My Secrets : love in chemistry lab. Separation.. Lost Confidence. and hopes too.

May 16, 2009 4:16pm CST
I am not able to find the solution to my problem so asking you all. I was a meritorious student. I loved a girl when i was in high school and she loved her studies. I met her in chemistry lab and then and there some chemistry started in me for her. I did everything to impress her but she never even made friendship with me. She scored good marks while i failed. She also got the Monitor badge which was snatched from me. i lost my everything when she said-"no". I can't concentrate on anything. Five years have passed but still i can't concentrate in studies. whenever i use to open my book i see her face and memories of the past. It is hampering my present and will surely harm my future. She was right in her place and i was right in mine. but friends what to do now. i want to forget her and continue my studies but she is still in my memories as fresh as 5 years ago. This is a true life problem as i am writing this when tomorrow i have exams. barely i will manage to pass. please i want a solution from you as i am unable to help myself.
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15 responses
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
16 May 09
Hi, you know, for me is very strange what you share with us about your love. Is strange, because i never think that a man can real love a woman and can very easy pass on...and find other love, and another, . You ask how you can forget this girl, and i will answer to you that if you was really in love, never forget. But you are very young and you will meet many woman in your life, you have time and energy for this. Maybe you must to ask yourself before try to forget she. Why you was in love, why you are not with she, and maybe after you will know why... you can forget she.
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• India
16 May 09
hi smiley, some things trouble us more when we do not share them. For five years i haven't seen her. not even her picture but still i remember each and every word said by her. time seems to be paused. its not easy to move on. finding different girl is something unexpected but i am not able to talk to the newer ones. now you know why i hesitated to talk to that girl in supermarket. still Do you think i passed on? I am not able to ask myself as i have asked myself thousand times and got no solution so i am asking u. A childhood love is always a true one. i fall in love because she always said no. my worst habit is if some one will ignore me, i will try every possible way to go close to that person. i am not with her as according to her i am a Egoist person. i don't know why i can't forget her. and also don't know how can i forget her. give some ways!
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
16 May 09
is hard to give advices, and i am not right person to give advices, i think that time will show you the right way, but i am sure that you can t forget she. You know, we run after persons who don t want us. this is a rule, i love him, he love other woman,...other woman love other like a circle...people usual run from people who really love they.
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• India
17 May 09
so am i not a part of that circle? some one should be behind me? but i see no one behind me. only darkness. if the time would have solved the problem then its already 5 years now.
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@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
17 May 09
Hi, friend . I thought you have test tomorrow. First, I wish you good luck and plz tell me the good news after that ok? Second, I thought you told us that you met a dream girl in the supermarket already, so why now you bring old memories back? I know it is just hard for you but you have to accept the truth. She has moved on and you have to do the same, especially when you never spend a special time together... What to hear my story? When I was in high school, I felt in love with a guy at 10 grade. I loved him so much and always want to stay close to him, but thing changed. He cheated me with my best friend, unbelievable. Not even that I have to stay in the same class with him for 2 straight years, no talking to each other, no looking at each other and no connection. All his words and all his action were so painful and unforgettable. I still remember him as fresh I am, guess for how long now? 10 years. After we broke up, he told all his friends not to talk to me and they were all think that I was a bad person. I was a master in the class and I could control almost everything in the class, especially absent record. One of his friend started to talk me cuz he saw many good things about me opposite from what my xbf told them. I appreciated everything he did to me. However, other friends didn't like it and warmed him not to talk to me again... Then he told them that I am not the same what my xbf told them. I am totally different from other in class too. Then not long enough all his friends talked to me and really liked me. He started to fight with them cuz of me... so I talked to him and other friends... I said, if this make you happy then I will give up everything for you but one thing that I want to request from you is not to hurt my feeling any more and if I have a new bf, you have no right to talk to him either. He agreed so I didn't really make any friendship with his friends, but they still come and had fun with me. After a while, he realized that he wanted to take me back and always tell his friends that I came back for him... I never did. It is still hurt me as a sharp knife tapping me every second, but if he loved me and if he knew what he got then he should keep it, but he let me go and harassed me as hell. Now, I still remember him, but time went by very fast so I have to move on and not looking back. so, u have to do the same, not only u that went through the pain. i know u can do it.
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• United States
17 May 09
Just want to add: One last thing I did for him before I changed class, I deleted all his absents and his friends also, and his grades record... I did that to have him pass the class. :). No one know it, I think he knew but he didn't have any chance to think me cuz I moved far away from him. I used to met him one, but I just go away. :)
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• India
17 May 09
i too helped her always. in computer practical exam when she hadn't done the program. i made it for her it gave her 90 marks but she didn't even thanked me. i thought she will be now a good friend but she never even spoke to me :-(
@subha12 (18441)
• India
17 May 09
I can understand your sitiation. Look life waits for none. there is no doubt you loved her very much and truly. But come out from that world. she never loved you. you lost all for her.move on.
