How much stars you have?

My lot - Stars in my lot
July 22, 2009 12:41pm CST
Recently i have watched that My lot have added a star mark behind my name.I was so mush glad about seeing it.First of all when i post comment to my friends i saw some stars with their name i have wait for a while to acquire some stars on it.Recently i have reach at 100 posts and as a result i got a star marks. How much stars you have with your name in my lot?
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8 responses
@trickiwoo (2702)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I have had a 9 for months and months and months! It dropped down to an 8 for a little bit, but I was able to bring it back up to a 9 in just a few weeks! I really want a 10! I've been trying really hard and making a lot of posts, but still no 10. I give other users lots of + ratings so that their ratings will increase, but I guess not a lot of users are rating my discussions and responses! That makes me kind of sad, because I really want that 10 star!
• India
22 Jul 09
Congratulations you have scored a good performance on my lot .Thanks for the reply.
@jimeny (640)
• Israel
22 Jul 09
What does this star means?
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Jul 09
When you see 100 beside your username you will also then see your star. The colour is decided by how others rate all your activities. Beside every discussion, response and comment you will see +/-/! and these are for rating the quality of the posts. You can see more importanti nformation here regarding the stars: Welcome to myLot and have fun!
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• India
22 Jul 09
you have only 18 post when you have 100 post than you will get a star matk.Thanks for the reply
@jimeny (640)
• Israel
22 Jul 09
Oh! I didn't know I can rate other users! thankes for the info!
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
22 Jul 09
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Jul 09
No... we seren't talking about that here
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
22 Jul 09
LOL! You have much more patience than I do!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Jul 09
It's my middle name and sometimnes it pays off and everyone benefits
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@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
27 Jul 09
I have number 9 star.I am proud in it.However i don't be seriously if it will change to down grade.I think i don't interest in the star.I will look my earning will be up in everyday enough.
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
Hi there...actually im just a newbie in mylot and i am thinking how can i get those stars. I always see other comments with stars and i also want to have that. I hope i can get some stars soon....add me as a friend...thanx
• Canada
23 Jul 09
You need 100 posts to get a star. Even then it will probably be a low number, the reason I have no idea why.
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
thanks for the I know...will that include my comments to other's discussion or not???
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
i only have 7 stars...
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
23 Jul 09
I no longer can see my star. It seem to have morphed into a reputation rating. I do not know if this is a permanent arrangement or is just a bug in the system. I guess time will tell.
• United States
22 Jul 09
yeah i been plusing users all the time i didn't know it did anything really i just thought maybe it told mylot they were doing a good job. and mine star went down a while back and i'm confused i thought all my post were reasonable. oh well and i have 8 stars i think. and i don't like seeing them there because i don't like competing with other users.