Does Tea Really Keep Us Healthy?

drinking tea - drinking tea is harmful to our health.
November 5, 2009 4:16am CST
There are some indications that China is the first country to drink tea. According to some specialists, drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits. However, some people may not react well to too much tea. In their eyes, if you suffer from some serious disease or have high blood pressure, you shouldn't drink too much tea for it is full of caffeine. In fact, many people in my place like to drink some tea when they are not busy and one of my friends is addicted to it. Is tea harmful to your health? Or does tea really keep us healthy? Do you have a habit of drinking tea?
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40 responses
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
6 Nov 09
I read some issues of drinking tea too. Tea according to experts is a good diuretic that is why if taken in large quantity will make you waste some of your nutrients and minerals. It will be flushed with your urine. However, I observed people in China are really fun of drinking tea yet they look healthy. Accordingly, it will also flush some of the toxic waste from the body.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
6 Nov 09
I like to drink tea. In the southern parts of the United States, we drink sweet tea. I'm not sure that it is too good for you though. I have heard that it is better than coffee. And I am positive that it is much better than the Mountain Dew that I used to drink more of. So, I am doing myself some good by drinking more tea, and less soda. Plus, it is better on the pocket book. LOL
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
5 Nov 09
No, I do not have this habit, although there are a couple of herbal teas that I drink from time to time. The most delicious in my opinion is Red Bush Tea (Roibus, known as Aspalathus linearis), which is said to have 50 times more antioxidants than the healthiest Camelia sinesis derivative, and it is naturally sweet and delicious by itself or mixed with spices, as in Red Chai. But it has no caffeine and is not habit forming. The other one I grow myself and that is fig leaf tea. It is very healthy too, and is used by some to help regulate blood sugar levels. I like the red tea best iced so for me that is a summer drink and I like the fig leaf tea better hot, so I enjoy that one more when the weather is cool. I would love to buy seeds to try to grow the Aspalathus linearis, but it is said to be quite difficult to propagate in this area.
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
5 Nov 09
I am very healthy and I never drink tea and never have. My family drank iced tea a lot when I was growing up in Texas, but I never liked it and wouldn't drink it. So in my opinion it is not necessary to drink it to be healthy since I don't and I never get colds, the flu or much of anything else.
@celticeagle (165348)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Nov 09
I do enjoy drinking tea. I either have it hot or iced depending on my mood and the season. I know the bad effects of caffiene and I don't care for teas with that in it. I drink alot of green tea and herbal. Love those alot. My grandmother used to fix me mint tea when I was not well and it sure is relaxing and tasty for a ailing tummy.
@oXAquaXo (607)
• United States
6 Nov 09
I personally believe that tea is very healthy for you. It is made of herbs that have many benefits for your health. It's much better than tons of other drinks out there, such as coffee, which many Americans consume daily. I have seen the benefits of tea. My great-grandmother drinks tea every day, and she is perfectly healthy at the age of 90. This may not be the best example, but it shows that tea doesn't do you any harm. I would recommend drinking tea, but of course, don't replace it with water.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
5 Nov 09
I find this interesting. I consider tea like coffee too. And the fact that you said there is caffeine in tea adds the equation the more that too much of something is not good. I heard that too much tea can make a body too cold and if someone has bloating problem, it's also advisable not to take too much tea, and if possible to refrain from it for a temporary period of time until the bloating subsides. But I read too that coffee is quite good because it can be a bit good for the heart. Guess only minimum consumption is alright..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
6 Nov 09
I don't have a bloating problem, but I do have some addiction to coffee, at least.. tea, not really. But you are right; I think we need both coffee and tea interchangeably, at a minimum..
• China
5 Nov 09
Compared with coffee, tea is a better choice for us it has less coffeine than coffee. You see, there are many people who have been addicted to coffee before, have regared tea as their replacement of coffee. Yes, if you have bloating problem or other troubles, you’d better not drink too much tea for its side unexpected effect. I don’t know coffee is quite good because it can be a bit good for the heart but according to specialists, drinking tea is helpful to reduce the risk of heart disease. Anyway, thanks for your reply. Happy myLotting!
