..i love to eat.. though I'm also figure conscious.. I eat when I'm hungry.. I eat much when I'm attending parties.. anyway, parties are not everyday.. If I will encounter that situation, I would be very honest to tell my host that I'm already full.. Maybe I can eat again later.. I will take to my host in a nice joking way so that I won't hurt any feelings..
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hi rayne......Thats a good attitude you ahve ...towards food and towards your host...........thanks for sharing.......
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
7 May 09
Rayne, I'm like you. Eating is just one of life's sweetest and simplest pleasures. Though I am trying to lose weight, I still manage to eat what I want. I don't starve myself. I don't binge. I'm just eating healthily.
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
I love eating but I usually have two heavy meals everyday not because I am on a diet or something but because my husband and I get to wake up late in the morning already. Well, whenever we are going to a dinner in someone's place for a special occassion, I usually prepare myself by not eating so much so that I can enjoy the food there.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hello maroseeqf,its said that you should never skip breakfast ,but you can afford to skip any other meals.But most people are like you..they have no time for breakfast.......And I too try to eat less in the day when I have to go out for dinner,so that I can accomodate a little bit of all the delicacies served without hurting the sentiments of my host,and without my stomach complaining either........
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
Yes, I am aware that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But my husband and I are too tired taking care of our baby during the night so we cannot wake up to eat breakfast anymore.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
5 Jan 09
I am selectively moderate eater. That means, I eat moderate, eat well and have two proper meals. I take breakfast heavy and lunch I take light, dinner also I eat less. When I am invited and have a lot of alluring foodstuffs, I do eat them but then I know the limit. I was never a voracious eater. May be I do not like eating much except for choc'lates and kebabs. In which case I can devour my heart out. I have almost given up on Ice creams just for the fact that I cannot give up chocolates. Balancing act!!
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hi Mimpi.....well you do know how to do the balancing act well as far as eating is considered.......Infact you are following the best way to have meals which will help you to remain slim as well.....That is by having a heavy breakfast and eating less for the other meals.Infact it is said that those who skip breakfast tend to eat more at lunch and dinner and tend to become obese soon....... Good luck and have a healthy life,chocolate eater...........
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
When i was younger... i was not so particular about my eating habit... there are times when i eat a lot but times when i prefer to just sleep rather than eat... but now that i have a daughter... i became more conscious about what i eat... because i want to set a good example to my daughter... But then when i am in a situation that you mentioned... well there is nothing i can do but eat everything that is put on my plate... because in my country... it is considered rude to refuse...
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
helloa aseretdd....he..he...I think all mothers are like this.They do not bother much about what they eat in their younger days,but when it comes to feeding their own children,they are filled with concern and worry about the right kind of food .....
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
9 Jan 09
Hi Rose08 Well, quite perplexed i am as i dont fall in both categories Well, i am not figures concious and dont believe in Dieting on the same side i dont eat too much, i try to control my quantity but again, i am in habbit of having three meals a days most of times, but if i skip any i dont mind and dont make cry. And i do agree that if some nice dishe is around or i am at party, i over eat than my normal diet, but sure not THAT Much, that i cant walk or breath And ur last question, well, i will honor my host and eat some thing extra but if he/she insisted, then i might say NO. and to be honest in such cases, i try either some one take away my plate from my table Or i put used tissue paper in it rather to say NO
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
9 Jan 09
hi Rose i meant, i am not that figure concious, i eat every thing, i am big fong of Choclates, sweet, icecream etc, i like dry fruit very much But i dont believe in eating till my eyes are fill. so i dont each much, thats all i want to say
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
12 Jan 09
areee baba...No body eats till their eyes are filled...Everybody eats only till their stomach is full.....
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
Oh really......that's strange..........I just cannot understand....You say you are not figure conscious ,but you say you control what you eat....Now these two statements contradict each other......If you are not figure conscious then why do you control,what you eat?why dont you just eat your fill.....hhhmmm...I am confused..... But I appreciate your gesture of putting the tissue paper inside your plate when you do not want any unnecessary helping.......Its better than putting your foot down and saying a big NO..And your host will not feel offended either..thanks for the tip Cupie........
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
5 Jan 09
Hi Rose, I am the one who don't mind to skipping meals. What to do I can only save time by that way and yes, I am underweight also. If somebody invited for dinner, when I see the plate (full plate) my appetite just vanished and worrying how can I eat this much. I tried to convince them, I can't each this much, why they waste the food, but they are not ready to understand me and forcing me to eat. Then it is a difficult task to make them understand. So I think, I am in the group, eat to live (lol).
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hi sree..Yes I know how difficult it is for you to have proper and peaceful meals,busy that you are........But if you are really under weight I hope you will take care of your diet more......I too am not much of an eater,and like to serve myself while eating.Over filling my plate makes me lose my appetite easily.I like to eat less ,but at a slow pace and like to savour the food I eat and enjoy it.....So lets eat ot live and enjoy life more.......
