Law of attraction; is it working for you?

United States
August 11, 2009 2:47pm CST
Hi guys; If you havent't read this book I invite you to do so, or if you are not a book fan, there is even a movie about it. Belive me if you apply this into you life you can acomplish so many things. You can start with small things just to prove it. For those who had this book; hows is it working for you? For me it is!
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5 responses
@rkc_26 (1)
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
I am a person who doesn't love reading books but suddenly everything changed after I started reading this book "The Secret". Though I'm really having a hard time practicing the law of attraction but once you've tried doing it, definitely it works.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
13 Jan 10
When I saw "The secret" in the shop I hadn't heard about it, I just thought that it sounded interesting and I decided to buy it. Most of the topics of the book aren't new to me, but I still find the book very interesting and useful. I am very happy that I bought it, because I think that it is a great book, and I find it better and easier to understand than some of the other books about the same topic. I have read about positive thoughts etc before, but sometimes I forget about the things that I have read, so it a great a get a reminder. I still work on becoming more grateful for everything in my life.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
4 Nov 09
Hi, Yes I would say that the Secret has really helped to change my life or rather, my philosophy of the world around us. Even more so than this particular book, I've found that the teachings of Abraham in the books Ask and you will receive which also deals with LOA to have a bigger impact on my life. I remember being being into the LOA I used to be a more negative, pessimistic person, impatient with life, etc. I didn't realize until reading those books, is that what you receive in life is what you attract. If you become a positive happy person, you will have all these positive things manifesting to you, and vice versa. I think we all know someone really negative that always seems to have negative things happening to them? Why is that? It's because they devote their energy to thinking about these things, which is like a magnet, because these thoughts then get "pulled" to the person. Just like for example, if you're always thinking about illness or despair, you will keep attracting that as well. I also know someone in that very same situation.
@abenitez (501)
• United States
11 Aug 09
It is just a great book and it goes to show you that positive thinking goes a long a way. It worked for me with my college degree and the purchase of my car. Since 2006 I wanted a Dodge Magnum and 2 years ago I was able to purchase one. I practice the Law of Attraction every day and absolutely believe that it works.
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
Yes, this book really works. I've learned a lot in this book. It changed my way of thinking because before, i always think of negative thoughts though i know that there's nothing to be afraid of or to be worried about? and i also discrinate and criticize myself but when i have read that book? well, it changed me.. :)