do you prefer to be really fit? or just normaly fit?

@scooby29 (239)
August 2, 2009 10:37pm CST
when i was a child i was too tin and can be consider us lack of weight for my age but when i realized that when i got little carried away by the strong wind, i decided to build up some muscles and until i have reach the normal weight i have but as i have achieved what i dreamed is that i started also to lose maintain my weight which i become heavy than what i have achieve, i keep on thinking why did this it happen! i should have loose a wait not gain! is it my metabolism getting slower to digest or is this part of maturity thing of a person? what do you think guys?
6 responses
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
3 Aug 09
i like being fit. I don't have to be really really fit though but i work out every day so i am pretty fit but i have my weeks of laziness... lol
@scooby29 (239)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
lol...laziness maybe help also burn fats!but thr important thing is that you are seriously maintain your physically fit body! and good luck and happy myloting!
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
I want to be where the ideal weight for my height and age should be. It is hard to lose the weight that I wanted because my metabolism is not anymore as good as it was when I was younger. Even if I try to be at my weight during my younger years, I find it hard to do so. I just look at what is real for me.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I think your metabolism just gets slower with age too no matter what you do. If your weight is muscle though, that is good. I'd prefer to be far more fit than the average person (well, I suppose I already am... but I'd like to be even more fit). I don't need huge muscles, but I want to be able to do things.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I think as we get older, we tend to hold on to weight a little longer than when we are younger. After I hit about 16, I gained weight. Some of it may have to do with what you eat. If you eat fast food (McDonald's and such), you are going to gain weight. If you start spending more time on the computer instead of going outside and exercising, you will also be more likely to gain weight. If you balance what you eat and how much you exercise, you should be able to maintain your weight. As long as you are healthy, you should be ok.
@radx682 (327)
• India
3 Aug 09
I prefer normal fit...I do not exercise regularly...whenever I feel like I exercise...I don't want to be very slim / thin....healthy body is imporatnt and I strive to stay fit...
@Masssko (238)
• Estonia
8 Aug 09
I like to have a bit of reserve, so not to be nervous about every piece of pastry I eat. for example, if I want to be about 60 kg, I'd rather be 59 kg =) Simple maths=)