Today's Oprah - Obese Teens

United States
January 26, 2009 5:19pm CST
It's only been on for about 20 minutes here but I'm so incredibly sad for these kids. It's heartbreaking. Anyone else watch it?
2 responses
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I'm always at the gym when Oprah is on and I watched the show today. DH was downstairs in the weight room while I was upstairs on the treadmill. By the time that he got upstairs, I was walking on the treadmill with tears pouring down my cheeks. I was crying so much that I couldn't even talk. All that I could do was point to the television. I've had a weight problem all of my life though not as severe as those teens had and I can so relate to what they are going through. What a heartwrenching episode.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I was not able to watch it today. It came on during my sleeping hours. I feel sorry for obese people also, especially teens. they have it hard enough at that age.