whats your status?

@shhheila (1845)
August 30, 2009 6:50am CST
Are you in a relationship,married or single? just cant think of any topic... just drop by and have fun! have a nice day to all!
14 responses
@smart44 (510)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
I am married with 3 children. what about you?
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
im single... help me find a right man for me. hehehe...
@coolpk87 (69)
• India
30 Aug 09
I am single :-( I love a girl sincerely but she doesn't care for my emotions..
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
oh thats sad. you'll meet one someday!
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
i'm single..
@Archie0 (5651)
30 Aug 09
Well i am still a single, i am very sad to tell that i have reached the silver point of my age but yet i dont have a person who loves me truly and to whom i love truly.But i am still waiting for that right person to come into my life and make it a most wonderfull dream i ever wanted to dream of. :)
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
yah same with me... hope we'll meet the right person someday!!! ... love comes unexpectedly!
• China
1 Sep 09
I and my girlfriend just started! i hope we continuous for ever!
@palkmae (29)
• Japan
13 Jun 10
I am married for around 2 years already with a 10-month old baby. Its tough but every moment is worth it.
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
im in a relationship right now.. we're together for almost a year and half.. sad to say, i always feel that we have different worlds..
• United States
31 Aug 09
I am dating my childrens father. We have plans to get married in the future but it has not happened yet. I have also been praying about our relationship for Jesus to come into it we plan on attending a retreat here in the near future to set ourselfs staright. Nice topic and happy mylotting to you.
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
in a relationship... :) uhmmm... he's my boyfriend for 2 months... they say we look fine whenever we're together and i think they're very much right... i love and he loves me too but above all that we both love GOD...
@artofreed (130)
• Indonesia
31 Aug 09
I'm a single now after divorce several years ago (about 12 years ago), now I'm on relationship... LOL
@osris61 (107)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Hi, I've been married for 25 years and I have four children, three boys and one girl. We have had good times and there have been rough times, but we have stuck it out. We just worked together through those rough times.
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
I am married... and hurting right now. I guess, love is never love without heartaches. I just hope that my heart can bear all the heartaches and don't stop loving.
• United States
31 Aug 09
I have been in a long term relationship for the past 3 1/2 years. I am incredibly happy with my status and don't really wish to be single in anyway. I am perfectly content with my love
@Kevinsun (30)
• China
31 Aug 09
I am married for three years, and have twin boys that are 12 month old.