I Think I Have FINALLY Found Him - My New Best Friend....

United States
August 29, 2009 6:45pm CST
Wow! Amazing! Awesome! Simply, Unbelievable! Yup, I think I finally found him and I can honestly say, he is my new best friend. It is so crazy because I didn't even want to meet him, but I was sort of pushed into it and now, I can't imagine my life without him in it. If you remember, I had wrote a few discussions about my mother's ailing friend and how this friend wanted me to meet a guy. Now, I know this friend is really pushing for a "relationship" to develop between me and this guy, but what we have right now is a wonderful "friendship". I personally would love for it to be more but we had a long talk just the other night. He says he isn't ready for a relationship with anyone right now and he doesn't really need the complications of a relationship. I told him that I understood and that yes, I would love to be in a relationship with him, but I definitely didn't want to mess up a good friendship by having a relationship. He said he doesn't know how he will feel 6 months from now or a couple years from now but he just knows what he feels right now. I can totally respect him for being so honest with me. I also respect him for not trying to "just get some" and leave it at that. I respect that he doesn't try to use me as a "friend with benefits". He respects me and our friendship enough not to do that to me. I am just so happy that I have found this friend and I am so going to enjoy EVERY single minute of it.
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24 responses
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Well I haven't said much to you so you have no idea who I am. I have followed your posts but did not see this coming. I am very happy for you and it sounds like you have started this friendship off in the most perfect way. If you are open to more it may become difficult for you in time but I have no doubt you will do fine. This is a perfect example of what happens if we don't close ourselves off and just go for what is presented too us. Once we can do that wonderful things can and do happen. Very happy for you and I wish you the very best in this friendship.
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
30 Aug 09
And truly believe, everything happens for a reason. My husband and I started out as friends more than 20 years ago. It hasn't been easy but I believe because we had a friendship first it has made it somewhat easier to weather the storms.
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• United States
30 Aug 09
Thank you so much. It was such a pleasure to read your response. I agree we have to be open to let good things happen to us in life, even if they aren't exactly what we wanted or wished for, we still have to be thankful for the good that has come of it.
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30 Aug 09
Hi single,ommy, Well, what a swell guy, like they would say in the olden days but yes he is a very person and you want to hang on to him, its nice to have a best friend and who knows what will happen in the future, if it doesent, then you still have a best friend. Treasure it my friend. Tamara
2 people like this
• United States
30 Aug 09
Yeah, I think he is a great guy and an awesome friend!
• United States
30 Aug 09
Good for you. I hope it turns into more if that's what u want but just enjoy what u have w.him right now & don't ruin it by trying to push him into something he's not ready for.Everyone needs a friend, get to know him & just have a good time. Good luck.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
30 Aug 09
I always say that the best relationship starts with friendship. I am glad that you have found a best friend. Just continue to be that friend he wants and when love comes along he will not hesitate. I was in a similar situation with my present boyfriend although this is a long distance one. He told me that he only wanted friendship and then he was bowled over when he realized that he indeed love me It took some friends for him to see that he indeed love. So just be friends and when the time is right he will come to realized that love is indeed there. I wish you all the best.
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• United States
30 Aug 09
Yes, maybe you are right and love will come later. It would be really nice if it did. Thanks for the well wishes!
@becdmd (704)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
I think friendship is the best foundation in a having a relationship with a person.. in preparation for the next, so that both of you will grow stronger in building what you have started.(^_^) It's a blessing for you to have a bestfriend who really has no agenda and it is pure.
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
30 Aug 09
My husband and I started out as friends more than 21 years ago. I agree with you that a friendship must be built between two people before a relationship can begin. This I feel is truly the basis of all successful marriages.
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@wigima5 (904)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Well I think that's really cool how you guys managed to talk it out calmly and nicely. Usually when this kind of stuff happens it ends up in drama and everyone's upset and hearbroken. =] well good luck!
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• United States
30 Aug 09
Yes, there could have been a whole lot of drama, but there is no way I would want to lose a great friend over something so simple.
