So, I am about to get my own internet radio show...

@thorgrym (675)
United States
February 19, 2009 10:20pm CST
Recently, I heard of a search for online DJs for a radio show. I decided to see what it was all about and what was required in order to be considered for a position. Well, long story short, I am on the verge of going live! I am not entirely sure of all of the details, but I will likely be live for a couple of hours per day for four nights per week. My problem is that I am not sure how to fill all of that time! I have a couple of ideas, though... First, I intend to do at least one hour per week dedicated to Rush. I am a huge fan of the band and would really like to feature their stuff. Second, I intend to feature some of my friends' music. I had been the sound guy for a friend's band. After a break up and reorganization, the band is playing again but have moved from doing strictly covers to doing original works. During my time as sound guy, they brought in another guitarist. He does he own stuff now. So, my plan is to play their stuff as well as some other 'local' bands. Third, I want to do a more avant garde set. I have a really eclectic collection of songs and artists that I want to draw from. Other than that, I am a little stuck... I refuse to play country or hip hop. I just can't stomach either style, so I don't have any songs to play anyway. Classical would probably not be too well received in this particular venue, though if the listeners were to be there, I would be able to go that route for some time. Any thoughts?
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2 responses
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
20 Feb 09
That is really exciting! You will have to let us know where to look so we can tune in. I am a huge fan of Rush! There is so much music out there that you could use to fill your time, you just have to think about it. I have such an enormous music collection I could never even listen to all of it. My brother and I swap music files all the time so both of our collections just continue to grow. I like most kinds of music, but I am with you on the hip hop. I especially hate it when it is filled with foul language(I am no prude, but some of those lyrics are really foul)and violent imagagery. Even if you just featured band who were trying to get started, you would be able to fill your time. Best wishes to you!
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Oh, one more thought. My friend, who is a bar owner that occasionally hosts live bands, says that she probably gets 15 demo CD's in the mail each week. These are sent to her by bands who would like to play in her bar. I wonder if you could get the same thing going by offering to play the tunes you really like. Just a suggestion.
@GardenGerty (159033)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I have nothing to contribute in regards to filling the time. I did want to see what your post was about, and I wanted to also offer you a big congratulations. I imagine you will do well.
@thorgrym (675)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Thanks for the vote of confidence! I can use all the well wishes I can get. I am fairly satisfied with what I have already lined up, but I really need to branch out a bit... I seem to have quite a bit of stuff from a couple different artists rather than a little bit of stuff from a wide variety of artists. I just don't know that I can fill too much time without being overly repetitive.