How much coffee do you drink per day?

@Citychic (4067)
United States
September 8, 2009 6:32pm CST
Hey friends, who likes to drink coffee and how much of it do you drink per day? I drink at least a couple cups but it's not straight coffee, I could never drink a whole cup of coffee. But mix in some hot chocolate with it and it's uhhhmmm uhmmmm good! So how do you like your? tell me about it?
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14 responses
@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
12 Oct 09
Yes, Citychic, I like coffee and I drank a lot when I was a student. Now I would only have a cup of coffee in the morning, as I might not fall in sleep easily if I have a lot of caffeine. I drank it straight before, but now I have no preference and like any kind of coffee.
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@hagirl (1295)
• United States
9 Sep 09
My husband and I got you beat citychic. We drink around 2 to 21/2 pots a day. I know it is not good for me, but I can not resist. Coffee to me goes great with everything. Sometimes i drink it straight or with french vanilla creamer in it. I do agree though I have tried it with hot chocolate and it taste good that way too. I do not like those mocha coffees at McDonalds though and i definitely do not like iced coffee. Do you like the McDonalds specialty coffees or the iced coffee?
• Hong Kong
12 Oct 09
wow, that's too much for me to have 2 to 2.5 pots of coffee a day. It was okay to me to have that a lot when I was a student, as I had to have coffee to make me awake when I studied. However I found my hands shaking a lot after having lots of coffee for a year, I then gradually reduced my comsumption of coffee. Now, I would only take at most 1 to 1.5 cup of coffee a day, and I would only take the coffee in the morning. I tried McDonalds iced coffee before, but I found no interest to order it again, nothing really special and I prefer others drinkings.
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
13 Oct 09
I have tried McDonalds flavored coffee iced and hot because I had free coupons. I would not recommend it to anyone. I like french vanilla in my coffee and i do not even like McDonalds in that.
@AmbiePam (86342)
• United States
18 Oct 09
I'm not a coffee drinker. It's probably because my parents never drank coffee. Now both sets of my grandparents drank coffee. I probably would have expected one of my parents to pick up the habit. It's not that I don't like coffee, it's just not one of my must have beverages.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
9 Sep 09
In the normal days, when I stay home, I only drink a cup of coffee in the early morning after wake up, other than that, I don't drink anymore. If I go out to places, I mihg tget coffee at the coffee shop sometimes for the ride to somewhere so I drink more than a cup.
• Hong Kong
12 Oct 09
Me as well. I would only have coffee in the morning after wake up, I had sleeping problem before, and changed my habbit of drinking coffee, I would only take coffee in the morning in normal days, as you said, if I go out and I have to order some drinks, I might order a cup or two of coffee if I have to, but I would not drink up the whole cup of it, otherwise I might not fall in sleep easily at that night.
• China
22 Oct 09
well... i seldom drink coffee, i prefer tea, i think it tastes really nice when u drink... but at the same time, i've to admit that the fresh coffee smells really delicious... my roommate like coffe he drinks everyday, while i like tea and also the smell from coffee that he makes, hah...
@greyz7 (859)
• Philippines
11 May 10
i drink atleast 1 - 2 cups of coffee per day.. i dont like drinking too much since it also has bad effects.
@skbh12 (2946)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
hi ciychic! hmmmm.. in a day i might say 2 coffees in one sitting. i pour two sachets of coffee in one glass and that is it. haha... but there are times that drinking coffee doesn't keep me from falling asleep especially at work. i hate it when i get so sleepy and i am at work. hard to keep eyes open and concentrate..
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Oh Citychic...Now I have to tell the truth again..HAHAHAH.. Well lets see..I was trying to cut back on my coffee intake. That failed.. I am back to drinking about 5-6 cups of coffee a day. I know that is alot but I just can't help myself. I sit and drink coffee while Im on mylot. I think it might give me my thoughts. HAHAHAHAH You have a nice day..
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
Hello Citychic. well, i do drink coffee before but we ran out and instead started drinking chocolate energy drink. but for me, i prefer to add it with milk or coffee cream rather than another chocolate in the coffee. have a great day
• China
29 Sep 09
I have every morning and coffee. Mental work. Morning cup of coffee will help clear-headed and full of energy, but before breakfast, before we could drink, or easy to Functional gastrointestinal injury. There are 12 fat stomach and intestinal ulcers, particularly fasting should avoid drinking coffee.
@satan88 (584)
• United States Minor Outlying Islands
9 Sep 09
i drink about 1 cup every two weeks. I only drink when i need it like when there is a final exam or an assignment due the next morning and it's already 1 am
• United States
12 Oct 09
None because most of the time, If I drink one or more cups of coffee, I will automatically fall asleep. I mean, I thought coffee was supposed to keep you up. Not for me.
@Msabu09 (111)
• United States
11 Sep 09
For years I vowed I would NOT drink coffee - because drinking it would entail adding both cream and sugar - neither is great for you, so why bother? And then about a year ago I was visiting my dad and he had minimal hot morning beverage options..and also had some of the CoffeeMate flavored creamer in his fridge. It was too tempting - and I was hooked! My entire family lives nearby - 3 siblings and my parents - and we love to gather and share a pot of coffee together. Personally, I enjoy Caribou coffee - as it has a hint of chocolate in it. Fresh Market also has their own line of coffees and their "Creme Brulee" is fabulous. Like you - I don't drink a whole cup of coffee - not because I add hot chocolate to it always (sometimes I do, but my sister is a big fan of this also), but because I like it to be FRESH and HOT! After fixing myself a 1/2 cup, I probably drink a 1/4 of it before dumping, rinsing and starting over. And the end of the day....I really only drink a couple of cups of coffee, I'm thinking. Unless we've spent a family day together....then maybe double that.
• United States
12 Oct 09
I am the biggest coffee addict...every morning I have about 2-3 cups of coffee, with a little milk and sugar. Then after a couple hours after work I have a 12 or 16 oz iced coffee. I am super addicted...any less than that and I get a headache, and I'll be dragging all day. One morning without coffee and I get awful migraines. Its kind of sad.