Are you afraid of mice?

United States
August 15, 2009 12:50pm CST
I am not afraid of mice but I knw alot other people are. I don't know why people are afraid of mice they run away from you not at you. They can be cute little pets for kids. I really don't see them being a threat except for getting in to food if loose. I would hate them getting into my food. That would not fly with me. I know some people will scream and stand on a chair if they see one. Which it is kind of funny to see that. I really don't think they can harm you. I don't agree with posioning them or setting traps I find it so mean. I know it weird to feel that way but I actually feel bad when I see them in a trap just motionless waiting to die.
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25 responses
@sblossom (2168)
15 Aug 09
I'm not afraid of mice that is in the cage,but if the mice can run freely then i feel scared. Because i feel sometimes they might bite me or do some unual things to me. Many years ago I worked in a company that had many mice for research purposes. I was very scared of them. I always worried they might escape from their cage and invade us in night when we were sleeping. Very strange?
@Archie0 (5642)
16 Aug 09
I am scared of cockroaches, and I know perfectly well they can't hurt me. It doesn't have to be rational. I asked somebody why she was scared of mice, and she said she was afraid it would run up her leg. Some other people that got scared of my pet mouse seemed afraid that the mouse would jump on them. So what? you might well ask. To which I can only say, it does not make sense. It doesn't have to. Then too, a lot of people think every mouse is carrying some kind of disease. Most of them don't of course, even wild ones.
• United States
19 Aug 09
I am not afraid of them I just dont like them in my house i dont want to kill them so if I can trap and release I will try that first
@balasri (26537)
• India
16 Aug 09
I am not afraid of them.I detest them.I know that they are the carriers of many deadly deseases.
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
Maybe for some they are really afraid of mice. Me, I am not. But when it suddenly climbed my foot, I screamed also and stood on top of a chair. But if it doesnt touch me, its fine with me. But I don,t like them. They consume sacks of rice in my mothers store room for the harvested rice grain. But I like to see them in my cats mouth or being toyed by my little kittens. I just hate it when I hear the sound of the cat chewing or tearing the rat's skin or head or tail. What I hate more are flies and cockroaches.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I agree they really are cute. I think my initial fear was simply following what I saw everyone else do. Plus if they are in your house and you don't know it, it frightens you to suddenly see the little creatures come out of nowhere. The one time I really had compassion was when my dad found one in his bathtub and his wife was yelling at him to kill it. The little guy could not get out as he could not climb the walls. My dad went to get one of those glue things and I had a fit, begging him not to kill it. I looked into his little eyes and I could not bear to see him destroyed. My dad finally got a box and put him in it and let him loose in the woods.
• United States
16 Aug 09
I'm not afraid of mice but I really don't want them anywhere near my food. I watched a show on animal planet about how you can get parasites from them (if feces gets mixed with your food) that you may have to live with them for the rest of your life. I'd hate the idea of a parasite living off of my body. I think people are allowed to have fears though, even if they are silly (I am deathly afraid of all bugs, very difficult to live a normal life). I admit though I don't like furry surprises popping up when I least expect them.
• India
16 Aug 09
I am not really afraid of mice but I think they are very dirty and once they start entering the house, they can be an absolute nuisance. They put their mouth and paws to any fruit or vegetable that’s left outside, they scatter garbage and other things from the waste paper basket and if they can find an entry into the cupboard then heaven help you!
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
16 Aug 09
i am not afraid of them per say but i am grossed out by them. i would not want one to crawl on me and i certainly would not want in my home spreading germs. they are vermin after all. cute. maybe. but i can live without them.
• India
16 Aug 09
I guess you have not been really troubled by mice. They can dig holes around your house. If they get into your food articles then the food can become poisonous. If they bite you, then you would have to get injections. Not all mice run away from you. Once I saw a rat run up a boy's leg and inside his shorts. That was one of the hilarious moments which is hard to forget.
@indyoke (79)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 09
sometimes i'm afraid of mice, specially when they run into me, even i bring stick to hit them, but still, i run and go far away from the mice
• China
16 Aug 09
I do not like rats. Because it bite through my clothes. Also my mouse droppings left basin. It in my drawer bad bite my notebook. I have food to eat it. However, it destroys what I am. This morning I just caught a small mouse. I have not killed it. I put it to the playground downstairs. I want it to stay away from. I do not damage things.
@HTHWXQ (27)
• China
16 Aug 09
oh no no no,actully mice is very cute.people awally misunderstand them,is all humen being's fault,we do experimen with they life,we take their place to make they live in dirty place,they just like the wrong guys should not exit in the wrold.we make it that way ,our responsibilites
@tr0tilas (63)
• Lithuania
16 Aug 09
I'm not afraid that animal, becouse mices are wery small and they cant do anything bad for me. If you take mice in your hand then animal can nip you, but if mice just runnig away, they can't skared me. Lot of people are scared of mice becouse of speed.
@hardino (22)
• India
16 Aug 09
hi, i am little afraid of mice.i also hate them since they destroy or damage our food stuffs in godowns specially rice,wheat etc.i would definitely advice you all to get rid of these pests.they must be wiped out fully from the entire world.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I am not really afraid of mice but I do not want them in my home, on or around me at all. They can be very destructive. alot of them will chew into wire or ceilings and holes in your walls. They make a mess with your food in your cabinets also. It freaks me out to see one run across the floor in the house. they are fine if they are outside though. I hate to see them die also but they need to stay out fo the house.
@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Aug 09
I am so scared of the mice. I think mice not only look ugly, but also carry lots of virus on them. Perhaps they can't really hurt me, but the feeling still feel horrible if they ever step on my feet. I love China
15 Aug 09
i am not afraid of mice because i know that they are not going to kill me ,but i am afraid that if they come below my legs they will get die but my mother hates them although she is also not afraid of them
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
15 Aug 09
Yes, I am afraid of mice. I will run you over if I see one in the room. I will jump on top of table to get out of its way. I don't have a great explaination for my react. I guess it is because they are swift mover and you never know when they will run across your foot:-) I don't like seeing them trapped, but it is either me or them. They also can be harmful to your health if their droppings are invading your living space. There are some humane ways of ridding them from your home, so I would use one of those ways instead of a mouse trap that I would be afraid to touch.
• United States
16 Aug 09
I dont mind them when I see them outside. I just do not like them when they are in my house. They will eat up most anything. In fact I had a nice pair of Jeans get eaten up last year to the mice. So I had to get out the traps.
• United States
16 Aug 09
I love mice! But, rats are a completely different story... My girlfriend thinks that rats are adorable but I hate them!!! I once had a friend who put his rat on my shoulder when I was playing a game and it crawled across me and scratched me, I hated it! But, long story short, I think mice are cute and rats are definitely not.