should nurse be sexy or not?

sexy nurse - sexy nurse give nice smile
@JohnJeff (720)
November 25, 2009 10:51am CST
What do you think if nurse and female doctor are sexy.Is it can cured patient or their sexy appearance can be physicological treatment?.
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7 responses
@werdan88 (272)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
I think having a sexy nurse would have a great effect on the morale of the patient. So I think I would rather have a sexy nurse. :)
• Philippines
7 Dec 09
Nurses must not be judged on their physical looks. And so do other people working in other professions. It is not enough that a nurse is sexy nurse, though it can be a plus. They must be evaluated in to be effective in terms of giving care and being a professional nurse. Would you just want a sexy nurse who is stupid and does not know what they are doing?
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
25 Nov 09
I suppose it could perk up a man's interest, but if she is not kind or nurturing it could possibly have an opposit effect. I think it is most important that doctors and nurses be professional yet kind. I think it really helps when you have a very nurturing nurse. When I had my kids in the hospital I felt so much better when I had a kind nurse who took great care in being kind and making me feel comfortable.
@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Nov 09
hahaha....... good question. i think it will help patients for their quick recovery. psycological treatment is also a matter here as u have mentioned. but their speeches should be sexy and polite. hahaha
• India
25 Nov 09
well it is true that a man would be very much excited and happy in some sort of way to have a sexy nurse to treat them.but if the person has been admitted with a serious injury i doubt the patient would have any time to mind the goodlooking nurse cause he would be in good it would be a relief for him onve he is a little cured from his disease or injury and thats for sure.
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
For me alone I would definitely love a super sexy lady nurse. But for the whole public I really don't think it can help of help speed up the healing process. Maybe you have forgotten the lady patients eh? Do you think they want super sexy hot nurses around? Don't you think they will just envy them? And also for male patients, there's a risk for them to suffer cardiac arrest if they are being cared with hot hot nurses. Hehe. Plus there will be no decency at all. So it's a bad idea for all but for alone will be a great great idea. LOL! shadow41
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
When nurses and female doctors are sexy, well, this could be a plus factor, if we talk about appearance. However, this factor couldn't be a psychological treatment. A patient in pain will never be treated by just looking a sexy nurse or doctor. Common, this is so impossible to imagine...