Would you be here if mylot stopped paying ?

February 14, 2009 10:05am CST
Mylotters we are on mylot sometimes hours at a stretch taking part actively in interesting discussions and money is may be only at the back of our minds. We all enjoy being at mylot. But think about it,a lot of the people wouldn't be here if it did not pay and some people wouldn't post as much if mylot didn't pay ! What do you think how close are we as a community ? Would you leave mylot if it were to tell you that no money from tommorow onwards ?
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71 responses
• India
14 Feb 09
well as you said many are posting on my lot and some of them spend hours on my lot so that they earn some amount from mylot , well if my lot stops giving payment naturally many will be stoping posting on my lot and well slowly mylot will loose its customers . well i would be still posting but only a few on selected topics and well not as regular as now i do it.
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• India
14 Feb 09
you are right and i hundered percent agree with you that as mylot will stop paying we will fing very less discussion to respond and gradually people will stop comming here and will focus on money earning site for them and they will stop comming on this site and mylot will gone out of this money making market list and every thing will be gone and out of case.
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
16 Feb 09
Hi,there,I will still be here now and then,and try to be active as usual.Money is not my priority here.The first reason I came here is that I can learn.English is my second language,and I do learn a lot through posting.And I make different friends here though I dont know them a lot yet.I enjoy being here.
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@jsitko (1169)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Hi Allright, I do love it here on myLot and try to visit every day. However, I will be honest, I am not sure how much I would visit if they did not pay. I have made some really nice friends here and I love the community feel we have here and I am sure I would visit but not that often. I am a member to a few PTP forums as well and there have been several that stopped paying. I do go back and visit but not as much as when they were paying. Let's face it, most of us got here for the money because we needed to supplement our income and we will continue to search for new or more ways to continue to do that. It would be a sorry day that I would not be able to stop by here and participate. Let's hope that day never happens, Happy myLotting!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Yep, I'd still be here. I've learned SO MUCH since joining myLot! I've met some really terrific people and I'm sure we'd keep in touch through emails, but meeting here, in myLot, is so much more fun because so many people interact. I have knowledge that I've shared and people have enjoyed. I've learned a lot from other members here. I've had some terrific laughs, had more than enough shoulders to cry on when needed, BEEN a shoulder to cry on, vented my frustrations, shared my joys and generally enjoy the comeraderie here. So, yep, I'd stay. The money we earn here is miniscule compared to the enjoyment I get from hanging around here, "where everybody knows your name."
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
15 Feb 09
Yes I will leave mylot because the most reason why I am here is because of the pay. I won't waste my time on a certain website if I won't get anything. Like in any other websites I regularly visit, mylot is one of the best sites I've ever been into so I won't be here anymore if it won't pay me. Anyway I enjoyed being here for 4 months and I have learned a lot from the discussions here. I wish mylot won't refuse paying us because time is the most important thing to lose. And I don't want to regret the days and hours I spent here if it won't be paying me anymore. It will be a great trauma.
• China
15 Feb 09
I like you very much. you are a frank and an honest person.
• United States
15 Feb 09
Honestly, if it weren't for the money, I definitley wouldn't be here! I mean if I want to have interesting discussions with people then I oculd always sign on myspace or just go and talk to my friends. I know that some people really like the site and I think that's cool too. I simply am not that into it (maybe because I haven't invited any of my friends). Otherwise maybe it would be more entertaining.
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@StereoDiva (2143)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
I'm not sure if I would or wouldn't. It would depend on who else stayed and if the site still had a lot of visitors. If the visitor count went down because of them not paying, then yes, I wouldn't bother posting. But if there were still a lot of interesting discussions, I would pop my head in from time to time.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
15 Feb 09
Hi stero Diva Congratulations for holding high ranking on mylot in earning section
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
14 Feb 09
if mylot stopped paying i would not come here anymore. i came here to make a bit of extra cash in the first place and i still need that extra cash and do not have time to waste on things that do not pay out in some way.
• India
14 Feb 09
we both are like minded like you i will not at all sign in to this site any more if mylot will do the same with all the members.
• United States
14 Feb 09
I think I would still come to mylot but I would not be on as much. I look at mylot as more than money. I meet people and learn new things almost everytime I am on mylot. I do like to make money online but I also like to share my thoughts and learn from others as well. So yes I would stay but I would not have as many posts as I have now. Happy mylotting!
