Late night, everywhere closed

United States
December 24, 2009 10:25pm CST
My girlfriend and I went out late tonight, and we both were hungry. It was around 9:00 P.M. We planned to go to Olive Garden, but they were closed early tonight. Then we went to other restaurants, they were all closed. Finally, I saw a Chinese restaurant nearby and the Open sign is still on, we went in ask whether they can still serve us. The manager seems reluctant, I knew that he wants to go home early too. He consider for a second, and then he said it will be all right for us to dine in as their last customers for the day. Lucky us. It seems everywhere closed early for the night. Well, happy Christmas everyone.
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4 responses
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
25 Dec 09
Lots of places close early on Christmas Eve so they can go home and get ready for Christmas Day. There are not to many places open on Christmas Day anymore which is okay because the employee need to be with their family too.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
25 Dec 09
Hello Clorissa my dear, that's so nice that you and your girlfriend were able to enjoy a nice dinner together at the nice Chinese restaurant as I can only imagine what a disappointment it must have been for you ladies to miss out on eating olives as they are so tasty and good for you, we have many tavernas here which serve olives but they all open very late.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
25 Dec 09
You shouldn't be eating that much anyway Lamby, it will only give you manboobs. Hasn't Bob invited you round for a tomato?
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Jan 10
thea and I took the audacity to tell them they should have gone home, and cuddled up, and then said, well you get the picture,since he is a he as I understand, he and his girlfriend'could have fixed up their own holiday goodies and' well cuddled and whatever else they felt like doing.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Jan 10
hi oh my goodness the poor manager to want to go home but stay just for your convenience,wow. Seems to me you and your girl friend should have realized that on Christmas we all like to'be home with our families. poor you, no not really. You could have gone home and fixed up your own holiday goodies, and cuddled up a bit and well,you figure it out. Hope you two gave the nice manager an extra tip for his kindness.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 09 are so lucky. And that manager is really kind too. It is normal if some store closed earlier because they want to have some celebration in their home. I guess you have to prepare some foods in your rooms to face this holiday so you do not get hungry.
• United States
25 Dec 09
Oh yeah, the manager was really nice. We won;t find any restaurant open at that moment nearby. Not even the IHOP is open. Finally, we land on a Chinese restaurant.