What's your balance?

United States
October 23, 2009 3:52pm CST
Well, I have been here for a while and my earnings is not that promising. I start discussions and respond to posted discussions a lot but I''m not getting enough for what I'm doing. I have $2.08 for I don't know how long I got this but that's the grand total. What about you?
7 responses
• India
24 Oct 09
hi friend, i am only 4 days old on mylot. and i have got 00.48 doller in three days. and i spent only one hour in a day.
• United States
24 Oct 09
Good luck then mate!
@nawanta (328)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 09
You've posted 416 times and got just $ 2.08? I wonder how many posts do we have to do to get the payment. I've just posted 50 times and still got less than $1. But anyway, i like this site coz i like to discuss something, and i can improve my english too.
• United States
24 Oct 09
Yes, we can improve our English here for free.
@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
23 Oct 09
I curently have 7.86 I am determined to cash out by the end of the month so I imagiane you will be seeing me ont hsi site quite a bit. I guess there are just so many sites you can go to and belong to though. I like them and find they are just the best. I like my lot but there are sites that I like even more. My lot seems to have cut down their earnings a bit.
• United States
24 Oct 09
See you then mate!
@rainmark (4302)
23 Oct 09
Hiya, My account balance here is $2.42, long way to go for the payout. If I'm not going to posts tons of discussions here, it's impossible for me to reach payout and get paid next month. Don't worry just keep posting here and you never know, you will get paid sooner as what you expected. Happy myloting.
• United States
24 Oct 09
Thanks! Yeah I'll keep posting. Happy mylotting too.
• United States
23 Oct 09
Do you know if they have any contests on my lot?
• United States
24 Oct 09
I don't know if there is/are.
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
23 Oct 09
I can say you aren't going to make any money here to amount to anything. It's fun, there is a little bit of payout but it's not the "replace your income" site. I've heard a lot about doing the tasks - I tried several - but I must not have been any good because they got rejected. You never know why so you can't change what you did to provide the product they want - that was with Sharonbucks - total waste of time. I haven't tried any of the other tasks. You can make money with the blogs but you would want a unique topic. I will be interested in the answer you receive - perhaps I can finally learn how to increase my payout.
• United States
24 Oct 09
I don't really do the tasks. I think they are so below the worth of the task being offered.
• United States
23 Oct 09
I dont even have a dollar how long does it take or am i doing something wrong?I guess you really have to keep on this site to make any money?Or matbe theres something else on here I see some people made $ doing tasks but that is confusing to me do you know anything about it?