When you realise that a mylot friend is not seen here ,do you worry ?

@kalav56 (11464)
June 18, 2009 6:15am CST
Do you start wondering why a mylot friend has not been participating in discussions when you do not see them for a while? What do you do then ? Do you send a message and find out or how do you react? As for my part this has happened and one of the friends named Faith has not been seen here for quite some time.I sent her messages if she is alright but have not heard from her.Is anybody else aware of this member?If so, do you know what has happened? THe other friends whom I know very well are seen here [by and large].
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13 responses
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 09
For those who are actively participating here and suddenly missing in action will surely make me think and worry about their welfare. I do send them PMs if I don't see them coming to mylot just to ask how they are and things like that. I have noticed few friends MIA and soon am going to pm them if I don't see them in a week time from now. I have noticed that one mylotter who is very humorous named loud and proud has not been around here and wonder where she has gone too. Very nice lady who used to rock mylot with her witty posts.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
Thank you Zandi and we do miss people who always make some sincere responses and with whom we have interacted a lot. And after I posted this discussion I also got information of the member who I was worried about..
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 09
Thanks Diana for the info. I wonder why she left. I miss her humorous posts.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Jun 09
LnP cancelled her account a few months back zandi
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
I have been collecting private email addresses from some of my favourite people just in case! I do miss people that are usually active here. It is amazing how well you can get to know a person through their posts. I miss a lady that used to always respond to my discussions. I know she sometimes suffers from depression and I am a little worried because I have not heard from her in ages. I am going to PM her and hopefully she will be in touch. Yes, I definitely miss people from MyLot when they disappear; I liken us to an online family.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
Yes Paula we do get so used to these people who have been interacting regularly and it si wonderful system of mylot that has enabled private messages and exchanging mail ids.Thanks alot for sharing your thoughts on the subject.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
sorry for the typo-'-is a wonderful system'.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
18 Jun 09
Worry?I almost feel desperate when my friend Transdisc was banned I don't know why.He used to be one of my close friends here and we did exchange so many hilarious comments.He was a very intelligent and witty person.A good human being .I just miss him badly.I do not think that his special place here will ever be replace by another person.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
19 Jun 09
I have mailed him Kala.He is such a gentle man and just responded that he is fine and thanked me for my concern.He never complained or found fault with anyone.I just respected his stance and never wanted to ask unnecessary questions.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
Very kind of you and I marked yours a positive for that Bala!Did yousee my response to Deepak's food discussion?I had left a comment for you.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
18 Jun 09
That is sad indeed.Did you not have his mail ID then?THt would have at least enabled you to be in touch.I do remeber your getting agitated over this and I recall your comment in some discussion ,though I cannot remember the exact one.THanks for the response.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Yes I do worry when my friends aren't on myLot for a long period of time. I have several friend's email addresses so I can email them if I'm worried. The only Faith I know on myLot is Byfaithonly. If you're talking about her, she is busy but still starts discussions once in awhile.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
I think her name is Faith and some number. Youless just gave me the information thta she is busy with ehr store business. I was aware of this already and so I think that must be the issue.
@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Jun 09
Yes, I will feel worried if my good Mylot friends have been absent here for a long time. Since I really regard them as good friends, so I will concern about them. If they are too busy or have something to do, I think it's better that they post a discussion and let us know. I know Faith and she is one of my good friends here. I think she is busy with her store business as some time ago I learned this from her. I hope she will have a good business. I love China
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
18 Jun 09
Hi Youless ! Thanks for the response and also the information.I too thought thta Faith may have been busy with her business , but was also wondering if there was something wrong with her.I am very happy now that you heard from her.
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@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
23 Jun 09
Thanks for the best response
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 09
That's a nice way,, I will also worry for some friends,, who do not be regular
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Jun 09
I get extremely worried and anxious. I am that kind. I have been missing Faith as well. Have sent her mail also. I hope she is busy with her husband's business. I miss her a lot as well. I will ask her good friends here. How are you doing kala? Hope you are busy with Helium. Good news for Indians.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Jun 09
I miss you Kala.But then, even I couldn't frequent this place as I used to for my job pressure. I think, I got an email from Helium that they are allowing access to us! Could you log in now?