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
17 May 09
My secrets, love in chemistry. Hello friend, I was going to give you the real tough line on how to handle this situation but since it's you Deepak I'm gonna try to go easy on you. You are still very young, so I"m going to talk to you as though you were my very own son. So here it is, you need to forget about that girl and try to focus on your studies. It's been five years now and it's time for you to move on. We all have had that certain someone back in our days of youth where we had a crush on but they paid us no attention. What should you do is the question? The answer is to just get over it. Time will heal old wounds and right now you have better things to be putting your mind on. Good luck with Your exams and keep your attention in the right place if you want to make a good grade.
• India
17 May 09
i feel so light by reading your response, it was the best one can say to me. i am planning to move on and deleting all her photos from my pc and my mind. i will get 2 months after these exams get over. i will focus most on studies and my hobbies and try to indulge in martial arts classes as its my childhood dream. then i think i will be able to forget her. and once i am good in studies, i will get many friends who will really care. this answer i was expecting from my mom but i never told her so still i was wandering for the answer. i find the warmth in your response which i need, i want to be surrounded by people like you. this is for the first time i am saying this word by all my heart. "Thanks" :-()
@cieldz (709)
• Indonesia
20 May 09
think of me and u will forget her... hahaha just kidding.... just focus on ur exam okay...
@cainam (493)
• Philippines
19 May 09
this is quite a late reply but i hope this would still help you. to get over with her you have to find someone better than her. i think you did'nt have any relationship yet after your rejection from her. try to move on. besides, there are lots of other girls out there.
@GardenGerty (160355)
• United States
17 May 09
You need to tell yourself the truth. This is a beautiful memory, but it is a past memory. To have a future, you need to do well. You need to recoginze this fantasy for what it is.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
17 May 09
you don't have to excel that far in any long as you're in the good standing, the girl might see that you're really doing the effort of being good. both in your studies and other aspect of your life. most girls confide to guys who are confident and responsible. make yourself like that. prove some worth. though you can't have her anymore at least there are still some girls out there awaiting for your moves and good vibes in life.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
17 May 09
i cant believe that this can be true.......but still story is interesting...Deepak....i think you are doing engineering and it needs a lot of hard work, please forget such things for time being, coz career first and afterwards all the things, if no money, no girls and no successful life, so first make yourself confident and the go further to make the life happier with a good girl, not necessary the same whom you dreamt to be with, just wait and there will be perfect match, chosen by God for you.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
17 May 09
With all the happenings going on, and yet she's not your gf?? I wonder what's gonna happen if she really becomes your gf, only to be breaking up after some time.. Wont it be more painful for u?? Actually, it's better to feel the pain now, and let go while nothing had happened between the both of u.. If u were to wait and she does really fall for u in the end, the pain u are gonna face, will be alot more painful than what u are going through right now..
@Frederick42 (2024)
• Canada
17 May 09
The best solution would be to fall in love with another girl. But be very careful this time. It is no good trying to impress anybody. Just make friends with a girl and get closer to her. But trying to impress will not work. Once you and another girl will fall in love with each other, then you will surely be able to forget this girl of the past.
@Archie0 (5652)
17 May 09
what you should do is just get about her.... if she is showing so much of attitude then just let her go... she will understand your worth later on... Your jst wasting your time behind impossible things...And also wasting your precious life behind her right now you should concentrate on your studies..She is moving foward and your still behind so just think will you in future ever like to see your self down and then later on she should laugh at u?????????????? I gues no dont waste your time and energy behind the one who is so impossible save your energy for the next who will b much much much better than her....thats the only advice i would like to give you all the best....If any problem do let me know
@aldrik (12)
• Indonesia
17 May 09
yes it is nice story . . And the love is make someone forgotten all about his studies
• India
17 May 09
chemistry in the chemistry lab eh..nice.. anyways dude you seriously need to move on. i might sound harsh but you have to move on.. moreover though you might not see it there is someone who will love you for what you are.. so she said "no'..well its not the end of the world.. one thing you have to remember that in life you'll meet loads of different win some.. you lose some.. you can tell yourself that you will meet someone better than her one day ..
@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
16 May 09
Sounds like you need to move on, psychologically. The best way I've seen is to redirect your focus. Even if you move your attention to another girl who does not return the affections it will free your mind from the current deadlock and help to establish a better mentality. People can tell you "there are more fish in the sea", but until you start to see for yourself, you will drive yourself crazy. Good luck!