sometimes giving up is good way

@bingchen (1119)
December 29, 2009 3:01am CST
one of my friends have decide to end up her love and start new life,i find that what her do is beyond i think,because her always quarrel with her boyfriend,but at last they continue to recover their relation,this thing often happen in their life,sometimes they quarrel several times in a month,she often express sad and feel tired of their love.she want to end up their love,but she could not be willing to give up,i find that her mind is very contradictory.but in their love,i find that many tears appeared on her face,i often persuade her to give up this love,it only hurt her deeply.sometimes i think that giving up is good way to let her to think about what love is fit for her,although it is not easy to meet real lover,but if he could not care her and give his love to her,it is not meaningful to maintain this sad for love,except for giving up,you can find better way to deal with love,i would be willing to hear what you say.
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8 responses
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I tend to agree. I would far rather walk away from a detrimental relationship than merely settle so as not to be "alone." After a very very bad relationship, I actually felt happy to be alone...and my health improved, as well. Karen
@bingchen (1119)
• China
31 Dec 09
thanks for your comment,i agree what you do like that and ending up this bad relationship.
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
Yes, it heal a broken heart by accepting reality as when one keep on believing and it comes as a one sided love affair. Only one is in love then the other partner never responds and no matter what the girl do they still have a lots of gaps and differences. It is not good to see a lover quarrel frequently as it is a sign of boredom and lose of interest, and the worst the love is also fade away. Since, the girl complain but her mind refuse to cooperate to break her relationship it only mean she is truly in love and willing to sacrifices. The problem is the other person never want her and it may be painful but she need to make a final decision to let go of her partner before she destroy herself..Maybe love conquer all but how could one know if the girl itself never learn to love herself. She should love herself first before other person. As their is no use to sticking around when the other person refuse to reciprocate her love.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
31 Dec 09
i find that your speaking is reasonable,actually when the love between change this situation.i hope that she can face reality,but she love deeply to boy,so we only say to her,the love cover her eyes.
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 09
Yeah, I always think that giving up can be a good way, it depends on the situation. Sometimes, we really need to learn how to let go. Sometimes things do not turn out to be what we thought or what we expected, if we continue to hold it tight, it'll be really suffering, why would we want to suffer ourselves? Especially in relationship. Sometimes, he is just not the one, then we really have to let go.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
31 Dec 09
what you said is right,maybe he is not the one and let him go.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
29 Dec 09
If loves just much pain than happy, i would rather giving up and hunt for another love. We only live once, and we deserve to get some happiness before we die. Dealing with pain just make my life suffer, thinking i am gonna let this go and god would gave me a better love, i guess could make my life happier.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
31 Dec 09
thanks for your comment,certainly we make this pain to end up and make life better than before.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
29 Dec 09
I also experienced the same thing. the love I have always made me cry. I sometimes want to give up and end it all. but always can not. I more often succumb. because I had to do for children. sometimes love is very painful, but the end of love, not one way to go.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
31 Dec 09
i and understand your mood,sometimes you could not select to give up because of your children,this love is painful for you.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
1 Jan 10
There are times when we have to give up a certain aspect of our lives and to start that part of our lives over again. I've had to do that many times in my life because things were not going in the direction that I had hoped that they would. For your friend, if that is what she feels like she needed to do, then I believe she is making the best decision that she possibly could. However, during this time of change in her life she is going to need a shoulder and the best thing that you can do is provide that shoulder for her.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
30 Dec 09
its true. sometimes there are things, emotion etc in relationship that its hard to give up. Even in friendship. But its better to let it go which gives only pain. On some part, it is required to give it a try, but for certain time. Not always.
• China
31 Dec 09
yes,most of time we need stick to it,but sometimes we need give it up.Such as bad love,if somebody always hurt you,I think giving up is a good choice.The life is belongs to ourselves.If it indeed make me feel no good I think it's very necessary to kick it.