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
21 Jun 09
NO I could not. I too got amail but this only said that they are reverting our rights to us and that if our payment is more than 25 dollars they would send it to us.I tried to log in now but I could not.When is the trip/and when are you going to come to Mumbai?
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
21 Jun 09
Hi MIMPI! I too start worrying when I do not see good friends for an extended period of time. Even if they don't participate in my topics I would see them sharing something else that appeals to them. I could not see Faith at all and then I sent her some PM'S .However, youless put my mind to rest in this discussion saying that she is busy with her own business. I am fine and had been to NGP for a few days. That is why I was not here and now there is some exra activity at home and this prevents me from using the comp too frequently. But , what is this about Helium? I have not been qualified to particpate there as yet because I cannot log in at all.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
20 Jun 09
Hi Kala! Yes, I do start wondering and thinking when one of the dear friends from mylot suddenly disappears without any intimation or communication. If I have her/his email ID, I send him/her an email to inquire about his/her well being or else at least I send PM through mylot to know about his/her whereabouts. I remain concerned with the sudden disappearance of my friends. Most of them keep of informed about their likely disappearance from mylot and I do likewise. As far as Faith is concerned, I have not heard or seen her for a very long time on mylot. Probably, she would have found something more important than mylotting. You can send her a PM and see if she responds to your PM.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
20 Jun 09
I sent her two or three private messages Deepak and only then I became a bit worried about her wellbeing. In this topic, youless mentioned that she is busy with her store business. I already knew that she had started a home business and it had had a good start. I had posted soem responses to her on this topic when she had started them. She used to particpate in all my topics very faithfully and that is why I felt her absence immediately.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
21 Jun 09
Kala! I can understand your sentiments and regards for her. May she is too busy in something else which is more important than mylot. You did you part and now it is her turn to respond and if she doesn't, you cannot help it.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Of course, but i don't worry to much because i know him personally. regarding the one you were referring to, i don't know her, because they're a lot of users here in mylot that i haven't really encountered yet and with 140+ thousand users, i haven't made friends yet with the other users.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
i got the informatin I wanted and youless confirmed my guess about thsi missing member.She seeems to vbe busy and that is what i too thought. I AM SURE SHE WILL come back some time.
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
19 Jun 09
Hi Kala.......Faith is a good friend of mine too,but I havent been mylotting much lately,and so didnt notice she has disappeared.......Any way the first thing i did after reading your discussion was to check if she had been banned or something.......And heaved a sigh of releif when I realised she wasnt......Faith was interested in starting home based business.So for all we know she must be involved in something exciting at home,and lets wish her good luck.....But I do miss the many comments she used to include in my profile all the time......
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
Yes Rose and she had started her business and it had a good beginning. Youless confirmed this in her discussion that she is busy with her store business and said that everything must be fine.Have not seen you also here.Hope the weather has become much better now.I had been to Nagpur for a few days and so could not log in for 5 to 6 days.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
19 Jun 09
Hi kala, Yes I do wonder and worry when a few good friends like you do not log in for a long time.You get used to having friends around taking part in discussions , answering each others discussions and also exchanging some information while doing that, and you tend to miss someone when they are not seen for some length of time. I remember faith, but I am not sure why she has not been logging in here...
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
Kiran she seems to be busy with her store business. THank you for sharing.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
19 Jun 09
Ya when we chat and exchange views on regular basis,then we get used to that person.I have joined mylot 6 months back and have made some really good friends.I eagerly wait for their posts and also expect that they respond to my posts.Till date none of my friends is missing in action.There are a few who are not active at all and log on to mylot once or twice a month.A few of them just do not post or respond.Only some tried and trusted friends come on a regular basis .
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Jun 09
Thanks for the participation Bamrahkirti.What you say is absolutely true.We keep interacting and get used to seeing their particpation in our discussions, while looking for their topics too.
@killer11 (23)
• United States
18 Jun 09
um... move on. they probbly are buisy and doesnt want do do anything on mylot anymore.
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