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
5 Jan 09
A bit of both. I watch my intake so I don't gain back weight I've already lost, but every now and then I splurge and eat something totally forbidden which makes me feel a bit guilty, but is well worth it!
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
HiDi so you are a careful eater.thanks for your response.......
@karubod (603)
• India
5 Jan 09
hi.. actually i enjoy eating good food,but all those are not so healthy,no...i'm the kind of person who skips meals for good shape,well i don't hesitate to say no when they keep on bringing food like that,not because i will get fat but i cant eat more than that....
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hi karubod..So you enjoy good food ,but always have one eye on your plate and the other on your figure and health....Good going there friend,and good luck to you......
@Kumaresan (450)
• Malaysia
5 Jan 09
hello there... well, we really eat to live... imagine this... you can't live without eating so live to eat is impossible... we need to eat to survive ourselves in this world... but some people do misuse it and they live to eat... that's very bad habit and should not followed by everyone...
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hello Kumaresan...Yes I do agree with you........We should eat to live ,though I know of amny whose whole world revolves round food and eating all the time......
• United States
5 Jan 09
I eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between. Sometimes I skip breakfast. I have been invited a few times to dinners and there were times where they would offer more after I finished, but I simply say, "No Thank you, the food was great, but I had enough." There's nothing worse than being at a friends house and feeling sick because you ate too much. There times where I can eat a lot, but I end up feeling crappy afterwards, so I limit myself. : )
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hi konomi......So you do enjoy good food but know when to say no to further helping.....That's great and wish you a happy 2009........
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
7 Jan 09
I eat to live and keep my metabolism ticking over properly. I always have a good breakfast which during the week or when I am away from home on weekends, I will eat a large bowl of cereal with yoghurt and low fat milk. Sometimes instead of the yoghurt I might have fruit which we preserve ourselves. Also have one or two pieces of wholegrain toast with salt reduced butter and home made marmalade, which us all fruit and very little sugar. I also have a cup of coffee and a glass of juice sometimes. Sometimes of the weekend if I am at home I might have bacon, eggs and tomatoes on wholegrain toast. The bacon is grilled so that the fat runs away. Mid morning I will stop for a break and have some fruit and a tub of yoghurt and maybe a cup of coffee. Depending on how hungry I am feeling, I might also have some cheese and dry/savoury biscuits. Lunch will often be a casserole which I have taken frozen from home. So I will reheat it and have that for lunch in the cooler months. In the warmer months I will often have either be cold meat or tuna and salad or maybe a salad sandwich made on pita bread. Another cup of coffee and some fruit as well every day. Afternoon break is for a drink which might be coffee or maybe fruit juice. I will eat some biscuits and maybe some dried fruit and nuts. The evening meal is generally a bowl of thick soup, maybe some toast with it. Home preserved fruit for dessert and a drink of some sort. Throughout the day I continually drink water regardless of the time of year. However I do drink a lot more in the hot summer months than I do during winter or spring. So for me it is all about having a healthy diet and a variety in the foods that I eat. Yes the foods are similar in some ways but the soup might be pea and ham, or vegetable or chicken noodle. For me it is a case of a big meal starting at breakfast and reducing what I eat and the amounts as the day progresses so my evening meal is the lightest of all meals. The only time it would be different is if I know we will be going out somewhere for an evening meal and then I will cut back on everything other than my breakfast. If the host or hostess was looking like he or she was going to keep piling food onto my plate, I would try to be strong and refuse, which is hard as a number of our friends make such wonderful food. If they insisted then I would have to tell them that THEY would be going for a long work with me the following day and if I didn’t fit into my clothes THEY would be buying me a larger size. lol Yes I enjoy good food but do have a tendency to pile on the weight if I don’t take care. Overweight is unhealthy and also reduced energy and ability to concentrate. I need to concentrate and have a of of energy when I am driving a truck so it is easier to watch what I eat than try and lose the weight later on.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
11 Jan 09
When I am driving I tend to eat a lot of small meals in some ways Rose. The biggest meal of the day is actually breakfast and that helps a lot and allows me to eat smaller meals for the rest of the day but at the same time have enough energy to see me through the day. Although I might seem to eat a lot, it is also healthy food plus I make sure that I exercise for at least half an hour a day and most days a fair bit longer. Even when I am away from home I exercise and for that I either take a very brisk walk or run in the area where I am parked but making sure I am out of the way for any other truck that might be pulling in. So even on the road I would get at least half an hour’s exercise a day although it is generally at least an hour, broken down into smaller sessions. So for me the food I eat is for the energy that I need and so that I don’t stack on the weight I also exercise. My partner cooks up meals and freezes them so that I can take them away with me so in fact I do get home prepared meals. I either heat them up when I am at the depot or on the small gas stove I take along in the truck.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
12 Jan 09
Hello oldboy....actually you are doing all the right things as far as your diet and erercising is concerned.It is said that one should never skip breakfast ,and having a hearty breakfast and eating lesser food the rest fo the day caters to all your body needs and aslo keeps you trim.......And I can see how hail and hearty you are from your discussions ,and you have a partner who also cares so much for you......Good luck and have a wonderful and healthy life ,friend.........
