How do you feel if anyone comment that your discussion is against mylot rules

August 10, 2009 12:23pm CST
I feel so nervous when anyone say like this i think my god my whole money will go due this type of comments i also think what is wrong with my comment, even though there is no wrong according to mylot rules, still if anyone comments again like this i think there is issue with my comments i will try myself to improve my discussion , so that no one never say my discussion is against mylot rules..... guys what will you feel and do if any one say that your discussion is against mylot rules.... share your expereince ... happy mylotting....
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12 responses
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Aug 09
I have an issue - mylot - I have an issue- mylot
Hi Sathish, Until now I have never come across any member who is irresponsible enough to make unnecessary accusations against another member here. If there is reason, then they may go all out, and believe me, that's how this forum has remained so clean with absolutely no opportunity for spamming. But if you feel that you have been wrongly accused you must contact both the member and the admin and make him aware of your feelings.I am sure that steps will be taken to resolve the issue - all the best and happy mylotting
• India
11 Aug 09
iT hasn't happened to me yet. But sure if it happens, I wil feel bad.
@chaime (1152)
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
well... mylot does have terms and conditions and general rules regarding what you can and cannot post in a discussion. If you follow those rules I do not think you will have a problem. if someone tells you your discussion is against the rules just take in stride. Mylot admin do check on your posts so there is nothing you can do about it if its against the rules, the post will get deleted and any earnings from it deleted as well. Your whole earnings will not be flushed down the drain.
@Archie0 (5651)
11 Aug 09
Many times it happens we write things unknown that they are against mylot. I have always written stuffs always against mylot rules but later i came to know about the things.But ttheres nothing to worry, because then we learn to write with the mylot rights and rules.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Aug 09
It has happened to me...I had once got my discussion rejected on my first day and before it was deleted I had recieved 3 responses pointing out that it was against the rules. Then I read all the FAQs and guidelines. I really felt sad that day but it was my fault .So no complains there. I have since then tried to stay within the rules and it has been a very nice journey.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
11 Aug 09
My think, every member mylot when give anyone comment try wieldy rules of term. If any wrong, before post comment, mylot system will give notice. So, small possibilty any against. My think, if your comment/ discussion considered against rules, may be any misundertand between discussion with
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
10 Aug 09
If you fear of falling into this trap, you should read and re-read the guidelines so you will know what are the do and don't of mylot before posting discussions. It will save you a lot of inconveniences and others will not get involved if the discussion is deleted. It is within your judgment to decide whether your discussion is safe for publication in mylot.
@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
I don't have any discussion that i think against mylot rules. It is maybe a response or comments. If someone comment that my discussion is against mylot rules and it is really against mylot rules, i will be glad that someone corrected me so that in next time i will not post again that is against mylot. After all we are here to post, discuss and comment in accordance with the site rules. It will get back to us if we don't do in accordance.
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
10 Aug 09
I do not have that happen to me. But if it did I would ask the person to explain to me why? tdemex
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
10 Aug 09
I think I have received couple of those before. So I have been more careful about what I post and stuff. Dont' want to reveice those responses first and I don't want all my work to be a waste.
@meapas (2436)
• India
11 Aug 09
Check the guidelines properly and if it is found to be true, rectify your mistake and thank the person who pointed it out, otherwise just forget and get moving, don't think much wasting too much time on such silly things.
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
mylotting will not be as enjoyable as it is if someone will comment that my discussion is against mylot rules.... since it was just a comment we must not respond bad things. of course humans are born to make mistake, and if we really did make mistake we must also change the way we comment. reflect, accept and change are the keyrules to improve ourselves... ^_^ now thats happy mylotting...