Earn money in myLot by listening music and voting for All about Kane!!

@cornyman (1128)
June 22, 2009 1:25pm CST
Hello dear friends of myLot, i have a urgent message to you all: Please support mysdianait with her task... It's really easy and it takes just one minute You earn in this time more than you could by writing eight full lines. Please do her a favor and vote for the music group of her son, so that they can go to the big festival in Budapest! You have to hurry, the task is only online for around 1 hour!! only 3 hours and 40 minutes to go, until the voting is closed!! http://www.mylot.com/w/task/1143.aspx In case the task is already gone, please go and do the vote directly. I guess you can give away 1 minute for such a case, isn't it. The poll is over in exact 3 hours and 30 minutes. Vote for All about Kane... by clicking the button and writing the two words (Captcha code) under the voting! http://www.szigetfestival.it/vuoi_suonare.html Thanks for your support... I know my mylot friends are excellent in following me!
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18 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Jul 09
My friend I had no idea you did this for me That weekend was a very busy one trying to raise votes and keeping up with what was going on. But it was well worth it. They received an award from the organisation - the production of 500 CDs and they also now have a video-clip on MTV here (and interest dedicated to them on myLot!) In my profile youcan see the clip and a link to their website. Thank you again my friend - I was so unaware of this extra push that you gave them!
1 person likes this
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Wow, they're GOOD! What a pleasant afternoon treat this is. I hope they make it to the festival in Budapest, they certainly deserve some recognition.
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I won't get paid, there was no box with the number of votes. But it was worth more than a couple pennies to hear them, in my opinion.
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
22 Jun 09
you have to refresh the page... afterwards you will see the votes when you move the mouse over the percentage... just write mysdianait the actual vote number
1 person likes this
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
22 Jun 09
I hope i can help them with this discussion... hope they reach their goal, so that they can be proud of mysdianait's idea to promote it by a task, too!
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
23 Jun 09
Maybe I am late in taking that task because it stated these notes; Reward: $0.02 Expired Time Allotted: 1 hour But I submit the task and put the vote percentage for 28.6% like what I've seen on that web page, located on the left-hand-side to "All About Kane" and I listened the fantastic music of "Saturday Night Mask".
@danilliam (278)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
i like to help and will vote. but there is no more voting button on the site and there are numbers results on the page..
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
okay.no worry.good they get second place.maybe they get other awards. hehe.tnx.i am trying my very bestest to get up my counts.
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
23 Jun 09
The contest is already finished since 6 hours and 30 minutes. Sorry that i didn't reach you earlier. I just noticed this task a few hours before this contest was over. They reached "only" the second place. They have to wait now which prize they can get. Have a good time in myLot and keep on posting... soon you will see a star shining in front of your name. Only 19 points to go for you!!
1 person likes this
@savypat (20216)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I'm so sorry I tried this but couldn't figure out how to vote, I don't read enough of the language to figure it out.
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
23 Jun 09
Hello savypat, the contest was already over i guess at the time when you wrote me this message. But thanks for trying to vote for this music group. It's a pity they just got second... 200 votes too less. Now they have to wait and see which prize they can get. Have a good time in myLot!
@andresimp (818)
• India
22 Jun 09
i already did yesterday. am i allowed to once again? voting is considered only once right? just in case you want me to .i will do it
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
22 Jun 09
i guess they put cookies in the poll. I can't vote at the moment anymore and i don't get rid of this special cookie which the website will place in your browser. If you can vote, i think you should do it, there are still [b]over 300 votes available in her task[b]!
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
22 Jun 09
If you are on Twitter, please send the message below to your followers! Please DO me a FAVOR, VOTE for a FRIEND 1 MINUTE... Music Group is called "All About Kane" http://bit.ly/S3Pay
• India
22 Jun 09
it would not allow me to vote. sorry about that. hope your friend gets the highest rating! good luck!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Jun 09
oops got this to darn late so sorry!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I just tried to do it. I think I voted but I am not sure as a lot of the stuff was in Italian, but it did not give me a code or a vote count, so I couldn't collect on the task, but I think that I at least voted for the group so hopefully that will help.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I'll have to check it out. I didn't look at any of the tasks yet.
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
22 Jun 09
Hope you could finish the task in less than ONE Minute... it's really easy and it helps them!
@shinymood (405)
• China
30 Jun 09
I'm sorry to see this such late. It's already over, the voting. But it's so nice of you to help call for more votes for mysdiannait. I'm sure she must be very happy to have you as a friend.
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
I already vote yesterday well goodluck to All About kane ..
• India
19 Jul 09
Hello my friend cornyman Ji, It is an sorry affair and dis-appointing you that I could not make use of your offer in time. I am very late to approach that response. We will see next time. May god bless You and have a great time.
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
yes! i already did a day ago! and im glad i did accepted the task. its simple and i know i have helped a friend. i hope i did make a difference. but its really fun following all those steps and in the long run its worth it because my task is approved and i am so glad! thanks friends for making that task. hope you will pm me if you make more and also mysdianait, my friend. jhelai
@check23 (448)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
Aww... I'm too late. =C
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I am sorry that I missed this discussion and was not able to do it before the task expired. I guess the contest was over before I seen it. I hope her son wins something nice and I hope that he goes on to do major things in the music industry. It is a hard industry to break into and it is a tough career decision but if you know that you are good, then I say go for it.
@dafson (1)
• Nigeria
23 Jun 09
How do one realy make money from my lot.To me their payment system is just too small.. www.thewebcash.blogspot.com
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
23 Jun 09
LOL =D I guess i was too late for it.. It's been more than 8 hrs after u started this discussion before i saw it.. hehe ^_^ Anyway, it's been quite some time since i have been to mylot's task section to see what's new in there too.. haha =D BUt good luck to them in anyway, and it seems that they are quite a good band huh?? I did see some positive comments on their music group though ^_^
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
23 Jun 09
Did the task and got friends to do it too I hope they get enough votes. They rock! They deserve the chance to showcase their talent at the festival.