am I a kind man?

@leoliu39 (540)
October 14, 2009 3:14am CST
I don't like pets, such as cats, dogs or other animals, but I never hurt them.I found many people aroud me like them very much, so want to know :am I a kind man?
3 responses
@GaryJoule (211)
• China
14 Oct 09
Whether you like pets or not has nothing to do with you being a kind man. Raising pets is just a hobby. We can't define which hobby is good which is bad. Hobby is hobby. you are over-think.
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@zhouxi (1752)
• China
14 Oct 09
i like cat very much.i don't think every one should like it.just like i'm afraid of dog,so i never go near it and i always keep my self away from it.we never hurt them.we are surely kind person.
• India
14 Oct 09
different people have different likes and dislikes. just because u don't like pets doesn't mean that u are a bad person. u urself say that u never hurt them.that itself shows that u are a kind man.