Do you read your partner's sms behind him ?

@aweins (4199)
August 17, 2009 3:59pm CST
when your partner is not around and you see his mobile ringing and then missed calss and then sms and sms and sms...... would you go and check it out ? do you keep a check on your partner by regularly keep a check on his mobile and calls that are coming and going. his time spending in office, and out and all that stuff. do you do that? do you really feel that its worth ? i dont think that its of any worth . a person will do what ever you do to check him or her , if he really wanna do that. he or she can find ways to do it.
6 responses
@mtvmtv (600)
• India
17 Aug 09
Never.Because i believe in ethics.If any relation is having no faith or trust then it should be cut off.Because without trust relation will have no charm.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
18 Aug 09
Darn it.. ya took the words right out of my mouth :s lol
• Philippines
18 Aug 09
No, I don't keep watch or track down who is sending sms or calls. I do trust my hubby and he has nothing to hide also. Besides, he is just so careless and he throws his mobile around and leaves it there. Even if he sees me reading his messages or checking his mobile, it's no big deal for him since he has nothing to hide for me too. If I have any questions, i simply ask, and I don't doubt. You will be hurting the person if you keep on getting jealous or suspicious all the time. In a relationship, it is important to trust the person. If you keep on hiding things and lie, it will never be good and the relationship will not grow. Happy Mylotting.
• India
17 Aug 09
well, it depends really. i would not check my partner's missed calls or sms out of curiosity or to check on him. if i was around and there is a call ,i would check it to tell him/her that some xyz is trying to reach her or there is some msg. it depends on what intentions you have.
@Masssko (238)
• Estonia
17 Aug 09
Hi! I never do that and expect he never does that to me. I think if those things happen in relationship, there is no trust between partners. As soon as I'm confident in my partner I will never touch his personal things. As well as if my partner starts searching some suspicious information about me in my personal things or elsewhere, there will be no trust to him also any more. Good luck!
• United States
17 Aug 09
I often check my boyfriends text messages, the reason is because im a horrible curious person. If I didnt do this though I would not have seen a few things that was really important for me to find out. My boyfriend & I have an amazing relationship & we are raising a beautiful girl togather, but sometimes you need to check in with how they are doing. If he did that to me I would have no problem with it, it just shows me he is interested in what I am doing & doesnt want anything bad to happen.
• Philippines
18 Aug 09
i guess, sometimes a person do it out of his/her curiosity, others maybe doing it because they find a reason to do it...