Okay! What type do you have? About how much?

@dloveli (4366)
United States
June 27, 2009 1:37am CST
I have the internet thru my cable company. It was a good deal in the beginning because I got all three, phone, cable and internet for a hundred bucks. For the first year. Now its double that. Yes Double! What do you have and how much? Are there any stipulations? Please share .....dl
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29 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Jun 09
I have Internet in twith the cable and yup keeps going up and I see no improvement on any thing. mines 153$ a month I get phone thru Vontage
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@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Do you by chance have Cox cable? My parents have the bundle and even though they get unlimited free long distance, it is so much. They pay a but over a hundred dollars. I have Cox cable, phone, and internet. I pay hardly anything for the phone because I qualify for lifeline. But that means I don't have long distance. I got the economy internet (20 dollars a month), but it is wireless thanks to a friend of mine who set that up. The cable though is the most expensive. And I don't even have the channels like Hallmark, Discovery Health...
@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Scratch that. I think my parents pay about 170 dollars a month.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Jul 09
Holy carp! You think that's a lot? My broadband is $24.95 a month for the slowest speed and minimum download allocation, my phone (land line) is about $30 - $35 a month including calls (I use it as little as possible). I can't afford cable TV. We can also link our mobile phones but there is no coverage where I live (remind me again that this is the 21st Century).
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
18 Jul 09
I have internet through my phone company.It is a broadband service with a speed of 2 MBps.It is called MTNL Triband.I get a download speed of 200KBps and an upload speed of 26 KBps.I have download limit of 1 Gb every month.I mostly play online game games that gets the download limit less very soon.Now i am focusing to make use of the limit by earning money on the internet.
@9872452 (40)
• Malaysia
27 Jun 09
I have wireless internet connection using mobile phone network. The cost per month is less than USD 20(currency conversion). Only need wireless modem+SIM card connected to any computer. Maximum download speed is 384kbps but not always get full speed. It has usage limitation, 5GB per month. They will limit the connection if too much bandwidth usage.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
27 Jun 09
I dont think they have that here. WHat happens when you use the 5GB? I just joined this site called Graboid. the site has all the old television shows and you can watch them. I thought it was free. I did see that they were offering upgrades for a price. I watched two episodes of the Bionic Woman and couldnt watch anymore. Come to find out its on the same idea as your internet carrier. The memory space goes so quick. Now I am addicted to watching the old shows and have no choice but to upgrade. I do know how fast memory space goes so I dont think your carrier is good for me. Bless you if it works for you! It just shows how well disciplined you are. dl
@suzzy3 (8342)
1 Jul 09
I have my internet through aol.Down the phone line.It is the same price of 24 pound as it was when I took it out last year.yours seems to have gone up a lot try to find out when your contract ends and change ,that does seem a lot to go up by.Did you start on a low payment for the first year,sometimes that happens my husband will sit and read all the small print before we buy anything.He could start a degree course in reading small print,sometimes it is annoying but I know he is right to do so.It has saved us from making big mistakes in the past.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
i use to subscribe a $20 a month independent internet connection with a 385kbps speed until i got a better deal where i get to bundle my internet connection of 512kbps with my existing landline phone service for only $27. i have saved $10.50 from my current bills. hopefully, our internet services would be a lot less expensive with a better deal. i am satisfied with it, so far.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I have DSL, dloveli, provided by my phone service carrier, and I've had it for a few years now. Actually, the service is pretty good, but I've noticed a price increase of about 50% over the past year. For awhile I had dialup, and it was painfully slow. I don't think I could ever go back to that again!My Internet service costs me about $30.00 per month.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
28 Jun 09
We have our internet service through our local provider here in town, I like it, its fast, and its wireless internet, we have a little satellite on top of the house, we pay 39.95 a month for it, and we've had it a couple years now, they've never changed the price or anything on us. Our connection speed is 100 Mbps, and its always on, we don't have to connect to anything. I always wondered how those cable companies worked, they always make it sound like a good deal.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
28 Jun 09
ok, I think our phone, dsl, and cable are around 70 but we have basic cable and only get to make local phone calls plus we pay for caller id. There are no stipulations, I have heard of deals like yours but the thing is that they expired the regulars prices kick in, so I prefer to pay regular of everything, except for internet but that's not my call than to save a whole bunch, move all my services to one company and then start all over again. Have you try asking for new deals?
@mces0925 (195)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
I am paying my phone and internet connection, it's a two in one. I also pay different with cable connection. I don't have problem with cable cost it only charged me $12 a month. But the phone and internet connection, I am not happy, the service is so poor. And it cost me $25. Some other internet service provider is more cheaper than this and better speed connections. I will just finish the contract and change the internet service provider. Happpy myloting!
