What is your idea of having time away from your kids?

@CRIVAS (1815)
September 8, 2009 6:34pm CST
I have to ask because when I asked my friends the same question, I got pretty much the same answer from all of them. "Going to the bar." Personally when I am away from my girls, I don't want to be in some smelly bar with a bunch of drunks. In fact I's like the complete opposite. My husband and I have decided that on his days off, we are each going to get a day to ourselves to do whatever we want. Today was my husband's turn and he went out quading with his buddies. Tomorrow is my day and I plan to do things a little differently. I'm going to visit my mom and we are going out to lunch. I can't remember the last time we had a nice quiet visit together and I am really looking forward to it. So what about you? What do you do when your kids aren't around?
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9 responses
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Sep 09
When I was raising my now grown kids, time away from them was after they were in bed. Then I could kick back, eat ice cream right out of the container, watch whatever I wanted on tv, plug in my earphones and listen to MY music, or paint the kitchen again if I wanted. I didn't go to bars, gamble, screw around or leave them with a babysitter or on their own. Down time, was their sleep time and I enjoyed every minute of it.
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• United States
9 Sep 09
On my days off from the kids, which happens very rarely, I tend to spend time with friends. I enjoy playing pool and having a couple of drinks at the bar with friends. I love to go out dancing to live local music as well. I don't necessarily love the bar scene but mainly because I don't really want to drink much. Just because I did have the night off from the kiddos does not grant me the morning off of them. When I don't feel like dancing or playing pool I like to go window shopping or head to a local beach down by the ocean. It can be nice to just go for a walk around a nice neighborhood in the local area or head over to the track for a nice jog. When I am not with my kids I feel a little lost. It is like I am not doing something I should. It is for this reason I take those nights sparingly and only really when I have had a very stressful few days. I have mainly single friends without kids so it is easy for them to go to bars and think nothing of it. I think to myself, man I could be spending my money on a new bike for my kiddo, not buying a couple of drinks at the bar.
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Yikes, I am with you, no smelly bar for me either, sounds yukky! When the kids are in school, I like to take a nap, watch the TV shows that I like that are NOT cartoons, grab a quiet bite to eat, visit my mother, visit with my daughter, visit a friend. I have all kinds of things I like to do without the kids but a bar would never be one of them. Plus I don't drink anyway.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
8 Sep 09
Its been a while since i have not had any kids around, i really dont know what i would do without them... since there isn't really much hope that i will have a day to myself anytime soon, i guess i hadnt thought about it. If i had money i'll say i'd shop! if i didn't.. then i'd sit at home.. have a nice bubble bath, relax with some movies maybe.. or have a friend or two over and have a few drinks.. but i agree with you i wouldnt be going to a bar.. i like the resteraunt idea though.. that'd work for me! no cooking, no dishes, and no screaming I DONT WANT MY DINNER! SWEET!!
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@doryvien (2284)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I haven't really thought of having time away from my kids, it didn't even occurred to me to think about it. My kids are with me wherever I am, except when I'm at work. But thinking of it now, I would want to spend the time with friends and watch movies and eat in a favorite restaurant. Nothing fancy though coz I know I'd feel guilty having fun without my kids.
• Indonesia
8 Sep 09
Everyday I go to work in early morning and come back to home in late night. Almost everyday I can not play with my kids. So, I never away from my kids. I always play with my kids every get day off.
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@grace118224 (1038)
• China
9 Sep 09
From early this year since my kid was born my hubby and i have been taking care for him together. We are so busy with him . Now he is 7 months old . Sometimes my hubby and i would take turn to go out just like you two. I actually don't want to leave my baby and i love him so much and want to be around with him whenever i have time. Sometimes i would go out with friends and visit my father in another city or make a day short trip.
• United States
9 Sep 09
When I get a break from the baby, I like to go ride 4wheelers in the mud, make jewelry (I cant when shes around or she'll choke on a bead!), and do other stuff that is hard to impossible to do when she is with me.
@Riyall (8)
9 Sep 09
Just sit in complete silence and watch TV(Games).