do you believe in reincarnation?

@amyson (3498)
September 24, 2009 4:59am CST
it crosses in my mind,if we are die where do we go?i just cannot figures out if my soul will be reincarnated to an animal like chicken or pig.i just cannot imagine how to live and die in an instant because of slaughter for the people to you believe in reincarnation?
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5 responses
@ahba99 (2)
• Kazakhstan
25 Sep 09
Read "Koran" and every thing will be clear
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@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
i am a catholic i do not really reading our gospel and even bible.ok thanks..
@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
24 Sep 09
No. I don't believe in reincarnation, and I didn't believe in it the last time I was here either. cdrxo
• Canada
25 Sep 09
Hmmm? If I recall, that happened to me last time too. ??? Cheers;-) cdrxo
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
24 Sep 09
I do believe in the theory of reincarnation, because it's a source of comfort for me. I like and harbour the idea that we learn and work through our lifetimes to discover the reason for our being. I've often felt like I've spoken to people who seem to be "old souls" or "young souls" and that reinforces it in my mind. Some people are closer to finding their ultimate purpose while others are just in their formative lifetimes.
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@vandana7 (99387)
• India
24 Sep 09
Hi amyson, I dont believe in reincarnation per se. But I do believe that whatever I am will be completely dismantled by the destroying powers on earth, like the fire, water, chemicals, and some insects that will digest me, and mix it all into soil. My thoughts, my thinking are ionic. Therefore, they too will be dismantled by water, air, and heat. Effectively, the so called me would be completely part of the dust. From there, the cycle will start again. The root of the plant will take me in along with such tiny parts of others of course. And that will end in the belly of some cow or buffalo, and that milk will be consumed by some human being, perhaps a lady, and may be that part of me will still be around in her body, when she conceives, and so I may end up in a new baby. But as I said all along it is only a part of me, another part of me would have another story, and none of the parts would have the ability to remember how I was in the past life! So though the matter can neither be created or destroyed, I dont believe in reincarnation as a concept.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
well others do not believe but other religion believing that we are going to be reincarnate when we die.
@vandana7 (99387)
• India
24 Sep 09
Yeah amyson, and my religion is one of them. LOL. But in a way, it is good to believe in it I suppose. In life there can be so many injustices done to us. We can always think in next life the person will suffer - or we will be compensated better - though how that can make anybody feel better is a mystery to me. May be it was a way to control sins. That way, people would be more considerate to others and be honest, and better in nature. Who knows. :)
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29 Sep 09
Yes, i do believe in reincarnation. What we come back as, i have no idea, but i would hope, as another human, i dont really fancy being someones Crimbo dinner either :(
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@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
yes,i also prefer too be a human being if i was reincarnated too,same here..