@garmac (57)
• Jamaica
30 Jun 09
i get my service thru adsl. digital cable is just starting to spread thru mu country and is not in my area but friends have told me that the internet from their cable is cheaper than my adsl. they also said the cable television start out cheaper then goes up after awhile then the company said the price went up because of premium programming, that u didnt ask for, added. and they keep adding and u cant stop it....
• United States
28 Jun 09
That's the way they get you hooked in! It seems like such a good idea to have all your services in one bill and especially when they give you a good package deal for getting several services from one company. The only problem is that fairly soon after starting your services with them, they start going up on the charges so your bill gets higher and higher. Then, if you are late on a payment you lose all your important services at once. Your internet connection, your telephone, and your cablevision for your tv. I think it's a cheap way to entice people in just to increase the price for services every few months because they think they have you locked in. I myself use dsl service with my at&t phone service and have found this to be about the best value for the services. Timewarner's roadrunner is not really that much faster and it cost's considerably more. As far as my cable. I use Dish Network and am very satisfied with them. They have good quality equipment and their prices are pretty good compared to the other companies. I put Dish Network and Direct TV in for a living and they are both ok, I just prefer Dish Network. I definitely advise against local landline cable because you seem to get charged too much for their services.
• United States
28 Jun 09
I have tried different combinations when it comes to phone cable and internet and in the end the packages are never saving money unless you have exactly what they say and it includes or should say has a lot of little nitches in it to add on the extra like time warner has the 3 for 99 although this covers slow internet also their modems or some of them block some of the routers enabling you to have more than one computer working and in thier words the only way around it would be get one of their routers well I am back with them but found a router that works or this one does not have the glitch then the cable it says it covers this and that but look at the contract which is always changing when I got it last I got the digital which always had the cartoon channel nick disney ect well now these were extra for all that money all I had was through 99 and most of those either weather or shopping channels so to get anything I find useful costs more then the phone overall I have no complaints on that I know some mentioned vonage some like it I finally had to disconnect when I got it there was no obligation not one word said about having to keep it a yeat anyways it was about a month shy of a year I called to disconnect for I was always having connections problems and never getting ahold of anyone either that or they knew nothing well when I called to disconnect they would not let me do it kept argueing with me I told them they could not make me keep their service i went through this about 6 times when I finally told them credit card information would be invalid and would not be honored if they continued to try and bill for service make a long story short they harrassed me for about 6 months I finally had to get ahold of better business bureau and then finally they stopped and there had been many complaints filed already so I would not recommend them my sister also had it or tried they kept trying to bill her but never would send her the equipment to start service it took about 3 months to fix that Now Att has dsl not only dial up for some I saw the case you may not be aware of which the dsl runs through the phone line also had this and was the most reasonably priced but went down often and customer service was very bad to the point of rude and deceptive which led me back to time warner I pay about 80 a month I have only the phone and internet cable I refuse to get there is nothing on there I do not have already and any of the new shows I can watch on line so I refuse to pay for a service especially for the prices they charge for the quality they provide
@Crysi23 (515)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I have cable tv and cable internet and only pay about 100 a month we recently got rid of cable phone because we went to cellphones ever since we got a car because that was more convient to bring our home phone, with us.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I have it through Verizon and will continue to do so as the rate has not changed since I got it a few years ago. I no longer have cable TV, due to the unbelievable raises in prices, therefore I was shy of getting internet through them, too. Besides, cable went out more than I did!!! I have satellite for tv and verizon for internet and will remain that way.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
28 Jun 09
REcently, i switched my internet survice to my phone company rather than with my cabel company. The reason being, I now basically get free internet access. I was paying around $150 for cabel and internet and then, about $60 for my phone. My phone company is running a special that includes my phone service as well as my internet for the same $60 that I have been paying and it is locked in for two years. So, not, my cabel bill only runs about $90, unless my husband orders his UFC fights and/or we order a movie or two. The great thing is that my internet is just as fast if not a little faster than it was before.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
28 Jun 09
I'm in Canada, and I have my internet and telephone through the same company. I don't get cable TV because I find it really boring... I can download the TV shows I want, and that way, there are no commercials! The cost for me is $55 a month. It's really a great deal.
• United States
28 Jun 09
I have cable internet as well...my internet, phone and cable are all in one jst like yours is. The phone includes and unlisted number and unlimited long distance. We have two extra bonus channels on the television and for all of that our monthly bill is about $160.00. I really like the way we are set up now..it saves us about $40.00 a month.
@buitzh (76)
• Philippines
28 Jun 09
well .. every year they should double it . its normal thats business.