• India
14 Feb 09
yes i agree that mylot is gud place to have discussion but if the prime motto to join here was just to earn extra money and if this feature will go from this place where will be the numbers here. no one would like to be here for discussion leave about some people like you
@djemba (767)
• India
14 Feb 09
yeah if they stopped paying, I'd still be there starting and responding to discussions because mylot is more about sharing your opinion and the earnings is just another advantage..But of corse if there wasn't money involved I'd visit it less frequently than now just like other social networking sites..
• United States
14 Feb 09
I first joined mylot when I was looking for paying sites but since then it has become more than that. I have never been very much into social websites but mylot has kind of crept up on me and become a part of my daily routine. So, yes I would still be here just as much if they didn't pay. There are other ways to earn money online, Check out my profile for website. All listings are free and all are free to join.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
14 Feb 09
You just depicted my words. When I joined this site I was not so interested as I spent three days in idleness and just being a bit curious tried to explore through it. Till then I had a '0' on the right hand side of my username. Left that day too and the next day posted a topic but only two responses came. Slowly realized I was already in and now can not get out. the sort of input we give here that is not the worth that we get in return. ( I hope you would agree with me ) but the passion is so strong here of sharing and bonding and all even if tomorrow the admn declares no more money would be there I would continue with all those like minded ones who would stay back and i am pretty sure 95% of the total population would not mind staying back. so there I am at present.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
14 Feb 09
Oops...an error..the second para should read,,," the return we get in tems of money is not worth the input we provide here".
• India
14 Feb 09
i like mylot too in terms of earning money and knowledge,but in one way i do not like mylot is that,too much time taking for loading pages. So in thatway mylot need to workout.
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
14 Feb 09
That's not myLot's problem, it's obviously your connection. myLot does not generally load slowly.
@andiel (117)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 09
I don't know about the others but i'm entering mylot because of that in the first place. If Mylot stopped paying... i don't know... i'll think about it...
• China
15 Feb 09
You is an honest man.
• India
14 Feb 09
Yeah I would still be here, in fact as someone before me had mentioned this - I love helping people and sharing my information. The money is like a bonus to me. I would be frank with you, I joined myLot because of the money but over a period of time I got so much glued in that now even if they stop paying me I would not leave myLot.
• India
14 Feb 09
you are right that you love to share information with your friends here in mylot but my main reasion to join here to just earn money if it will go my motto of being here will go as i came to know about this site while searching for mothods of earning money online and save some good amount of money for my future because i dont have any obligation on me because i am still singlestaying with my parents untill unless i am with my parents they do all expense i just save all money for my future.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
17 Feb 09
That is a very good question and to answer it I probably would be but not as often as I try to be. Even now I'm not on that often. LOL!! I'm on maybe if I'm lucky at the very leat 10 minutes and lately at the most an hour. LOL!!
@nini89 (670)
• India
19 Feb 09
I probably will be here on mylot if it does not pay. As we canhave discussion to people of world here. Does not matter if it pays or not once I am in I am here. Happy mylotting.
• United States
14 Feb 09
I probably would not be here as frequently, I would read more of my books, and perhaps take the time I would have spent on mylot exercising, and doing other fun things. I mean, mylot did get us with the paying pitch, so they would lose a lot of us without the paying pitch. I do enjoy mylot, money or no money, but my visits would probably not be as long or frequent. It is still a good site for meeting people and having fun regardless. Happy mylotting and have a great day or night!
• Canada
14 Feb 09
Yeah same here I wouldnt be here as frequently... I would spend more time practicing football, basketball and playing video games.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
I think if mylot were to stop paying, that people would still be here but perhaps not as often. I have heard many saying about the amount of posts they make to make pay out. I think many would just look and answer posts that interested them or talk with friends and not try to answer ones they arent really interested in. I find I easily get carried away just chatting and sometimes joking with fellow mylotters..I hope they would all still be around if mylot were to stop paying
@ddfreedie (690)
• India
22 Jun 09
at first when i joined, i worked hard just to earn money..but later i came to know that this site not only provides a way to earn but also provides a way to learn...we can learn many things share things with the other members...so whether they pay me or not ill stay here.. happy mylotting
@benny128 (3615)
14 Feb 09
joining mylot just for the money is the wrong way to do it as the pay outs arent a lot of money. You have to enjoy mylot and the money is a bonus.
• Italy
15 Feb 09
i definitely agree... a good site to spend time anyway