What is the best way to watch a movie?

United States
November 25, 2009 11:47pm CST
Do you just pop it in and watch the whole thing in one sitting do you pause trough it and go back and forward do you eat while watching it do you try to figure even the smallest details out or do you just like to get lost in it and let it take you whatever it goes? I personally like to watch them by my self with no interruptions and in the dark! and maybe a little something to drink but other then that is full concentration for me!
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15 responses
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
When its a date with my wife and we intended to watch movie together, we would prefer to do it during the last full show. Its around 10pm in the evening wherein there are few people watching. Its the best time for us since we could enjoy the movie and focus on it without distractions like teenagers noises.
• United States
28 Nov 09
"teenager noises" haha funny.
• United Kingdom
26 Nov 09
I love watching movies and the best time for me is a Friday night! I have a special technique which I always utilise! I turn all the lights off and I make sure that I have a good horror movie at the ready. This really helps me to escape the realities of life for a short while! I also have a bag of munchies close by and I go through several cups of tea as well! Other than this I don't like to be disturbed when I am deeply involved in a good movie. Welcome to My Lot by the way. Andrew
• United States
28 Nov 09
thank you, that is deffinetly a great technique... one that i myself like to use sometimes! it really makes the difference.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
26 Nov 09
Hi, XX. I usually will just put the tape in and watch the entire movie head on. I like to have the lights off too. But, if it is a scary movie, someone will have to be in the same room that I am in. I like to see what the movie will be about it until it ends. I don't like when someone tells me the entire movie first from to the end.
@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
It really depends on the movie. There are some that I prefer to watch with my full concentration, meaning I'd prefer to watch alone and without eating. However, there are some that are just more fun to watch with somebody you can comment with, preferably somebody who knows you well and would know when to hold back with the comments.
• Pakistan
26 Nov 09
The best way to watch movie is to go to cinema, There is no substitute of cinema. I f it is modern cinema then we really enjoys from big screen and digital sound system.
• India
26 Nov 09
Watching a movie is a great time pass.I always like to watch movie alone.that's because from childhood itself i always watch movies alone.If you watch a horror movie alone only you will get the real horror.i had felt that feeling many times. so according to me one should watch horror movies alone and comedy movies with their family
• India
26 Nov 09
I would like to go back in the movie and catch the important details. I also pause in between, if there is a map which is being shown. I prefer the lights on. Its good for the eyes to watch TV in similar light.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
26 Nov 09
I usually watch movies on my computer. I like to watch movies in the dark. I usually take a packet of chips and a bottle of soft drink while watching a movie. I do pause and go back to a previous scene sometimes, but that is rare. I love to give my full concentration to a movie.
@gunjanpri (603)
• India
26 Nov 09
It is better if you are watching a movie in your house, because you can view the movie at your comfort like just lying down, nibbling some biscuits or snacks and enjoying your home made coffee or other drink. Even if you are in a movie theater, there also you can enjoy having popcorn, cold drinks with friends. Going out for a movie is more enjoyable when you are with you favorite friends or lover. So it just depends on your mood and choice, which way you consider as best for watching movie.
@checkmail (2039)
• India
26 Nov 09
Hello XXIIIOIIIXX this is checkmail and often do watch some of the movies but on my Tv, even with family sometimes.Not always but sometimes arrange for some popcorns, or short snacks and softdrink, and enjoy it while watching the movie.If its an family movies can watch with family even having dinner or lunch at the same time.Yeah there are no interruption other than the commercials.If its late night then like to watch the movie in dark or else watch in normal light.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
As far as I'm concerned, I think the best way to watch movie is you just can lie down on the bed which you can enjoy the life more comfortablely.I just enjoy it this way in my home. Happpy you can enjoy your life.
• Hong Kong
26 Nov 09
By looking at the way you watch movie,it looks like that you are a person who enjoy a little more personal space in your own world.I think the best way to watch a movie is from the beginning to the end,Other wise you will probably miss some of the important part of the movie.Of course you will loss some of the tuning point and connection part from the movie.However ,when you encounter a boring movie,that will be another story,I think everyone will play fast forward and try to finish the movie as soon as possible.There are some will press stop and discontinue to watch the movie.Pause button?Ususally is for washroom moment.Rewind?only for something you don't really want to miss.Anyway,enjoy your movie according to your personal need is the best way to watch a movie according to my opinion.Have a good day.
• United States
26 Nov 09
when i start a movie i like to finish it no matter what unless it sucks. usually i go to the bathroom buy chips and soda and watch the movies with my brothers and stuff. i dont pause at all because it ruins the movie for me so i wait until the end. i like to have chips and soda with me but not always
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
26 Nov 09
For me the perfect way to watch a movie alwasy involves food. I prefer salty popcorn, but it can be snacks too, like chips, doritos, or any other kind of junk food. Also some refreshing drinks! If it can be sitting in a comfortable sofa or lying in bed, even better. If it`s a comedy, for example, I like watching it with someone that would like it too, so we can both laugh and enjoy it even more!
@thuynhu (661)
• United States
26 Nov 09
well my husband and i watch a lot of movies together. we will either watch one before going to bed, so we wouldn't be eating anything like you said maybe a drink. and then other times we do like to watch a movie when we're having dinner. i don't really always like this decision cause i like to sit at the table and have an actual conversation but my husband doesn't care to do that, he rather watch t.v. so i gave in and watch with him. i don't like to get up from the movie, i like to figure things out while the movie is going. and sometimes my husband ask me questions as if i knew what was happening or why they were doing whatever they were doing in the movie. it bugs me sometimes but he's not doing it as much anymore.