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@StarBright (2798)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Enjoy your new friend. But....a word of caution. Don't stop looking for Mr. Right. This guy says he only wants friendship. You want a relationship. Respect and appreciate his honesty. Take him at his word. Do not ignore what you want. You do not have to make any quick moves, but keep your eyes and ears open and do not turn down any dates. I'm sure your friend won't be. Have fun. If you are true friends, then be friends. What I am saying is, don't sit there and fall head over heels in love and get your heart broken when he tells you, his friend, that he found somebody.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I am so happy for the both of you too. It was nice of him to be honest with you. I think it is wonderful that you can still be friends also. My husband and I started out that way too. Good luck.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
1 Sep 09
this is good to know a good friend can develop into romance and it will be a stronger romance because you already knew each other as friends and enjoying it if it doesn't develop, it's still a good thing to have good friends are not easy to find, true friends are even harder enjoy it. friendship sometimes lasts longer than romance you're lucky you have a good man as your friend
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
31 Aug 09
It is a great news and I share your happiness of finally meeting the one that stirs your heart. I wish you all the best and hope that both of you enjoy the friendship and have a happy ending.
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@snowy22315 (172623)
• United States
30 Aug 09
It is so great to find someone you can have a frienship or realtionship with. I really hope that it works out for you in whatever capacicty you find yourself in. I hope and wish the best of luck for you.
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Aug 09
Thank you so much!
@suzzy3 (8342)
31 Aug 09
He sounds really nice and honest at last.There are so many users about, just out for one thing then they are off.I am really happy for you,even if he remains a friend what could be better.Let things develop slowly if they are going to.It is just nice to hear you are so happy.
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@AKMEDIA2 (328)
• United States
9 Sep 09
That is great and definitely the way it should be. I am very happy for you. I think I've found my new best friend as well though time will tell. It is great also to live in the now and have a balance in life so that you're not stuck overworking, overworrying, or overly having fun to the point that everything is out of balance.
@jellymonty (2352)
30 Aug 09
Congratulations! Its so good to have a friend like that in your life. Hang on to him. You never know in six months time he might be totally and madly in love you so keep your fingers crossed. All is not lost yet...
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• United States
30 Aug 09
Yes, my mother told me that "God sees the whole picture" and that "you can't make things happen, you have to let them happen". She gives the best advice, but no matter what happens, I know I will be happy.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
30 Aug 09
You are very lucky to have a great friend that respects you enough to let you know up front what he is looking for right now. Things will be great between the two of you and I truly believe having a great friend is far more important that being in a "relationship." You will never be sorry you have met this guy and if he is truly a friend that will far outlast anything you would get from rushing into a relationship neither of you is ready for. Enjoy it and thank God for your new friend. He is responsible for brining this man into your life.
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
that is really good for you. :) cool to have a new friend and that you are open to the idea of meeting him. i wish you best of luck.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Hi singlemommy~ I think that is wonderful that you have a new best friend. That is if that really is what you want. It sounds like you really want more of this person then a best friend. If that is true and you really think that you will be alright accepting him as just a friend then it is wonderful. But, if your feelings are going to get hurt if he decides to date someone else and you don't think you can handle that maybe you better think about how you will feel just being his best friend. He has told you he doesn't want a relationship with you and if you are just going to stick around hoping that he will change his mind sometime soon you may just get yourself hurt. You did say you really want more from him. I really think that you should think about this really carefully.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
30 Aug 09
That is great to hear. I think that the best relationships have the basis of a really good friendship that goes beyond the physical and romantic anyway so you never do know it may well develop into more later as you say. He sounds like an honest and decent man and this is a 'win win' situation, no matter what the future holds you have gained a good friend and that can’t be bad! Enjoy each other’s company!
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• Philippines
30 Aug 09
So, you've experienced that "friends with benefits thing"? some are are still good breed out there, and you're lucky enough to have found one there. friends is stable and right, am glad that after all these years, there are still a few of them exist, thought they were either extinct. cherish your friend and value him, it's rare
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• Canada
30 Aug 09
Well Interesting! I want join you.
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