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
6 Nov 09
I drink tea as a substitute for coffee. When I feel that coffee is quite affecting me already I take tea. I believed tea is a cleansing drink, and good for the body. I don't rely on tea however, it's just a substitute whenever I no longer feel like drinking cofee or hot chocolate.
• China
6 Nov 09
I have to say that is a wiser action to stwitch from coffee to tea. Compared with tea, there are more caffeine in coffee, which does harm to our health. For some people, they are addicted to drink coffee easily and it is difficult to get rid of it. But if people drink tea as a substitute, then they may form a good habit of drinking tea and get rid of being addicted to coffee with the help of tea.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
5 Nov 09
hi getbrowser well i have the habbit of drinking tea, i am addicted to it, no not coffee at all but TEA!... well tea is at least lot better than coffee, at least it has got lesser caffeine, but i have i have heard a lot about green tea, i sure would like to have that someday, they say it is pretty much good for your health... i have to give it a try someday...
@voldrox (7191)
• India
6 Nov 09
what! drinking hot tea leads to throat cancer! i have never heard such a thing,
• China
5 Nov 09
It is harmful when people get addicted to tea or coffee. Of course, tea is better than coffee for there are more caffeine in coffee, which can lead to some problems of our body, such as headaches, stomach cramps and increased muscle tension. Green tea is really good for our health. But one of my friends tell me that drinking hot tea may lead to throat cancer, which is a side effect on our health.
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• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Nov 09
I am a tea drinker but just last month i was advised to refrain from drinking it. It triggers acid that causes my reflux. Im a way it's helping me to manage my constipation concern and relaxes me to sleep, but is making my esophagitis reflux worst.
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Nov 09
I am drinking more milk now and water with alkaline. I just missed drinking tea.
• China
5 Nov 09
When it comes to your problem, I have to say that every coin has two sides. As one friend here said above, tea in moderation is a good thing but too much of it becomes unhealthy. When we are enjoying the benefits from tea, we have to meet some side effects of it. If you find that tea is making my esophagitis reflux worst, it is wise to refrain from drinking it. Happy everyday!
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
5 Nov 09
I drink tea. Green tea to be more precise. In Hong Kong, it's customary to drink tea during/after meals. Most of my Chinese friends say it's to clean your stomach and get rid of the oils you've ingested. I'd like to think that, too much of anything is not good. Tea in moderation is a good thing but too much of it becomes unhealthy. It's sort of like coffee. It has caffeine and has health benefits in moderation. Too much isn't good.
• China
5 Nov 09
Yeah, there are a lot of people in Asia who are accustomed to drinking tea after a meal. As you have said above, it is very useful to help us clean our stomach and get rid of the oils we've ingested but too much tea is harmful to our health for its caffeine. At the same time, drinking tea can refresh us when we become tired of working. Happy mtLotting!
@sky069 (10)
• China
5 Nov 09
That's good!Totally agree with you! And welcome to TCM's Health Blog:
• China
6 Nov 09
i think tea can keep our body healthy.i face the computer i need to radiation.and i drink three cup of tea everyday.i perfer green tea to any other day.the green tea can anti-aging,radiation ,and remove fat,lose weight.but we had better not drink too much,especially the paysical weak people.and we should not drink green tea in moring,otherwise it will stimulate the stomach.
• China
6 Nov 09
Yeah, if you spend much time in front of comouter, drinking tea is helpful to ease the harm of radiation. For women or girls, they can keep younger with the anti-aging feature of green tea. But I am not familiar with the correct time of drinking tea. If it will stimulate the stomach when dringking tea in the moring, I will be careful next time. Thanks for your tips.
