What is your favorite cereal?

United States
November 22, 2009 4:57pm CST
Mine is honey bunches of oats. What's yours?
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12 responses
• United States
22 Nov 09
My favorites change all the time. Right now I'd say Honey Bunches Of Oats is my favorite too. I like to feel a party of oat clusters crunch in my mouth. Think I'd have some for dinner now...
• United States
23 Nov 09
Oh for reals? That's awesome, I like the oat clusters thingy too haha. Cereal for dinner though? Nice haha
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
22 Nov 09
My opinion on that changes all the time. I like CoCo Rice a lot which is a generic brand of cereal made by Aldis. It is like CoCo Krispies or CoCo Pebbles. I have also always liked Raising Bran, so if I am being more healthy I will go for the Raisin Bran most of the time. It does not matter what brand though.
• United States
23 Nov 09
Oh that's nice. Chocolate based cereals come in second in my liking. I would say coco krispies are my favorite chocolate cereal
• United States
23 Nov 09
I like chocolate rice crispy cereal. I like the sweet taste. It also like it that it turns the milk in the cereal into chocolate milk. I could eat two bowls in one sitting.
@mommyfied (243)
23 Nov 09
i love honey stars, coco crunch and fitness cereal with fruit. all of them are so yummy. i can eat coco crunch and honey stars without milk.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
23 Nov 09
hi there! mine is coco crunch! since I was a little kid it was my favorite. I also love kellogs and now that i am a grown up I like quaker oats. Happy lotting!
• United States
23 Nov 09
Oh gosh, that's a hard decision! I'd have to say it's a tie between Coco Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It sort of depends on my mood that day.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I don't often eat cold cereals but when I do I like the Kashi Go Lean Crunch. To may cereals have too much sugar and or salt. There are some Flaxseed cereals that I might eat once in a while too. I usually have some steel cut oats instead so I can control the salt and sugar. I prefer to sweeten my oats with molasses too.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I have no favorite cereals because I am not eating cereals all the time. I just have it once when I feel like it. But when I do, I love Granola cereals. I love the taste of raisins in it. I don't usually eat cereals even oatmeal, I don't them very much. I preferred to have fried rice with eggs than having cereals or oatmeal.
• United States
22 Nov 09
I love frosted flakes they're great and I love tony the tiger too!!!;]
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
my favorite cereal for life would have to be the coco-crunch or the choco crisp loves it its my precious!!!
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
i love cereals branded by "nestle"... i love the original flavor... with a lot of milk.... milk.. =)
• United States
23 Nov 09
Cap'n Crunch berries flavor has always been my favorite. I could live off of that cereal!