
@yelambar (144)
December 21, 2009 4:32am CST
any anime fans here? pls share your fav movie names
4 responses
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
21 Dec 09
I used to watch anime a lot but haven't seen anything in a a long time. Can you recommend me something good that came out lately? My favorite anime movie is Akira.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
21 Dec 09
I mean anything good that came out within 2 years ago. I've already seen pretty much everything from the old anime that would interest me.
@thewayis (646)
• Bulgaria
21 Dec 09
I had this feeling that you will say that. I guess I can't help you, because I haven't seen something new in a long time. Old animes are the best :)
@yelambar (144)
• India
21 Dec 09
have u seen Ninja Scrolls? i liked it very much but it would fall under the old category
@nehmer (607)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
I am an anime fan until now.. i really enjoyed watching deathnote its the best anime out there if your looking for mystery.. and claymore if your looking for action. other anime's that i watch is hitman reborn, beach, one piece and naruto... enjoy watching... =)
@ColinYang (193)
• Australia
11 Apr 10
I absolutely LOVE manga and anime. But especially Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and Fairy Tail.
• Singapore
22 Dec 09
I love animes but my 2 favourites will be Naruto and Inuyasha. I love Naruto because of the spirit of not giving up and loyalty.