Tuibux gone scam or what?

@avidavi1 (265)
September 11, 2009 10:42am CST
I am just a few cents away from payout. And now when i open then something get open. I don't know what's happening. Many of the members here are tuibux members, plz share your experience.
4 responses
@wwkeen (247)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 09
another scam site appear, well better be more careful while making money in the net
• United States
11 Sep 09
i was getting the same thing and i was only a penny away from cashout. grr
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
that was what i thought of about this site too, i was wondering if this is turning scam or not. but just this week, a friend of mine received her payment from that site. so i think this is still legit, it may be just having some problems with their site or host...
@firdut (38)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 09
I really want to register Tuibux but somehow I can not register there. With your information make me not interested anymore to register there.