H1N1 vaccinations

United States
October 20, 2009 7:28pm CST
Will you, or have you gotten vaccinated against H1N1? I debated back and forth about it, but had not come to a decision. I feared the vaccine itself more than the disease. I decided to go ahead and get it today simply because I am the caregiver of a Down Syndrome child and I would never forgive myself if she got it from me. I work in health care and was offered the vaccine today, and I went ahead and got it before I could change my mind. It's been six and a half hours and I'm still alive...lol.
4 responses
• United States
24 Oct 09
I myself will never get it but I see where you are coming from. For me the vaccine does kinda of scare me but I also think it is good for people that need it so to speak. I know in the end that this shall to pass and I feel whatever way we can fight againist it we should. Take care and happy mylotting to you.
• United States
21 Oct 09
I didnt get the vaccine, Vaccines in general scare me. A vaccine is the actual desease and so that way your body can create anti bodies to fight off the infection. I now alot of people who have gotten vaccines in the past and they got sick from them. I dont want to get sick especially with the flu. I passed on this vaccine and any others I dont have to take
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
21 Oct 09
No one in my house has gotten the vaccine. I don't know if we're going to. There is something that is holding me back about getting it. I can't quite put my finger on it though.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
21 Oct 09
No i am not going to get the vaccine, And i have never got any other kind of flue shot.