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
Hi oldboy thanks for all the exhausitng information of your daily diet.......I guess being on the road most of the time you need to have lots of stamina and also need to have a balanced diet too.......ha..ha...and its obvious you love food but while travelling you have to watch what you eat and its only wehn you a e back home you can eat home cooked food to your heart's content...And I dont blame you......Any way good luck and here is to your good health...
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Jan 09
I live to eat but I normally must have three meals a day to sustain me and keep me going.As such I do not have great stamina and am not a sturdy type but this is only for some hard physical labour like lifting heavy weights, travelling intensely and skipping meals and doing work through the day without proper sustenance. and no intermittent rest whatsoever. I find it more tiring when the weather is humid and it is not only water but also food that plays a part. I neither diet [in a figure conscious way and thank God I am not overweight] , nor do I indulge.I have certain limits for sweet intake, icecream intake etc.., and would not stuff myself even if I am given 'AMRIT'. If I am invited to dinner, I will certainly eat what I like but I would space it out and would put my foot down if I am fed more than I can manage.I would not leave a morsel to waste and that is why I will definitely put down my foot and say 'thus far and no further'.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Jan 09
sorry I thought I was writing 'eat to live' and have written 'live to eat' by mistake.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
Its ok Kalav........I think most women eat to live..Its mostly the men who are the other way round..........I too fortunately have a slim figure and stick to my regular three meals ,though I eat just enough to sustain me..But I am healthy enough and have great stamina as well.......And I always like to serve myself at home or when out for dinner...........The sight of too much food on my plate really makes me sick....
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
6 Jan 09
I love food and do not feel like skpping any of three meals. If I am invited to a party and my hosts keeps on filling my plate, I would politely tell her/him that I cannot have more than required and there is no fun in wasting the well-cooked food. Now a days buffet system is applied and people are asked to have the dishes of their choice, as per their requirement.
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
9 Jan 09
Hi Rose, Yes, I admit I live to eat. The day I would stop thinking about eating and meals, I'll be a lifeless person on that day..............LOL! You must take plenty of nutrious food, otherwise, how can you shine your sense of good humour.............LOL! I believe that you have good stamina, otherwise, but good food can strengthen the same. Thanks for your kind words about my thinking!
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
Hi you admit you live to eat....You will not skip any of your meals beacsue you love eating.Well I too do not skip any of my meals but that's so because I am hungry and my body needs food for nourishmentand stamina..... Ah yes buffet system is a good form of eating because you can get to taste different types of food and also nobody can unnecessary fill your plate and force you to eat more than what you want...Good thinking Dpk,and tahnks for sharing your views......
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• United States
5 Jan 09
When it comes to what I eat I don't allow my host to put anything on my plate. I request to choose what I want on there. It is my stomach and I don't want to walk away overfilled. I do eat breakfast for sure everyday. That is a very important meal. The other two meals I eat them when I am hungry. Which means if I am not hungry at lunch I just don't eat it. I will get a small snack if a hunger pang hits me later. If I don't eat lunch I will eat dinner. A small dinner. And the other way around also. If I eat lunch lots of times I don't eat dinner.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Jan 09
Hello eat sensibly and that's a good way to go about is to your good health.......
• India
11 Jan 09
To say my food habit i would say that if i start eating then i would eat very much and if i start to diet then no one can stop me from dieting and i wouldnt take much at that time and would diet like anything and would eat only few calories per day and a cup of curd to have my body in cool condition which helps my organs work in its usual state...i would eat all the food if anything like that happens to me..i wouldnt hesitate to eat since its not good manners to hesitate the food..Happy mylotting...
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
12 Jan 09
So balancancer ,as far as your eating habit is concerned you are not at all balanced?.......You swing to both extreme with ease?? Ok Any try to balance your diet and eating,and stay healthy always........
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
Hi Roseo8! I eat to live..haha..I eat to be happy too! lol.. I love to eat but I do watch what I eat now. I am looking out for my weight and figure since I am in my forties unlike when I was younger, i can eat a lot and not gain a pound. Those days are over! haha..However, if I am at a party and my host keeps on filling my plate, I would honestly tell her that I am full even if I wanted so much more, I can't. I will compliment the food she served but will refuse for more servings. Maybe if she wants, instead of filling my plate, I can do some take outs...haha.. Take care always. lovelots..faith210
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
12 Jan 09
Hi Faith....yes dear its the same with all of us..Once we are on the threshold of forty we have to be careful with our diet and start eating healthy and sensibly....But I like the idea of suggesting take ways to your host........It appears very sensible and a compliment to the host too.......Thanks for your comments and happy mylotting to you..........