@D4WNO83 (30)
5 Nov 09
I actually don't even drink tea but I'm always told that green tea is very good for you. I work with a load of health freaks but I just cannot stand the taste of it. Why is it so good for you anyway?
• China
5 Nov 09
In fact, people can benefit a lot if they have a habit of drinking tea everyday. Usually, drinking several cups of tea a day is good for our health. For example, it is helpful to to keep up our spirits, especially when people are tired. Drinking tea is helpful to reduce the risk of many diseases, such as some chronic diseases. But then again, too much tea is not a good habit because there are some caffeine in tea.
• India
5 Nov 09
I drink 1-2 cups of tea daily. According to the Harvard Women's Health Watch published in 2004, both black and green tea are healthy. They both (along with oolong tea) have antioxidants which reduce the risk of many diseases like heart disease. The BBC points to research which shows that drinking 2-3 cups of tea a day is good for health. It's better than drinking plain water and it's not dehydrating as many people think. Green tea is much healthier than black, but I enjoy my black tea. I also drink a cup of green tea everyday.
• China
5 Nov 09
Drinking 2-3 cups of tea a day is good for health. I agree with your idea. If people drink too much tea everyday, they won’t get benefits from it, instead, too much tea do harm to our health. Oolong tea is very famous in my country, China and Green tea is really popular among people around the world. But I am really not familiar with black tea, could you give me more detailded information about it? Thanks for your reply.
• India
6 Nov 09
You can check this site for more details on black tea. Reading this article has been good for me because now I know about many more benefits of black tea. It is also said to calm an upset stomach -- but you should drink it without milk. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to ta without milk. It tastes great. here is that link:
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
16 Nov 09
It works for me. I use differnt teas for different purposes and with very good results.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
I have also heard that drinking tea is healthy. It has anti-oxidants that help remove the toxins inside the body. What I do is that after every full meal, I would drink tea. It helps me not to feel too much bloated after eating.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
yes it seems tea is very good to drink after each meal. i don't have this habit though. i would like to acquire this habit as it seems very good to our health.
@buping (952)
• China
5 Nov 09
hi friend, i live in china and i know people love tea how much here, especially to those managing business. but i do not like drinking tea, i do not know it is good or not to one's health. three or four cups in a day is enough i think. the reason i do not like tea is that if you drink it everyday, your teeth would get dirty, it happened to my grandfather.
• China
5 Nov 09
I am from China too and most people love drinking tea indeed. In fact, drinking tea is becoming a part of our culture. Perhaps drinking too much tea can really make our teeth dirty, but I don’t think it the key. In my eyes, tea is becoming a part of our daily life. Some people tend to drink some when they are feeling tired, or before having a rest. What’s more, according to some researches, drinking tea can reduce the risk of many disease.
@Agoenxz (551)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 09
I heard tea is good for health, especially green tea, etc... If its drinked in normal used. I mean don't get too much sugar pour on it, etc... It has less caffein then coffee also i thinks.. Stay health, And take care! cheeerrz!!
• China
5 Nov 09
Yeah, tea has less caffeine than coffee, which is the key factor that more and more people tend to drink tea instead of coffee. Compared with coffee, people can benefit a lot from tea. Of course, the premise is that they are not addicted to tea for drinking too much tea do harm to our health too.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
I tried it but it does not work for me, you have to try it for yourself though to be able to see the results, But i found out one use of tea for me. I use it in taking a bath, i boil 2-3 tea sachet and add it to my last bath. it make my skin younger.
• China
5 Nov 09
Use it in taking a bath? Sounds so interesting. To be honest, I have heared using tea to take a bath for the first time. Now that it is useless to your health when you drink it, add ing it to the bath is really an amazing idea. It is obvious that tea can make your skin younger for is good for our health in many areas.
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Hi there... drink 2-3 cups of green tea a day and it keeps me physically fit and healthy. I have read that tea has a very small amount of caffeine so it is not dangerous to drink a lot of it. But like what it is said... that anything and everything should be in moderation... and too much of everything is bad enough.