What's The Dumbest Thing You Have Done on Ebay?

@WebMann (4731)
November 4, 2009 4:56am CST
Some times I get ahead of my brain and do some really dumb things. This morning I was looking through the eBay section here and it reminded me of a blunder I made that cost me $384.00 and I got absolutely nothing out of it other than a lesson learned. When I first started on eBay I put up item pages, a lot of them, thinking that I only had to pay for them if the items sold. Well that wasn't too bright of me and the following month I got a bill for $384.00, which of course back then we didn't have and I went right into panic mode. What is the dumbest thing you have done on eBay?
3 responses
@equdee (36)
• India
4 Nov 09
i tried to sell stock tips subscription of my website through ebay .i didn't single response
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
6 Nov 09
Well it's actually pretty easy to put stuff on eBay and not get a single response. I have had tons of those. I always seem to do better with physical products.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
28 Nov 09
I haven't done anything dumb, but buyers have done really dumb things to me. For example, I put for sale a brand sweater, and I set the auction to 10 days. The 1st day a person bid for it, and that person was the winner. Then that person changed her mind about buying it, so she said that "she wasn't buying that because she hadn't bought it". She was answering all my messages very quickly, so it was very suspicious and impossible to believe that in 10 days she wouldn't notice a "bid that she didn't do", so of course it ended up in a dispute. People should be more bright when they make up excuses.
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
4 Nov 09
I was buying coins on e-Bay and at times would get overly excited and lose track of what I was bidding on. The end result was buying two of the same coin. The worst case was buying two coins for $80 each. If you want to try selling items with a set price, you might look at Amazon.com. They don't take as many items, but the ones they take can be listed for free. You only pay fees if they sell. I've listed several technical books there and I'm also planning onlisting some GI Joes if I ever get around to photographing them (and figuring how to load the pictures.)